Mobile App : Important Element of Branding Strategy

3 min readJan 27, 2016


When an organization decides to chart out its new branding strategy, mobile comes first. The concept of Mobile-first is the new way of life and crucial element of branding strategy. It is no longer an afterthought, rather a norm. According to statistics, U.S. alone has 224 million active monthly app users. This number is staggering. Furthermore, the amount of time spend on apps has increased by 21% and almost 74% consumers use their smartphone for shopping purpose.

Today’s world is all about business on the go. Everyone is going mobile including your customers and this makes mobile strategy an integral part of your overall branding strategy.

Below are five mobile marketing questions each marketer should ask themselves before embarking on a branding journey.

Make App a Part of your Strategy

Your competitor has launched a mobile app and you are itching to close the gap. Aren’t you? Sadly this is a big mistake. It is important to understand that jumping on the mobile app bandwagon just for the sake of having an app is never going to yield results. You need to think about the value your app will offer your users. An app without a purpose will bite the dust.

Your mobile application should keep users constantly engaged and improve user interaction with the brand. If your app is just providing the features displayed on your mobile site there is no point investing time and resources behind your app. The rule of thumb is to determine the real purpose of your mobile.

Speak Language your Mobile Users Understand

Both responsive sites and mobile app are the most efficient ways to engage with your audience. However, you can take interaction to the next level by speaking your customer’s language. When you are launching your app, it is important to promote renewed values and features, and therefore, the language used by your brand should reflect this invigorated “personality.”

Target your Audience

Prior to launching your mobile app it is important to narrow down your audience. You need to be clear about your target audience and whom you are trying to attract. In fact, mobile is one of the best platforms for brands wanting to test different groups as potential target audiences. The targeting options are very specific and brands can A/B test messages. This provides an opportunity to test run changes to find out whether it works before officially adopting changes as part of entire strategy.

Chart Out Long-term Roadmap

The mobile app roadmap should aspire to create customer engagement opportunities on the way. Brands can create more loyalty among its users by adopting simplicity and ease of use in its mobile application.

With the mobile app revolution at its peak, it is about the right time for any brand to envision, plan and leverage exciting developments in the field of mobile app development and - through insightful customer engagement - turn new experiences into improved bottom-line results. This is now a market phenomenon, which has opened up new and more direct routes to consumers for businesses across the globe.


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We are Applications Development Professionals. We build web & mobile applications for the digital world.