My 60 Days Twitter Experiment Plan

I made a Twitter account.

3 min readJul 1, 2022

I began my Medium blog less than a week ago, but I wanted another social media account to go with it. And so, I made Twitter account.

Since I mostly write on culture, games, politics along with critical theory, I figured it might be a good idea to go for Twitter. It is more text-based than Instagram, allows for links in the tweets, and is good for short consumable content. Since I make listicles, twitter threads might be of use as well.

I am mostly going into it blind: I have never been a regular Twitter user and neither have I done much research into the basics of growing a reading there. But I will employ my knowledge from other social media sites to see where it goes. I have realized from Medium that it is best to figure out your own way of using the platform before looking into the growth tactics/practices. Thus, here are the things I will do in the beginning:

1. Post consistently. Regardless of the results.

It is incredibly easy to get demotivated when starting on a new platform, especially when you do not have a big audience elsewhere for funneling. But apart from that, I have realized consistency regardless of the results also makes me less anxious.

2. Post a lot of different kinds of content. See what is working the best.

I already have different kinds of content at hand, because I started my Medium blog specifically to be more fluid. Since I do not know what kind of content will attract people, make them engaged and interested, I will post different kinds of content in distinct ways. After that I will see the engagements, and do more of what’s favorable.

Some things I have on top of my mind: Opinion Tweets that link to my blog, if I have written about it. Listicles. Threads (either listicles or not). Artwork. Info-graphics. Picking a short few interesting lines from one of my blogs here and Tweeting it along with the link. Resource Tweets. And Tweets that mention my favorite internet people and things.

3. Interactions

I believe interactions are a huge part of any thing, and not just any social media platform. I give Medium an hour or so, and will do the same with Twitter. Discovering new accounts, interacting with them, posting my own opinions under things I find interesting.

4. Put efforts personalizing the account.

Of course, writing about our own opinions is also a part of it. But this part includes such as posting about personal progress, projects, and other ambitions. The last thing I want to do is come across as clinical, and if I don’t personalize it, I won’t feel warmly about the account myself.

I will post updates regarding my Twitter Plan every week or two. You can find my brand new Twitter Account here. Please leave any tips regarding what worked for you on Twitter!

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Living and breathing at the murderous crossroads of culture, class, caste, video games, critical theory, chai and cats.