Prize Linked Savings Accounts: The Lottery You Can’t LoseSometimes criticised as a regressive “tax on the stupid and poor” lotteries are big business worldwide. In the US alone, lottery revenues…Jun 17, 2018Jun 17, 2018
Behavioural Economics in Action: ScootBiz Case StudyAs some of my readers may be aware, a few years ago I relocated from Australia to Singapore for work. While not the main reason for my…Sep 16, 2015Sep 16, 2015
How Passive Leadership is Destroying Your CultureOne of the more pervasive theories of leadership is that of ‘Transformational Leadership,’ which describes a spectrum of leadership and…Jul 3, 2015Jul 3, 2015
The People Dimension of Strategy ExecutionWhen preparing for change, business leaders devote significant time, money and resources to developing a comprehensive strategy execution…Dec 9, 2014Dec 9, 2014
How to Create Habits That Really StickEdward Thorndike referred to this relationship as the ‘law of effect’ whereby the connection between a stimulus and a response is…Oct 21, 2014Oct 21, 2014
When Workplace Deviance Is a Good ThingSocial Norms (or norms for short), are the unwritten laws that govern behaviour in a group environment. As Cristina Bicchieri puts it…Aug 5, 2014Aug 5, 2014
How to Choose a Survey Sample Size That’s RepresentativeIn my work, which often involves running surveys for my clients, I often get asked — “how do we choose a survey sample size,” and “what…May 18, 2014May 18, 2014
The True Cost of Meetings and TardinessOne of the most defining features of the modern workplace is the humble meeting. Now the default mechanism for communication, coordination…Mar 25, 2014Mar 25, 2014
Frame of Reference: Why Perspective MattersAn implicit assumption underlying the use of personality tests in organisations (and most surveys for that matter) is that individuals will…Feb 25, 2014Feb 25, 2014
The Myth of Multitasking: It’s Not As Simple As We ThinkThe need to balance and prioritise multiple tasks on the fly is arguably one of the core competencies of the 21st century worker.Feb 3, 2014Feb 3, 2014