The Martian Guy — The Momentum of Belgram [Ep.1]

From the place where all the miraculous events started…

Anirban Ghosh
Imaginative Fiction Out There
6 min readSep 16, 2022


The Beginning

You probably read different stories about horrors, urban fantasy, aliens, and fiction. Well, in this story you’ll find them all, as The Martian Guy is a mixture of horror, fiction, extraterrestrials, and contemporary fantasy. The story focuses on miraculous incidents happening in a fictional village named Belgram.

Belgram village is located outside the north part of Korkota city. It is more infamous for its horrible incidents than being a famous place for its unworldly beauty.

Belgram remains covered with green trees and looks dark green, as far as you can see. The trees, vines, and grasses create a dark environment all over the forest of Belgram. Sunlight hardly can pass through these dense woods throughout the year. Here, the mornings are not shiny, the days are not bright, and the nights are deep dark. It’s a perfect place for trees to grow, creatures to build inhabitants, and something more beyond the imagination.

The dark dense forests of northern region, where sunlight slightly gets chance to come.
Photo by Anton Atanasov:

The Boundaries:

The reason behind the natural creation of such a place is actually its geographical environment. As it is situated in the northern part of Korkota, many trees and forests get a chance to grow here. It remains cold most of the time of the year. The woods are mainly covered with fog in both the winter and rainy times. If you arrive in its central region then you can notice the whole place appeared as a smoggy paradise.

Belgram is carrying a very less population of humans. Human beings are prone to settle themselves wherever they want, but these woods are exceptional. So the place is not populated much due to its infamy. Only those who are living here are the direct descendent of the old tribes.

Now if you go towards the south direction, you can see humans and their families in the south-eastern and south-western parts of Belgram, but not in its northern area. The north area is vast, covered with forests; and, then connected with Agrasar, another part of Korkota.

There’s a connection with a river between the northern and southern parts of Belgram. The stream of the river Ketki is having a steady flow, which nicely depicts the lifestyle of the people living here.


Many people of this village go to work in Korkota city to run their households. Korkota is a high-profile city and has lots of opportunities for the villagers to earn their living. On the other hand, Belgram is enriched with forest materials, so farming is the main earning source for those who didn’t choose to go out for work in the city.

Sometimes, young lads from Belgram go hunting in those dense north sides. Enriched with nature’s blessings, Belgram’s forests will never let anyone return empty-handed from the north. But, the condition is, if they are lucky enough to return!

Infamous Place:

Belgram is also infamous for its history. Although it is a beautiful place by the blessings of nature, its infamy had spread wider than its beauty. Its past revealed this place is not suitable for humans, lots of folklore has been told about this place. Maybe some are rumors; maybe, some are true. But, the geographical environment and the biological diversity point more toward the truth.

It is been heard for years that the path to the dark forest is the home of ruthless thieves. Not just that, the core of the dense forest is the residence of dangerous creatures along with cursed souls and living dead. A few unfortunate incidents that happened in the past years made the village infamous. No one knows what are the actual reasons or what are the results of those scary incidents!

The deep green woods of the northern region, where sunlight slightly gets chance to come. Muddy roads are filled with waters.
Road to the deep forests of Belgram, credit: Pexels

So urban people from the city of Korkota avoid these places and thus avoid the villagers too. They don’t like to see people coming from Belgram to stay in Korkota. Residents of Korkota used to misbehave with them without any reason. Now what to do, villagers are habituated with all these! People of Belgram have to visit the city unwillingly just to earn their livelihoods and other requirements.

You know very well that everyone has their own difficulties. People of Belgram have no other option but to come down and stay in the city. They were actually frightened because they were living their lives after believing such horror stories that are told by their ancestors. Few among them are very courageous, they have faith in science, and they want to lead their village by their own rules.

Momentum in Belgram:

Life is very silent and shaky here. The families who were living here for a long time believed in the past incidents and didn’t dare show to cross their limits. Most of the time they remain indoors. They only go out for their earnings.

The essential requirements like schools, hospitals, etc. are not available in their village, so they visit Korkota to fulfill their needs. There are some courageous men among the villagers, they protect the village from outside dangers like thieves and animals from the near forests.

As the unfortunate events are regular in Belgram, people grow up and now became habituated to these situations so the recent conditions became the momentum of their lives. Neighbors help each other here. Unity is the strength to live in these kinds of places, they know it very well. If somebody comes from the city, they treat them well enough. But, it’s rare to see someone visiting the Belgram village from Korkota city without any important reason.

Sudden Change in Momentum:

All things were running as usual daily but, suddenly one day the main leader of that village was found missing. Villagers searched everywhere in the village but didn’t find him. Villagers didn’t search in the northern woods as it is unlikely for someone to go there alone.

Robert was very courageous and was truly a great leader. His sudden disappearance brings sorrow to the minds of the villagers. Robert’s only daughter, Klara, broke badly after the incident. Her neighbors helped her, and supported her but she was told not to go to the northern forests alone. Klara understood that no one among the villagers was interested to search for him in the woods.

Broken and Sad girl sitting beside a lake on some rocky boulders.
Photo by Pixabay:

Everyone knows, Robert can never go there alone. Then what would be the cause for him to visit the core areas of the dark forests! He was not out of his mind. Then what’ll be the reason? Is he really went to the forests? These questions remained a mystery in the minds of the villagers.

After four days of his missing, one villager found his dead body beside the river Ketki. The dead body started to rot, looked like he was dead for three to four days. And the most fearful thing was his body was found one-handless. Another strange factor was no one even saw the body before that day, surely villagers had searched the riverbanks but did not find it before.

This incident creates panic all over Belgram. Everyone is now sure that Robert didn’t die a natural death. Maybe he was been murdered by thieves or by any creature! Or maybe some unnatural event has happened to him. Whatever the actual reason was, the outcome is tragic and fierce.

The villagers along with Klara broke too much after this incident, and their little happiness now seems to doom away. Everyone is now scared, cautious, and panicked. They are now living in Belgram without their main leader, who was brutally murdered by some unknown horrific event.

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Anirban Ghosh
Imaginative Fiction Out There

I am a fusion of coder, programmer, teacher and writer. I love to write stories on suspense, thriller, horrors and adventures. I’m a newbie but pro from mind!