AEC Bookmarks Chrome Extension Improves Adobe Analytics, Launch and Target UIs

Andrey Osadchuk
3 min readMar 11, 2020


The new version of AEC Bookmarks Chrome Extensions provides a set of features aimed at improving the efficiency of everyday work in Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target and Adobe Experience Platform Launch.

Adobe Experience Cloud Bookmarks Chrome Extension
AEC Bookmarks Chrome Extension

Click on the extension icon, then on the gear icon ⚙️ and tick the boxes next to the following settings:
☑️ Optimize Adobe Analytics UI
☑️ Optimize Adobe Launch UI
☑️ Optimize Adobe Target UI

Have a look at some screenshots with the product UIs without and with the new features enabled.

Adobe Analytics

Improved UI areas: Data Warehouse, Classification Importer, Processing Rules, Bot Rules, Custom Conversion variables, Custom Traffic variables, Custom Success Events, Classifications, Data Sources and other.

Adobe Analytics Processing Rules
Processing Rules
Adobe Analytics Custom Traffic Variables props
Custom Traffic Variables
Adobe Analytics Custom Conversion Variables eVars
Custom Conversion Variables
Adobe Analytics Custom Events
Custom Events
Adobe Analytics Data Sources
Data Sources
Adobe Analytics Classification Import/ Upload, Export
Adobe Analytics Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse
Adobe Analytics Data Warehouse Schedule Report
Data Warehouse Scheduler

Adobe Launch

Improved UI areas: Rules, Data Elements, Hosts, Environments, Publishing.

Adobe Launch Rule Name Direct Call
Rule Name and Direct Call Identified
Adobe Launch Library Name
Library Name
Adobe Experience Platform Launch Environments

Adobe Target

Improved UI area: Activity name.

Adobe Target Activity Name
Activity Name

Download AEC Bookmarks Chrome Extension.

Related articles:
real-time statuses indication for Adobe Experience Cloud products
— how to automate Adobe organizations configuration in AEC Bookmarks
introduction to the AEC Bookmarks Extension

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Andrey Osadchuk

Adobe Experience Cloud Expert, Consultant, Instructor: Adobe Analytics, Experience Platform Data Collection Tags (AEP Launch), Target