The Self-Improvement Hustle

How Trying to Be Better Can Bite You in the Ass

Archie Bee
4 min readDec 20, 2023
Image by the Author, 2023.

So, you wanna be better, huh?

Climb that ladder of personal growth, reach nirvana, become the goddamn Dalai Lama with a six-pack and a killer side hustle, right?


Yeah, right.

Well, buckle up, buttercup, because I’ve got some bad news for your inner optimist: the self-improvement racket is about as sunny as a black hole on a Tuesday.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some grumpy troll who hates puppies and rainbows. I’m all for a good ol’ fashioned evolution of the soul, but let’s be real — the whole “you’re not enough, fix yourself” narrative is about as motivating as a root canal on a hangover.

The Comparison Conundrum

First, there’s the ever-present comparison trap.

You open Instagram, and bam! There’s your cousin Becky, squatting like a goddess with a caption about “finding your inner warrior.”

Meanwhile, you’re here, struggling to pry yourself off the couch and wondering if pizza counts as a warrior’s breakfast. Suddenly, your self-improvement to-do list looks as appealing as a colonoscopy appointment.

But here’s the thing, Becky’s life is probably about as curated as a Kardashian Christmas card. She’s got filters, angles, and a whole team of professionals making her look like a human highlight reel.

You, my friend, are just you, in all your messy, imperfect glory.

So, stop comparing your behind-the-scenes bloopers to someone else’s carefully crafted trailer. It’s like trying to win a hot dog eating contest against a python — you’re gonna lose, and probably throw up in the process.

The “Never Enough” Nightmare

Then there’s the “never enough” syndrome.

You set goals that would make Mother Teresa look like a slacker — meditate for an hour, write a novel, learn Mandarin, solve world hunger, all before breakfast. And guess what? You fail. Miserably. So, you beat yourself up like a punching bag at a motivational speaker convention, feeling like a complete and utter failure.

Newsflash, sunshine: aiming for the moon is great, but if you land on your ass every time, you’re gonna need a lot of ice and a therapist who specializes in existential dread.

Start small, celebrate the tiny victories, and remember, even a baby step is a step in the right direction. Unless you’re taking those steps in quicksand, then maybe just stay put.

The Self-Loathing Safari

Finally, there’s the self-loathing safari.

You spend so much time focusing on your flaws and imperfections that you forget you’ve actually got some pretty damn cool stuff going on. You’re like a walking museum of self-criticism, pointing out every chipped paint chip and dusty corner while ignoring the breathtaking exhibits of your kindness, humor, and resilience.

Give yourself a break, you magnificent mess!

Embrace your quirks, laugh at your mistakes, and stop trying to be someone you’re not.

The world needs more weird, wonderful people, not a bunch of Stepford clones who can recite motivational quotes like parrots.

Finding Your Own Damn Path

So, what’s the takeaway from this self-improvement smackdown?

It’s this: stop chasing some imaginary ideal and start building a life that feels good for you, flaws and all.

Find your own damn path, one that’s paved with laughter, compassion, and maybe a little bit of pizza. Ditch the guilt trips, the unrealistic expectations, and the self-flagellation seminars.

You are enough, just as you are, weird socks and all.

And if you ever need a reminder, just picture me, sitting here in my pajamas, eating cold pizza (it’s more like a cake turned cookie hard without the cheeses) and writing this article about how self-improvement is kind of bullshit.

Yeah, I’m the poster child for personal growth, alright. But hey, at least I’m honest.

Now go forth and be your gloriously imperfect self, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll find that happiness isn’t at the top of some self-improvement mountain, but right here, in the messy, beautiful middle of your own damn life.

Remember: progress over perfection, laughter over self-loathing, and pizza over, well, everything else.

Now go get ’em, tiger.

And for the love of all that is holy, please put on some pants before you leave the house.

So, what’s your next move?

Don’t just scroll away; I genuinely want to know. Did this article tickle your existential funny bone? Leave a thunderous clap if so, or a thoughtful comment if you think I’m full of hot air. Either way, let’s keep the conversation rolling.

And if you still have brain cells left after reading this, consider following me on Medium. It’s like therapy, but cheaper (and probably less effective, probably).

Or… Buy me an Overpriced Coffee.



Archie Bee

Unfiltered writing about self-improvement, human potential, and anything in-between to live better.