What Is KotakuInAction Fighting For?

Otter jesus
7 min readSep 26, 2016


This post is essentially a sequel to my previous post @HopeStillFlies: The Randi Harper of #Gamergate.

After writing my previous post I attempted to get it some exposure but I faced some roadblocks. A lot of people didn’t seem interested in reading it let alone sharing it. There were those who said they didn’t care about my “personal drama”. Some people disagreed with my theory that SJWs can be left leaning as well as right leaning. Others claimed that Social justice is Marxist, conveniently ignoring the history of social justice. Jesus, Augustine of Hippo, and Thomas Paine were far from Marxist. The creator of the term, Luigi Taparelli, was also not marxist. But I digress… many really just seemed to not get the post.

I posted it on KotakuInAction cause why not? When I was doxxed and SWATed, and when I my old twitter account was suspended post about that were relevant enough to not be removed from KiA. Plus there’s that time Hope got the post about my twitter suspension locked for accusing me of threatening to murder her. What did I have to lose by posting an article that was meant to clear things up about me? Obviously it was quickly removed. I also posted it on Gamerghazi just to see what would happen. I basically did it for lulz as evidenced by this tweet. I even said “BTW this was censored on KotakuInAction”. I assumed they wouldn’t care and I was right. They agreed with KiA. The utter mad men. Meanwhile the KiA Mod claimed it was because my post was asking people to be my personal army. If you’ve read it you’d know I never once told people to do anything. Even the title of the KiA post was “[Drama] I’d Like To Clear Some Things Up”. I just wanted my side of the story to get out there. I didn’t have a whole lot of options but I wanted #gamergate people to see it since Hope has gone out of her way to claim I’m one of the people responsible for all the bad stuff that Gamergate gets blamed for.

I was never told why it was removed beyond the faulty excuse of Rule 5. I tried to ask for clarity, publicly in a thread about Rule 5 updates. And the mod HandOfBane responded with a good example of Rule 1 aka Dickwolfery at least in my opinion. Anyways I screencaped it and posted it on Twitter at 4:44 AM on September 22nd. Hope ended up finding it while stalking me around 12:32 AM September 23rd and archived it. Not sure why she was stalking me. You’ll have to ask her. Afterwards she went on the above thread and her reaction was predictable. She claimed it was harassment, called me a SJW, tried to get Mombot to go after me again*, and then claimed the KotakuInAction mods were just trying to protect me from “doing something monumentally stupid”. Trying to clear up rumors about myself and exposing someone as a dangerous jerk is monumentally stupid? I don’t know about that. The most glaring problem with what she said is that my post is harassment. You know who else also claimed that people exposing others as dangerous jerks was harassment? Wikipedia for one. Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkessian for another.

4 hours after she said all of the above a twitter user named @xirus115 slid into my DMs offering me some “incriminating evidence on Hope”. I didn’t buy it for a second but clicked on the link anyways. Twitter told me it was a link to malware. This “troll” was extremely obvious with what they were trying to do. They also seemed to think I was a feminist. Eventually they just started spamming me gore after I basically asked them when they were gonna start posting gay porn or gore. They blocked me when I clearly wasn’t phased by it and asked them to send more of it so I could see if I could get them suspended. Twitter later told me that they didn’t do anything wrong though which is just so twitter.

So why bring up this very sad troll? Cause apparently they’re a friend of Hope’s and Hope approved of their really retarded attempt to get me to kill myself. On Reddit after I asked her about why she had this person do this she claimed she didn’t do anything. Then she admitted that the person had been DMing her screencaps of him DMing me malware and gore and approved of it. Why didn’t she tell him to stop? Remember I’m the harasser here. Why didn’t she tell the person who was trying to draw me back into this to leave me alone? Hope follows this up with a claim that I’m the one who instigated this and every encounter we’ve had. Me quote tweeting Steven Crowder was somehow a subtweet about her maybe? Then after admitting she stalks my timeline she claims I’m the stalker. I only end up seeing what she posts about me when someone tells me about it or if one of her white knights comes a calling or she freaks out on reddit. I have her muted for a reason. I don’t like being tagged with her for a reason. Then she calls me a pussy for having her muted cause she feels entitled to my attention.

Hope is taking this really personal. According to her I made this personal. How? Calling her stupid maybe? Also according to her I’ve denyed calling her stupid, teasing her, and baiting her. Never once have I denied doing any of that. Oh and apparently my “shit” has been “drug out into the sunlight for thousands to see”. She doesn’t link to any article she wrote about me proving I’ve been harassing her. In fact when asked for proof of any of her claims about me she refuses to give any. Meanwhile she’s stated before that she stalks me and wants to “report bomb” me. Plus there’s that one time she said she’s trying to ruin my reputation with Gamergate. It’s weird the kind of stuff she finds when stalking me actually. She even lies about it and misrepresents it.

After I found out about all the weird stuff that happened while I wasn’t paying attention I went back to collect evidence. In the process I ended up seeing a really weird tweet Hope made about Gamergate and how she thinks Gamergate shouldn’t denouce the doxxing farms that are Kiwifarms and Baphomet and actually help them harass anti-gamergate. I thought, “Wow that’s fucked up and ironic considering who said it.” So I archived it and posted it on KiA with the very casual title, “[Discussion] Should #gamergate fight fire with fire?” I was immediately banned for posting it by HandOfBane for no reason. It broke no rules and it started a discussion. My post is still up too. I reached out to the mods asking why I was banned but my post wasn’t removed. One mod by the name of Jack-Browser responded and told me he had no idea why I was banned but assumed it was cause I’d been “crusading against Hope”. Great mods they have at KiA. They don’t talk at all. After that I never heard from the mods again cause I was muted by them for the next 72 hours. Why ban me for no reason and then prevent me from talking to the mods anymore? Why not just tell me why I was banned? Even Gamerghazi told me why they banned me.

Later I discoverd that HandOfBane updated his comment, where he broke Rule 1 with uncivil dickwolfery, with some strange lies about me to justify banning me while also admitting that he banned me for posting something that started a good discussion on KotakuInAction. I was literally banned for starting a good discussion on KiA. Meanwhile Hope aka ApplicableSongLyric wasn’t banned for breaking Rule 1 multiple times when it came to a post about me or responding to me. Why hasn’t she been banned? You’ll have to ask HandOfBane who had to go into damage control when someone called him out on banning me like he did. Apparently HandOfBane had to edit his original excuse for banning me multiple times cause the narrative he crafted was weak. Also the other mod who originally responded to me when I asked why I was banned wasn’t being honest either. My comment history fails to show I have a hateboner for Hope. In fact it shows me especially recently responding very causually to Hope’s bizzare accusations that I’m out to get her. Again I’m banned from KiA but Hope isn’t? Why? Seems very fishy.

So here’s a question I think needs to be answered. What is KotakuInAction fighting for? Are they fighting for freedom of speech for all or are they fighting to censor those they disagree with?

*(Long story short: I was making a point about him calling all of anti-Gamergate autistic pedophiles and he threatened to beat me up. Later Mombot started stalking me for some reason after I’d blocked him and shared an archive of my tweet, about how tabletop gamers are garbage and I was gonna shoot up tabletop stores to mock the SJW hashtag #NotAtMyTable, with his followers. He made sure to not include tweets that made it clear I was joking. GGRevolt later used the tweet, that they would have missed if not for Mombot drawing attention to it to have me SWATed. The police were confused by it all when they showed up but said I didn’t do anything wrong but obviously someone emailed them a screencap of the tweet and had to check it out.)



Otter jesus

I'm a hot sexy babe with boobs that run for miles. Hug Patrol Youtube Channel http://youtube.com/channel/UCuxuH… Writer for @Jezebel