#TrinitySeries — How Goddess Saraswathi is the mother, daughter and wife for Brahma ..

Anu Sadasivan
nicle mind
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2015

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters …… … … … … …

Christianity believes in a trinity .. In the Name of the Father — and of the Son — and of the Holy Spirit-one true God.. Glory be to Him-and may His grace and mercy be-upon us forever. Amen ..

According to Hindu belief. We need a trinity to run the world. We need one to create; one to preserve and one to destroy. Brahma created the world from his mind, he decided in his insolence that he was also going to be master of life and death. He defined, a child will be born out of a human body without any external input. It shall self re-produce. Children shall start walking at the age of 6, within the 2 years of that the parent shall start decaying and will die in 6 months. Total human life cycle is 8 and half year.

He created the first man, and instructed him “you shall continue to reproduce yourself”; after a period of time he realized that there are only men in the world. The creator hadn’t quite worked out how to create woman. Shiva came to the help. He asked creator “from whom are you born?” .. “from a mother” — Brahma responded. “Are you sure.. I think you are not” — Shiva counter argued. Brahma said “It would be my want then”. Shiva asked again “Do you have anything in mind what a woman look like?”. Brahma said “Yes — like my mother”. .Shiva “so go head create it”. The creator was facing capability paralysis and was not able to do it. Shiva came in and he reached into Brahma’s mind and he pulled out a woman. Brahma’s daughter. And then he explained to Brahma about Purusha(Men) and Prakruthi(women) and about the elation of coming together.

Brahma was not listening because he had taken one look at his beautiful daughter and decided he wanted her. The great father lusting after his own daughter, chasing his daughter all over the cosmos because he wanted to possess her.

She tried to hide from her father, stood behind him.Then the father created face for him all around his head in all four directions and one on the top, so that he can see her every time. She then started hiding herself by changing her form to another new animal species. Understanding this, the father also took same species male form as that of her daughter and start re-producing off springs and started filling the world. Brahma said to Shiva — “hey there, its another way of creating the world”.

Shiva saw a problem there — this is not going to work, I should stop him and he realized what kind of consonant he had brought into the world. So to try to mitigate the sin, Shiva castrated himself. He merged with his own wife and he went back to Brahma. And he said “Okay. Look plan A, this is how you create a being that’s both man and woman in one body. I think you should re-think on it.”

But by now Brahma had known the bliss of togetherness. So he separated Shiva from Shaki and he said “From now on men and women will be born a separate entities, they will live a separate and they will know the joy of union.”

And then Brahma created a race of men, and a race of women. He paired them up together and he said “Go and populate the world”. 7.3 billion people today, growing at a rate of 68, 000,000 per year ……

Goddess Saraswathi, was imagined by Brahma as his mother, then he created her and hence the daughter, and possessed her as wife to create the rest of the species.

I intend to continue these stories of mythology .. naming it as #TrinitySeries, this is the first one … , so to be continued

Next Article on #TrinitySeries — here

Best Regards — Anu Sadasivan

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