JSDoc frequent patterns

Anton Krinitsyn
2 min readApr 26, 2019

Previously, I’ve wrote the post on Why use JSDoc. This time, I am going to dive into details and share several of the most frequent patterns that I find myself using.

Basic object

Use@typedef @type to describe the object. You may also leave optional comments.

Limited set of values

Mix set of values to create a new type.


Use @param @return to add description to functions.


Use Promise<...> to work promises.

Boolean logic with types

Sometimes its useful to mix your type. For example if you need a base type and several extensions.

Importing types

Use @import to get @typedef from another file

With 3-rd party types

Import types from 3-rd party libraries. Types are available when library uses typescript or JSDoc itself(almost always).

Module type

Whole module can be used as a type, by importing it inside @type {...}. Works with both common-js-modules and es6-modules.

VSCode Support

Visual Studio Code — lightweight, simple yet complex modern editor. It has a great support of JSDoc by default. It validates your code in terms of defined types, analyze and help you to be more productive.

