From Ground Zero to Solopreneurship: My Short Journey and the 3 Key Ingredients

10 min readNov 4, 2023

Journey Begins

Are you looking for a glimpse into the journey of a solopreneur who started with zero experience and zero ideas just a few months ago? I’m excited to share my story and the secret to my success, which has already brought in over $1,586.29 in revenue in about 3 months (not bad to me as a side hustle). Here’s a report I screenshot from Gumroad.

Here are some stats I do want to share and celebrate:

  • The conversion rate till now is about 51%
  • The growth rate is about 40% every month

My journey began in August, and I was determined to become a successful solopreneur. Also check out this post where I share my journey of transitioning from a multi-business owner to adding solopreneur to my ‘resume’, and how I found my passion in creating Notion templates to support fellow solopreneurs, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.

The path was challenging, but the revenue growth I’ve experienced over these past few months is undeniable. The key to my success? It’s a combination of learning, guidance, and, most importantly, leveraging the power of generative AI.

Steps to Start Selling Notion Templates

Ideas for Notion templates

Finding ideas for Notion templates can be challenging. Consider the following when brainstorming:

  1. Does my template solve a problem?
  2. Would I use my template myself?

To create a unique template, follow these steps:

  1. Research existing templates for your idea. Ensure your take on the template is unique.
  2. Test if your template solves a problem by asking for feedback.
  3. Consider if you would use your own template. If not, others may not find it useful.

Brainstorm template ideas by joining Notion or niche-related Facebook groups and studying recurring problems or issues people are having.

Another way to get ideas is to look at your own life and think about what could be improved through a Notion template. For example:

Build your template

Build your templates by studying other templates and creators. Analyze why they work and why they don’t. This will increase your knowledge of building templates and help you understand different approaches. But please do not copy these templates to sell as your own.

Once you’ve decided what to build, create an outline. Use databases or simpler frameworks like toggles to build an overview of your template’s contents. Detail each part of the template, including its purpose and the problem it solves.

As you outline and build the template, put yourself in the shoes of the end user and imagine how they would use it. Go through the template step by step and identify any errors that need attention.

Repeat this process multiple times to ensure your end product is flawless. Involve your audience or community to get valuable feedback and identify potential errors.

Learn how to build Notion templates by watching other creators on YouTube. For me it will be Thomas Frank and Chris Notion.

Launch your template

Once you’ve created your template, it’s time to launch it and let the world know. Follow these steps:

  1. Schedule your launch post on ProductHunt and share it with as many people as possible to get upvotes.
  2. Announce the availability of your template on your chosen social media platform. Encourage your followers to check it out.
  3. Share your templates in dedicated groups or communities, making sure to follow self-promotion rules. I got into trouble a couple of times. Heehee.

Long-term Selling

After the launch, continue sharing value on social media to grow your personal brand. Additionally, distribute your product on different marketplaces to sell your templates passively. Analyze why your template sold or didn’t sell and learn from your mistakes or successes. Remember, you can always create a new template. Selling Notion templates is a journey of trial and error to discover what works for you and your audience.

What I Learnt in My Solopreneur Journey So Far

Being a solopreneur is an exciting and challenging journey. It requires passion, determination, and a willingness to take risks. As I reflect on my own solopreneur journey, I have come to realize that it has been a tremendous learning experience. I will share some “secret sauce” that I have learnt and leveraged along the way.

Key Ingredient 1: Embracing the Challenges and Growth Opportunities

Being a solopreneur comes with its fair share of challenges, and one of the main challenges I faced was sales. From managing product creation, product launch and marketing to handling customer inquiries and making important business decisions, there is a lot to tackle. However, these challenges have provided me with invaluable growth opportunities. I have learned to step out of my comfort zone, develop special skills, and embrace a growth mindset. Each obstacle I encountered, including the sales challenge, has taught me something new and helped me become a better entrepreneur. Embracing the challenges has been a crucial part of my solopreneur journey. I made use of AI to learn faster too, more on this later.

Learning is a fundamental part of this journey. I didn’t achieve everything on my own; I invested my time in acquiring knowledge and skills. Two creators that I highly recommend are Easlo and Pascio, who have been invaluable in my journey. You need to follow them!

Furthermore, I’ve discovered a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration in the Twitter/X community of Notion Creators. Following these creators has provided me with valuable insights and fresh ideas that have contributed to my growth. There are too many of these awesome people around, so I have curated a Twitter/X list. Check it out here.

Key Ingredient 2: Embracing the Power of Networking and Collaboration

While being a solopreneur may mean working alone, it does not mean working in isolation. I have discovered the power of networking and collaboration in building a successful solopreneurship. Connecting with like-minded individuals, attending industry events, and joining professional communities have opened doors to new opportunities and valuable connections. Collaborating with others has allowed me to leverage different strengths and expertise, leading to better outcomes for my business. Building a strong network and fostering meaningful collaborations has been instrumental in my solopreneur journey.

With the Twitter/X list shared above, I consistently interact and try to get in the conversation. I am very new in this, so I am still learning. But it is fun.

Key Ingredient 3: Embracing the Power of AI

Now, let’s talk about the secret sauce that has propelled me forward exponentially in terms of ‘production’: Generative AI prompts.

Leveraging generative AI for creating digital products and copywriting can streamline and enhance your creative processes. Here’s how you can make the most of generative AI at each stage:


  • Content Ideas: Use generative AI tools to brainstorm content ideas. Input keywords or prompts into the AI model, and it can generate a variety of ideas for articles, videos, or other content pieces.
  • User Feedback Analysis: Analyze user feedback and comments using AI sentiment analysis. This helps identify pain points, needs, and ideas for new digital products or content.
  • Trend Analysis: AI can assist in monitoring trends, providing insights into current popularity and potential future trends. This guides your brainstorming sessions.

Creation of Digital Products:

  • Content Generation: Generative AI can assist in generating content for various digital products, such as articles, reports and product descriptions.
  • Design Assistance: AI-powered design tools help create visual assets for digital products, including logos, graphics, and website layouts.


  • Content Generation: AI can generate copy for various purposes, including advertising, social media, and email marketing. Input your goals and parameters, and AI creates drafts for you to refine.
  • Grammar and Style Checking: AI tools proofread and suggest improvements to ensure error-free copy that follows your preferred style guide.

Sales and Marketing:

  • Customer Segmentation: AI can analyze customer data to segment your audience based on various criteria. This allows you to tailor marketing campaigns to specific groups.
  • There are more, check out the next section where I share with you my entire collection of prompts that I use personally, which covers sales funnels to email marketing, to high ticket selling.

In summary, generative AI is a valuable resource in all stages of creating digital products, from idea generation to content creation, copywriting, and marketing. By incorporating AI into your workflow, you can increase efficiency, personalize content, and improve the overall quality and effectiveness of your digital products and marketing efforts.

Let Me Share With You What I Used

I’ve created three bundles to help you achieve what I’ve accomplished in the past three months alone. Each bundle is designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to succeed in various aspects of your solopreneur journey.

1st Bundle: The Essential Generative AI for Sales Bundle (You can download this FREE here!)

In this bundle, you’ll receive 1,000 carefully curated prompts, focusing on action and outcomes. These prompts are applicable to most major generative AI Language Models (LLMs) and cover categories such as:
- Sales Funnel
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Email Marketing
- Copywriting
- Inbound Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
- Conversion Rate Optimization
- High Ticket Selling

2nd Bundle: The Advanced Generative AI for Sales Bundle

Building upon the first bundle, this advanced package includes everything from the Essential Bundle and a lot more. You’ll receive a total of 10,000 prompts, taking your sales skills to the next level. It also includes valuable bonuses, like “100 Ideas + 1,000 Prompts to Turn ChatGPT into a Profit-Generating Tool” and the “Generative AI Mastery Collection.” This comprehensive collection covers the following:

  • Effective ChatGPT prompting (eBook),
  • ChatGPT Prompting Mastery Hub,
  • Google Bard Mastery Hub, and
  • Notion AI Mastery Hub.

3rd Bundle: The Ultimate Generative AI for Sales Bundle

This is the ultimate package, including everything from the first two bundles and much more. You’ll receive an additional 10,000 Ultimate Social Media Marketing ChatGPT Prompts, which alone are worth $14. Additionally, you’ll get an invaluable Notion Template — the All-in-One Notion CRM, valued at $17. With these resources, you’ll be equipped to harness the full potential of generative AI for your solopreneur journey.

In conclusion, my solopreneur journey, which started with zero experience and zero ideas, has taken a remarkable turn in just three months. The power of generative AI prompts, combined with dedicated learning and various support has played a crucial role in my success. To replicate my journey, explore the bundles I’ve created to accelerate your growth and unlock your solopreneur potential.

Ready to kickstart your own solopreneur journey? These bundles are the key to achieving your dreams. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to follow in my footsteps and transform your vision into a reality with the help of generative AI. Your success story could be just a few prompts away!

You can get them here.

I have also launched Ultimate Generative AI for Sales Bundle on Product Hunt.

Check it out, support and feedback here 👉


My solopreneur journey has been a rollercoaster ride filled with ups and downs. However, the lessons I have learned along the way, including the challenge of sales, have been invaluable. As I continue to navigate this journey, I am excited to discover what else it has in store for me and to continue learning and growing as a solopreneur.

About me

I’m a passionate solopreneur on a mission to help other solopreneurs get more done and earn more with Notion and AI! I believe solopreneurship is the future for many businesses, and I’m excited to help these independent go-getters thrive by leveraging the power of systems and AI.

Notion is my tool of choice because it’s a fantastic platform to build systems that streamline workflows and boost productivity. But there’s a learning curve, and that’s where I come in.

I wasn’t always a Notion whiz! In fact, when I first encountered it in 2019, I quickly got overwhelmed by its features. However, my experience running multiple businesses has taught me the importance of systems and efficiency. So, I doubled down on learning Notion, and now I use that knowledge to create user-friendly templates that help entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and freelancers get more done in less time.

My secret weapon? AI! I incorporate AI features into my Notion templates, giving users access to prompts and tools that can generate additional information and further enhance their productivity.

The results speak for themselves: my templates have helped numerous solopreneurs achieve incredible outcomes such as increased productivity. In just a few months, I’ve seen my own solo business flourish too, generating over $5,000 in revenue in Feb 2024 alone!

Learning and growing a business with tools I love is what excites me most! Let’s connect! Whether you’re a seasoned solopreneur or just starting out, I’m always happy to share my knowledge and help you leverage the power of Notion and AI for your success.

Till then, check out these resources…

Note: Just a heads up, this blog has some affiliate links. So, if you end up buying something using my link, I’ll get a small cut, but don’t worry, it won’t cost you any extra.




Helping more than 13,000 solopreneurs get more done and earn more with Notion and AI solutions | Writes about solopreneurship, productivity, Notion and AI.