Let’s code email campaigns (6/6): Testing

Alicja Wolkowska
2 min readOct 7, 2018


Testing is super important.

Can you see that tornado in the top banner? That’s how I feel each time I have to test something. I know tornado is incoming ;)

Your email service provider should provide you with tools for sending out test campaigns without the need of broadcasting them. Mailchimp not only allows that but if you have a paid account you can preview your email in different inboxes.

It’s always a good idea to create email accounts in different services (gmail, yahoo, outlook) and then broadcast your campaign to those clients.
If you don’t want to go through all that hassle, you could use services like Litmus that can help you preview your templates in most email clients out there.

You have to know your audience. If most of your subscribers use IOS Mail (you can check that in reporting provided by your esp) then using css animations is a good idea. Make sure you test your template for email clients your subscribers use most.
Saying that, your email will not look perfect in every email client and you have to be ready to compromise :) make sure your fallback version is always in place (desktop version not dependent on media queries).

You don’t have to test your emails every time you send an email campaign but certainly every time you make changes to your template.

Thank you for reading through my 6 part tutorial :)

Hope I helped you understand the basics of email campaigns and that you’ll go out there trying out new things and developing something cool!

Please note my template is just a guideline of what you could create; use it, break it, have fun with it!

Happy emailing!

Full code for the template, can be found here

Tutorial: [PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 4] [PART 5] [PART 6]



Alicja Wolkowska

Digital developer, technology enthusiast, gamer, photographer and an amateur painter. I also make awesome waffles.