A Brief Introduction to Alien Races

The #1 Article on the internet to start learning about our cosmic brethren

Aquarius.Academy ~⨇~
19 min readMar 25, 2018

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tl;dr: Aliens are real. The vast majority are benevolent and helping us to progress as a planet. They mostly observe as not to interfere, other than to protect us. They are learning from how we evolve. They provide great knowledge on an individual basis when asked. Aliens will come in peace to greet us when we are ready (when we come together as one). If you ever hear of an alien invasion, it’s a hoax to generate fear.

ℹ️ !! Important !! ℹ️ Some of the videos kept going missing, so I saved them and uploaded them to our site here so they can’t be taken down! aquarius.academy/learn/a-brief-introduction-to-alien-races

Seeing a UFO as a kid

The first time I saw a UFO was when I was 9 years old. My sister, mother and I were driving home from the mall on I-68 outside of Frostburg, MD. Out the window, I saw something silver hovering in the sky. Excitement hit me like a wave of cold water. The normal run-through of things it could be all fell one by one as it hovered perfectly still and round…



Aquarius.Academy ~⨇~

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