Peace Through Strength (Day 20)

Annalicia Ramirez
2 min readSep 28, 2022
“We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression.” - Ronald Reagan

The phrase ‘Peace Through Strength’ has been used from many leaders in history from Roman Emperor Hadrian in the second century AD to former US President Ronald Reagan, and it suggests that military power can help preserve peace. Our first president, George Washington, stated a policy of peace through strength in his fifth annual message to Congress in the 1793 State of the Union Address. This has been a phrase that has stood strong since the beginning of our country’s birth.

This new generation isn’t as supportive of our military as those of the past and it’s painful to see. The America that we cherish depends on the promise of a strong military and rest on the promise that it is able to protect us and everything America stands for. Our freedom and way of life depends on a military that can defend us from our enemies so that we may keep everything that many take for granted. Our adversaries are increasing their capabilities while we are cutting our spending when it comes to our military. While some may want to argue that we already spend too much on our military, an honest look at the shortages in our equipment shows the very real need for increased and sustained funding. In order to keep our status as a dominant world power, we need to stand behind our military and support them with anything and everything they need.

With our adversaries growing stronger and bolder each day, we can no longer assume we’ll always be safe. Only if we are willing to equip those who protect us with what they need to ensure this country remains the strongest and freest on Earth and a beacon of hope for freedom-loving people around the world, will there be Peace Through Strength.

