The Story of Ashoka’s Nine Unknown Men: India’s Best-Kept Secret

Ankit Singhal
5 min readJun 9, 2024


Illustration of Nine Unknown Men from Unrevealed Files

Imagine a secret society so powerful and enigmatic that its existence has been whispered about for more than two thousand years. This is the story of the Nine Unknown Men, a top-secret clandestine group founded by the great Mauryan emperor Ashoka (Aśoka). Their mission? To guard the most dangerous and valuable knowledge of the ancient India.

Who were these men? What knowledge did they protect? How did this group manage to stay hidden through the centuries? Where are they today? Join me on a journey into the heart of one of history’s most enduring mysteries, where fact and legend blur, and the pursuit of truth takes us deep into the shadows of the past.

From Conquest to Conscience: The Birth of a Hidden Order

Samrat Ashoka, once known for his ferocious conquests, underwent a profound transformation after the gruesome Kalinga War which claimed around 1,00,000 lives. He walked among the ruins, feeling the weight of his actions. The horror and pain he saw around him changed something deep inside him. Haunted by the carnage of war, he gave up military campaigns and decided to promote peace and righteousness through the principles of dharma.

Ashoka had realized that the ancient India had amassed so much knowledge which if felt into the wrong hands could wreak havoc. Therefore, to protect this knowledge, he formed the Nine Unknown Men — a covert brotherhood tasked with safeguarding humanity’s most critical secrets. Hidden within these secrets were topics deemed too controversial, too mysterious, and forbidden for ordinary scholars.

Guardians of Forbidden Knowledge: The Secret Society’s Vow

This society was formed with a singular mission: to gather and safeguard as much scientific knowledge as possible. Only these nine men were allowed to study and develop scientific theories and technologies within their respective disciplines. Ashoka feared that if such advanced knowledge were available to everyone, it could be used for destructive purposes.

To preserve this invaluable knowledge, each of the nine members were tasked with creating, updating, and revising a book related to their disciplines. The constant updating and revision ensured the knowledge remained relevant and cutting-edge. When one of the nine could no longer continue due to circumstances like death, illness, or resignation, a carefully chosen successor would take over. Thus, the society always had nine members.

It is believed that this society of the Nine Unknown Men has persisted till date, their secrets and knowledge passing through generations, always protected, always advancing.

The Secret Books: Unraveling the Nine’s Mysteries

Now that we have uncovered the origins and mission of this mysterious society, the burning question remains: What kind of knowledge were they so desperately trying to protect? It is believed that the Nine Unknown Men were working on the following disciplines:

  • Physiology: Delving into the secrets of the human body, it explained the lethal technique known as “The Touch of Death,” which involves reversing a nerve impulse to kill someone just by touching. Rumor has it that a leak from this book led to the creation of the martial art of Judo.
  • Communication: Exploring advanced methods of communication, it hinted at knowledge that spanned both terrestrial and extraterrestrial realms. This suggests that The Nine Unknown had a profound understanding of the cosmos and were aware of beings from beyond our world.
  • Gravity: The book on Gravity is rumored to contain methods for constructing an anti-gravity flying machine, an extraordinary feat that modern technology has yet to achieve. This craft, known as the ‘Vimana,’ defied the very laws of physics as we understand them.
  • Microbiology: Focused on biotechnology, it is rumored that the Cholera vaccine recipe was disclosed from within the pages of this book.
  • Propaganda: Diving into the dark arts of propaganda and psychological warfare, it outlined strategies to manipulate and control minds on a massive scale.
  • Cosmology: This book focuses on a comprehensive study of the universe.
  • Alchemy: Centered on the ancient practice of alchemy, this volume detailed the secrets of metal transmutation. It is believed that this book consisted of a method to transform lead into gold!
  • Light: Exploring the properties of light, including its speed and the potential to harness it as a devastating weapon.
  • Sociology: The last and final volume focused on sociology, provided guidelines for the progress of society and methods to predict its collapse.

It is believed that these nine men leak information from these nine books at their discretion whenever they felt the world was in a dire need of help.

Secrets Unveiled: Revealing the Hidden Brotherhood

The existence of this secret society was first mentioned in 1923 by Talbot Mundy in his book, named, The Nine Unknown Men. Mundy was a British officer who was stationed in India for five years.

In 1960, Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier in their book, named, The Morning of the Magicians mentioned that these Nine Unknown Men had met Pope Silvester II personally. Back from India, the Pope came bearing some very strange gadgets including a computerized bronze head that could answer questions in binary format (yes or no). This technology was light years ahead of its time. Pope tried to showcase these devices to the public but died mysteriously.

Legends or Reality: The Unending Mystery of the Nine Unknown Men

While some researchers believe that The Nine Unknown Men is only a legend and there is hardly any truth to this. This is majorly because it is difficult to accept that an ancient secret society has managed to live in secrecy for more than two thousand years. But let us not forget the men inducted in this society were some of the Ashoka’s finest and they swore to maintain this secrecy.

Just think of this: What if you have crossed paths with one of these men at some point in your life or maybe you know someone from this group personally? I guess you will never know!

What do you think? Comment below and let me know your thoughts!


Medium: India’s Own Illuminati: 9 Unknown Men | by Radha Kapadia | Lessons from History | Medium

Unrevealed Files: The Nine Unknown Men: Great Ashoka’s Secret Society (

