AppSeed App Generator — Turn any design into Fully-Coded Apps
3 min readSep 7, 2019


Hello Coders,

This article explains the core feature of the AppSeed service, with some real-life sample apps generated in different patterns (JAMstack, (Python) Flask, and Full-Stack) starting from the same flat HTML design. The whole idea behind our service is quite simple:

Any FLAT design can be transformed into a fully-coded app using automation tools.

After a few iterations over the service architecture, we decided to split the process into two big parts:

Phase #1 — Flat HTML parsing and conversion

Phase #2 Boilerplate code provisioning with the new HTML design

App Generation — HTML parsing

At the moment this article is written (sept.2019), we are quite close to a real production-ready level, with more than 100 generated apps released as open-source products on Github. Implementing the HTML parsing and translation took more than one year, more than expected to be honest, but the result was very satisfying. A short-list with the parser features:

  • full control over the HTML DOM structure: traverse and locate elements
  • edit nodes and properties (href attributes, class names, the inner content of spans and divs)
  • replace the hard-coded text with variables
  • extract components for various template engines: PUG, Jinja, Blade, core PHP, Mustache
  • detect and extract the master layouts by comparing pages

Curious how we parse and extract components for various engines? Please access this article to find out more.

App Generation — Boilerplate Provisioning

All our boilerplates are releases as open-source projects and include a basic set of features, modules, and tools. For instance, Flask, Laravel, and NodeJS starters are using the same API nodes, JWT authentication feature, an ORM on top of a database and basic tooling (Webpack, Gulp) to use the app. The short-list with open-source boilerplates actively supported by us:

The automation process injects the template and components into boilerplates and the result is a tested fully-coded app.

Generated Sample #1 — Argon Design

The design used as input in our automation process is the Argon Design crafted by Creative-Tim. Using this nice UI kit as input, we generate three apps (JAMstack, (Python) Flask and Full-Stack.

Argon Design — Generated in JAMstack pattern

Note: This app uses the VueJs version provided by the publisher and the automation part refers only the backend coupling with various backends: Flask, Laravel, and Nodejs:

Generated Sample #2 — Material Design

The flat HTML design is provided by Creative-Tim agency (the original design is available here).

Material Kit — JAMstack version

The generated apps:

Generated Samples — Commercial Apps

Pixelarity Indivisible — JAMstack version
Pixelarity Locus — Flask version

To see the full list with generated apps, please access AppSeed.

Thank you!

