Coworking Job Market

Anni Roolf
2 min readApr 5, 2017


english version (german version here)

Barcamp Session @ #Cowork2017 German Coworking Conference

During our session of 45 minutes eight participants started an intense exchange. It might be expected, that the coworking scene is mainly startup and freelancer dominated. But in the developing field with growing organisations you find also more and more employer-employee relationships. In the session we debated about already existing and new imaginable job profiles and our experiences on the labour market related to the topic of Coworking. On the flipchart, which you can find below, we created a map with important coordinates as 1. jobs and missions within or beyond the coworking scene and as 2. freelance or employed working conditions.

Within Coworking Spaces there is already an established set of roles like the Community Manager and the Social Media Manager. But the differentiation and professionalisation of the scene make it possible from the side of founders, project developers and workforce actors to imagine new roles in spaces, projects and in the whole field. The session summary was, that the job market in Coworking Spaces is still (!) underdeveloped (e.g. concerning professional announcements, selection and also concerning salaries). So this field is hereby defined as “under construction”.

Coworking-related work (freelance or employed) beyond the coworking scene can be described as hidden or entrepreneurial job market: Coworking-related work experiences have to be argued cleverly to fit in existing job profiles; or totally new roles have to be actively created and placed on the market. If actors are crossing boarders between sectors (e.g. from science to pragmatic entrepreneurship or from there into public administration), a high conciousness for jargons and dominant logics is helpful in order to translate between different jargons and mindsets.

In the whole field there are no highways and much untrodden space for various developments. So pioneer and entrepreneurial spirit is requested; positioning work has to be done; coaching would be helpful. In the Coworking Scene it would be obvious to do this in a collaborative way. You are invited to contact me, if you want to collaborate in that field or if you are searching advice.

And on this trello board you can find all barcamp session of #Cowork2017.

Coworking Job Map (in German)



Anni Roolf

Project Developer, Innovation Manager & Community Strategist, Coworking Pioneer since 2006, Founder Worldwide Jellyweek, Diversity Enthusiast