A cure to Meeting-Mania ?

Antoine Durand
4 min readSep 11, 2017


This article is also available in French

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Illustration : Meeting-Mania / Meetingitis


Today, most companies are more or less severely affected by “Meeting mania” also known as “Meetingitis”

The symptoms of “meeting mania” are too many meetings and uncertainty about their added value for the company

For the company this is very time consuming, and it causes a loss of overall efficiency and chronically demotivates employees.

This leads to anxiety, stress, pressure, and countless hours of “unproductivity”.

Time : the most precious resource we all have

For companies it is a real challenge to manage employees who are in all-day-long meetings.

Sometimes meetings become uncontrollable, participants hardly ever discuss the topic which was supposed to be discussed.

The economic counterpart is also terrible, if you calculate the cost per hour of each one and multiply by hours spent in meetings the bill is just scary !

And the question is : “ when will the real work be done ?

Today there is no real solution to deal with Meeting-Mania, and unless you send a coach or you go yourself see what’s happening in these meetings you have absolutely no idea of the added value of each meeting.

What if you could turn on the light ?

It is possible to fight this disease with the Agile & Lean concept called Roti, coaches use it almost systematically when they detect Meeting-Mania.

Return on Time Invested (Roti) is a quick and easy method to gauge the time spent in meetings or workshops, and to make them more productive and rewarding for all.

Roti is quick, easy, sometimes funny to use, and it works very well, even with top management. It is all about enabling the feedback-loop what is essential in Agile & Lean Thinking.

When you use Roti, you enter a virtuous circle — you get Feedback, Value, Transparency, Courage and Continuous improvement is made possible.

How does it work ?

The way it works is simple: after a meeting participants evaluate their Return On Time Invested (ROTI) on a scale of 1 to 5 and give a short comment. This takes them no longer than 30 seconds.

On the field

Two months ago I had a disastrous meeting with a team, everything was wrong at this meeting :
- 14 people were invited (physical presence & skype)
- some of them was in late
- someone answers his phone during the meeting
- non-existent meeting agenda
- no output / task-list
- irrelevant topics discussed the meeting
- etc…

I decided that at the end of the meeting we HAD to make a Roti so we could start continuous improvement as soon as possible.

You can imagine that this meeting did not end on time, so when it was the time for a Return on Time Invested most of the participants were leaving or already disconnected…

I went home disappointed, then 2 days later we started developing a tool that would help me to deal with this problem.

The birth of Roti.express

We built a tool that would help companies fighting Meeting Mania, based on “Automating the Roti survey” the idea is to enable the feedback loop.

You can see it in action here : Give me your Return On Time Invested reading my article

I wanted this tool FREE so the basic version is and will stay FREE.

Users ask for additional features like company-wide statistics, I found it very relevant but I definitely receive a bill from Amazon at the end of the month so we created a “premium plan”.

Hope you enjoy the product : https://roti.express/

About us

We are a French Startup who loves technologies.
We are convinced that “Efficiency” is compatible with “Happy at work”
We are looking for partners to deploy our solution “on the field” and get rid of Meeting Mania together


Contact us

Antoine Durand
CEO — WIP France

