6 Incredibly Effective Ways of Improving Employee Productivity

Anand Mishra
4 min readApr 5, 2018


Managing an organization can be a mammoth task. But if you’re good at getting the most out of your employees’ service to your company, then things can get a lot less challenging and way more effective.

However, for that to happen, your employees have to be at their “productive” best. But that’s not an easy task either, and so here we will be walking you through 6 of the most effective ways to improve worker productivity.

1. Don’t be afraid to throw challenges their way

First things first, this step would first involve making sure your employees are skilled enough to handle a more challenging level of work and still perform well. Once you’re sure about that, you may want to make them take up tasks and projects that require them to be innovative and do a lot of brainstorming.

And when they perform well on these type of tasks, make sure you give them due credit and incentivize them well. This will motivate them to perform better and not be afraid of challenging tasks. Furthermore, it will also make the other employees want to perform better, which may as well lead to a snowballing effect.

2. Deal strongly with irresponsible behavior

Sometimes employees being a little lazy is understandable, but they can’t make laziness a part of their work attitude. They must understand that they need to perform the tasks they are assigned in a responsible manner and respect deadlines.

Of course, if things go wrong at their end due to a genuine reason such as health issues, it wouldn’t be unfair on their part to be less productive than they usually are. However, if they are being a slacker for no reason, then you may certainly want to communicate this being an issue with them in an effective manner.

This will not only help address their issue, but also make other employees understand that irresponsible behavior won’t be taken lightly at your organization, and this alone may increase employee productivity significantly.

3. Have an effective feedback system in place

Companies that aren’t regular with giving feedback to their employees often have a harder time making their employees be as productive at work as they should be at work. On the other hand, companies that give precise and detailed feedback to their employees on a timely basis have their employees understanding the importance of being productive at work much better.

They know that if they don’t deliver what’s expected of them, then it will be taken into account in the next feedback session and will try to avoid getting into such a situation. After all, no employee likes getting a bad feedback.

4. Show interest in their skills

If you’re serious about important factors such as employee retention and increasing employee productivity, you may want to try and help the employees improve their skill set. This will make them feel that the company they are working for is indeed interest in helping them grow faster in their career, and they may return the favor by putting in more at work in terms of their time and energy than they otherwise would.

5. Allow employees to have more control over their work

As counter intuitive as it may sound, allowing employees the freedom over how they work and manage their resources can help them be way more productive. This is a kind of self-correcting process and helps improve your employees’ ability to work independently.

And once the employees get better at working on their own and being the owner of their work, they may as well treat it as their “own” work and the productivity would follow in no time.

6. Help employees cope with stress better

In recent years, employees have been found to feel significantly more stressed when working than a couple decades back. And while the stress is definitely harmful to the employees, it can be just as bad for your business as a whole.

This is because when your employees are working under stress, they tend to be much less productive and creative, and their ability to do something innovative is severely affected as well.

So as a business, you may also want to take measures to prevent your employees from feeling stressed, as employees that are better at coping with everyday stress would naturally be much more productive.



Anand Mishra

CEO of Star Infranet and founder of its parent company Tathastu Information Technology, Anand Mishra is a well-known name in IT industry. https://goo.gl/Px71Ub