About me

Arieda Muço
2 min readJul 30, 2023


Photo of the author :-)

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Central European University (CEU) in Vienna, where I teach and conduct research on political, development, and economic history.

Prior to moving to Vienna, I resided in Budapest, where I obtained my first job after completing my Ph.D. in Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden.

Additionally, I have lived in Rome, Cologne, Malaga, and Madrid. Although I feel privileged to have experienced living in so many European cities, most of my moves were not planned in advance. (If interested, you can check out the locations of my past residences here.)

At CEU, I teach data-related courses such as Introduction to Python, Causal Inference, Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing, and Research Methods. Some of the course materials and research-related data and code are available on my GitHub account.

My current research is posted here.

With my Medium articles, I attempt to share my experiences about teaching, research, and life.

Currently, my most-read articles are:

From Migrant to Expat… 20 Years Around Europe

My Life In Imperial Vienna

Lessons From The Run: What Running Taught Me About Life and Myself

My own favorites — from the most recent — are:

She Was Asked To Run a Race Barefoot (and she won)

Discovering Freedom One Mile at a Time

From Migrant to Expat… 20 Years Around Europe

I hope you enjoy the content. Feel free to reach out if you do!

