Mastering Serverless (Part III): Enhancing AWS Lambda and DynamoDB Interactions with Dependency Injection

The SaaS Enthusiast
6 min readJan 15, 2024


Welcome to “Mastering Serverless,” a series where cutting-edge technology meets practical implementation. In this article, we’re not just talking about serverless computing; we’re delving into how integrating AWS Lambda with DynamoDB can transform your applications, made even more potent with the magic of Dependency Injection (DI). Picture this: a world where your application scales seamlessly, adapts swiftly, and maintains an elegance in code that is as efficient as it is robust.

As we embark on this journey together, you’ll discover not just the ‘what’ and the ‘how,’ but the ‘why’ behind using these powerful tools in tandem. So, gear up for an insightful exploration into a serverless landscape where efficiency, scalability, and agility take the front seat.

What is Dependency Injection?

What is Dependency Injection? Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern in software engineering where an object receives other objects that it depends on, rather than creating them itself. These other objects are called dependencies. The main benefits of DI are:

  1. Reduced Coupling: By injecting dependencies, your classes don’t need to know the details of how those dependencies are created. This reduces the coupling between classes and makes your code more modular.
  2. Improved Testability: With DI, you can easily swap out real dependencies with mocks or stubs during testing, making unit tests easier to write and more reliable.
  3. Increased Flexibility and Maintainability: Since dependencies can be switched out easily, your code becomes more flexible and easier to maintain.

Re-factor Helpers by Using Dependency Injection

Here’s an example of how I refactored my helper code (discussed on the Part I of this series: Mastering Serverless (Part I): Enhancing DynamoDB Interactions with Document Client) to use a class with dependency injection:

1. Setting Up a Centralized DynamoDB Client

Create a module where you initialize and export your DynamoDB client. This module will be imported in your Lambda functions

class DynamoDbHelper {
// dynamodbClient.js
import { DynamoDBClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb";
import { DynamoDBDocumentClient } from "@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb";

const client = new DynamoDBClient({});
const docClient = DynamoDBDocumentClient.from(client);

export default docClient;

2. Modifying the DynamoDbHelper Class:

Your DynamoDbHelper class doesn’t need to change. It should still accept a client through its constructor for flexibility and testability.

// DynamoDbHelper.js
import { GetCommand } from "@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb";

class DynamoDbHelper {
constructor(docClient) {
this.docClient = docClient;

* Fetches an item from a DynamoDB table.
* @param {string} TableName The name of the DynamoDB table.
* @param {Object} Key The primary key of the item to fetch.
* @return {Promise<Object>} The fetched item.
async get(TableName, Key) {
const params = {

try {
const data = await this.docClient.send(new GetCommand(params));
return data.Item; // returns the item directly; adjust as needed
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching item from DynamoDB: ${error}`);
throw error; // or handle error as needed

async scan(TableName) {
// ... Implementation of scan method

// ... Other methods

export default DynamoDbHelper;

3. Using the Helper Class in Lambda Functions:

In each Lambda function, import the centralized DynamoDB client and pass it to the DynamoDbHelper class.

// Lambda function
import DynamoDbHelper from '../../libs/DynamoDbHelper';
import docClient from '../../libs/dynamodbClient';

const dbHelper = new DynamoDbHelper(docClient);

async function lambdaHandler() {
// Use dbHelper for database operations

So, What Should I do? Helper or Dependency Injection

The approach to managing database interactions, whether through a file helper, using dependency injection, or other methods, largely depends on your project’s specific requirements, scalability needs, and the technology stack you are using. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution; each approach has its strengths and trade-offs. Here are some alternative strategies and their considerations:

  1. Service Layer or Repository Pattern: This involves creating a separate layer in your application that handles all data access logic. The service or repository interacts with the database, abstracting these operations from the rest of your application. This pattern is particularly useful for larger applications or when working with complex domain logic.
  2. ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) Libraries: If you’re working with relational databases, ORM libraries like Sequelize (Node.js), Hibernate (Java), or Entity Framework (C#.NET) can abstract database interactions. They allow you to work with database records as objects, reducing the need for manual query writing.
  3. Database as a Service (DBaaS): Using managed database services like Amazon RDS or Google Cloud SQL can offload many database management tasks. They handle scaling, backups, and maintenance, allowing you to focus more on application development.
  4. Microservices Architecture: In a microservices setup, each service owns its database. This approach reduces database management complexity in monolithic applications, though it introduces complexity in terms of service communication and data consistency.
  5. Event-Driven Architecture: Using an event-driven model (like with Kafka or AWS EventBridge), you can decouple database operations from the rest of your application. This approach is useful in systems where data consistency across different services and scalability is a priority.
  6. Function as a Service (FaaS) Providers: When using serverless architectures (like AWS Lambda), you might rely on FaaS providers for database operations. These services can automatically scale and manage database connections, making them a good fit for serverless applications.
  7. Using Frameworks with Built-in Database Support: Some frameworks come with built-in support for database operations (like Ruby on Rails for Ruby, or Django for Python). These frameworks provide a high level of abstraction and can significantly simplify database interactions.

Conclusion: Embracing the Right Tools for Sustainable Code

The choice between using a helper file and Dependency Injection (DI) can significantly influence the sustainability, cleanliness, and scalability of your code. Dependency Injection, as we’ve explored, shines in its ability to reduce coupling and enhance testability and maintainability. By allowing dependencies to be swapped out seamlessly, DI offers a flexibility that traditional helper files simply cannot match. This advantage becomes especially pronounced in larger, more complex applications where adaptability and testing are paramount.

However, the journey doesn’t end with choosing DI. The vast landscape of software development presents a myriad of alternatives — from employing a Service Layer or Repository Pattern for structured data access, leveraging ORM libraries for seamless database interaction, to embracing cloud solutions like DBaaS for efficient database management. Each alternative carries its strengths, catering to different needs and scenarios.

For instance, Microservices Architecture, with its distributed approach, offers a solution for complex systems requiring high scalability and independence. In contrast, Event-Driven Architecture is adept at ensuring data consistency across various services. Similarly, Frameworks with built-in Database Support provide an unparalleled level of abstraction, ideal for rapid development and reducing boilerplate code.

The key, therefore, lies in choosing the right level of abstraction. A solution that aligns with your project’s scale, complexity, and long-term goals can transform a codebase from merely functional to truly resilient and adaptable. Whether it’s the simplicity and directness of a helper file or the robustness and flexibility of Dependency Injection, the right choice paves the way for a codebase that is not only clean and maintainable but also ready to evolve with your application’s needs.

In conclusion, as we master the intricacies of serverless computing and database management, let us not just write code — let us craft architectures that stand the test of time. By thoughtfully selecting our tools and abstractions, we lay down the foundation for software that is not only effective today but also adaptable for the challenges of tomorrow.

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