Beehiiv Review — My First 100 Days (Shocking Results…)😱💲🚀

I will share my first-hand (true) experience with Beehiiv

Andrew Best
5 min readJun 20, 2024

Email marketing is the most important thing you can do to earn money online. (We learned from a lot of personal experience)

Beehiiv Newsletter Review Pic — Andrew Best — AI Growth Guys
Beehiiv Newsletter Review Image

Every new email you collect can potentially be worth over $50 USD. 💰

This is why choosing the right email marketing software is so important.

I’ve been doing email marketing for literally over 20 years. Things have changed (actually improved) a lot over that time.

I recently started a new project with my brother — AI Growth Guys. 🚀

We shopped around for our email marketing software provider — And we decided to try Beehiiv. 🐝

We have been using Beehiiv for 100 days — and we’re loving it.

Instead of doing a regular (boring) review of Beehiiv, where an author goes over a list of features that they’ve never used, I’m going to share my real experience with the Beehiiv newsletter

I go into a lot of interesting detail below. I also make a video about it here:

Beehiiv Newsletter Review — Personal Experience (Very Detailed!)

Here are the highlights from our first 100 Days doing a Beehiiv Newsletter

1. Our Explosive Email Newsletter Growth 🚀

Beehiiv is known for being the “newsletter platform built for growth.” I didn’t know if that was just a marketing slogan, but we’ve been pleasantly surprised with the organic growth of our email newsletter.

A screenshot showing the explosive growth of our AI Growth Guys email newsletter on Beehiiv
Beehiiv Newsletter Growth — AI Growth Guys

You can see from the graph above, we went from 103 emails to 588 emails in only 28 days.

That is an average increase of 17.32 email signups per day. (These are all 100% organic).

Also, we have been increasing even faster lately. We got 60 email signups just yesterday.

A screenshot showing 60 email signups in one day from Beehiiv.
60 Email Signups in 1 day with Beehiiv — AI Growth Guys

I explain it here in a popular Reddit post: (I couldn’t embed the Reddit post, but the link is here on Twitter (X).

We’re doing this mainly by writing on Medium (like this article) and getting people to sign up for our 👉 AI Growth Guys Newsletter 👈

We also send people to our YouTube channel (who then subscribe via the description link)

Note: There are other ways to grow your email list with Beehiiv, such as with referrals. (We will try those soon).

A “referral” is basically when you incentivize an email subscriber to find you another subscriber (a friend who has similar interests). You incentivize them by giving them a “reward” like a free PDF, a private Google Doc or Notion page, or something like that.

2. Earning Money with Beehiiv Ad Network 💲💲💲

This one surprised us — in a positive way. 😱

We are already earning money from the Beehiiv ad network. With only 545 emails, we can earn over $25 bucks per email. (If we send 1 email a week, that is already $100 per month, just from the ads).

Here is how much we made from one email, on ads alone.

A screenshot of Beehiiv earnings — 1 email — AI Growth Guys
AI Growth Guys Earnings — 1st Email Blast — Beehiiv

It is easy to find sponsors (ads) for your newsletter with Beehiiv.

Their ad network delivers us ad opportunities all the time (sometimes more than 1 per day)

A screenshot of advertising opportunities from Beehiiv email newsletters. For AI Growth Guys

These ads pay between $1.60 and $3.20 PER CLICK (not even per signup).

These ads can easily pay for a premium Beehiiv subscription.

You can also monetize your newsletter with Boosts. (different than ads, but awesome!)

Note: Boosts can help you monetize OR grow your newsletter, depending on which you choose.

3. Beehiiv newsletters can also be a blog post (and show up on Google search)

Another cool thing is that your email newsletter can live on as a blog (hosted on Beehiiv).

You don’t even need your own website, such as WordPress, to use Beehiiv.

The blog is good for SEO as well — so people can find your newsletter by searching on Google.

We have our own website — which we use with Beehiiv — but we don’t need to.

We also have a Beehiiv blog that gets traffic and email signups.

I explain about it here in our Beehiiv Newsletter Review (This review covers different topics and is worth reading)

This is how our Beehiiv blog looks (it shows up in Google search too!)

A view of an AI Growth Guys Beehiiv Blog Post
AI Growth Guys Beehiiv Blog Post

4. Make a High Converting Custom Landing Page

Beehiiv makes it easy to make a custom landing page. It converts well too.

Ours looks like this (It took only a few minutes to make with their editor)

AI Growth Guys Beehiiv Landing Page Screenshot
Beehiiv Landing Page for AI Growth Guys

You can sign up for our 👉 AI Growth Guys Newsletter 👈 here

5. Beehiiv Pricing

Beehiiv has a generous free plan, for up to 2500 email subscribers.

It is worth upgrading (in our experience) to the first tier of a paid plan because the access to the ad network and other features can make it easily pay for itself (and more)

Beehiiv is relatively cheap as well — especially when compared to competitors. They recently lowered their starting price to $39 per month.

Here is a screenshot of their pricing.

A screenshot of Beehiiv pricing
Screenshot of Beehiiv Pricing

6. Beehiiv Competitors

The email marketing space has a lot of competition.

In our opinion, the top 2 competitors to Beehiiv are ConvertKit (now Kit) and MailerLite. We compared them to Beehiiv.

ConvertKit (Kit) vs Beehiiv

MailerLite vs Beehiiv

Here are some other noteworthy competitors:

  • Substack
  • Mailchimp
  • GetResponse
  • AWeber
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Constant Contact

Sign up for our newsletter to see how we’re doing this! 👉 AI Growth Guys Newsletter 👈

Note: Some of these links are affiliate links. That means if you upgrade to a paid plan, we may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Actually, this affiliate link gives you 20% off if you do upgrade at any point.

Sign up for a free Beehiiv account. 🐝 😃



Andrew Best

AI Educator | ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering Expert | 10M+ Podcast Downloads | Co-founder of 88Herbs | AI Course Instructor at Udemy |