JSDoc in React, Express application

Anton Krinitsyn
2 min readMar 28, 2020

In one of my previous articles JSDoc & React I gave an example of using JSDoc based on an imaginary case of ReactJS without any server side logic.

Here is another example in the context of fullstack js application. Specifically, the stack is NodeJS, MongoDB, Express, React, Redux.

As I stated previously in Enough of JSDoc is good enough I do not really appreciate using JSDoc everywhere and the purpose of this sample is to provide an easy to set up app with practical JSDoc use cases in general(not only for express+react). If I discover more ways of using JSDoc, I would add them to the same repo.

All of the cases used in this sample were already discussed in one of the articles:

So there is a little point in repeating them here.

Several words about the application itself

Simplified version of https://pastebin.com.

The main idea of the application is to allow users to save some texts(called bins) and share created bins with others via url. Users are anonymous and everyone with url could access existing bins. Users could also see the last several bins across the system.

