How I turned my passion into a business: My Path to Building a Health-Focused Business

How I turned my passion into a business: My Path to Building a Health-Focused Business

Andrea Pehar
4 min readFeb 10, 2024


Photo Credit: Andrea Pehar

Your business idea lies in your purpose

I’ve always loved being active. As a kid and through my adulthood I played various sports. Later on danced, and have been practicing yoga for ten years. It was clear my business would involve the mind-body connection. I’ve always wanted to make people feel better about themselves, to inspire and teach them. Finding my business direction was straightforward for me, and it can be for you too. Even though deciding my path seemed easy, it wasn’t always smooth. There were times I doubted my choice and wanted to give up. But during my first two years as my own boss, I learned to turn challenges into opportunities. I learned that, just like in life, challenges are meant for growth.

For example, last November, I injured my knee. It was my first major injury and a tough time in my career. No surgery was needed, but I was bedridden and vulnerable, forced to take a (very much needed) break. This was challenging since my body is how I earn a living. However, I saw this as a blessing. I used…



Andrea Pehar

Wellness & Fitness entrepreneur, content creator, and author on a mission to inspire others to embrace a healthy and mindful lifestyle. https://andreapehar.com/