Challenge Day 64: Golang; done and dusted

2 min readNov 3, 2019


This post is part of accelerated learning project, Outpacing the fast-paced world.

You read it right, I’ve already finished learning Go and it’s 11:44 PM I am writing this and yes Go is a thing of past. On average, I have one week to spend on each of the languages and that’s what I intended to be honest.

I wanted to learn each language extensively. After getting up at 9:04 AM today, I spent 2 hours researching about various text books to learn Go. Somehow I’m a fan of learning using books instead of tutorials and videos. ‘Head first Go’ and ‘The Go programming language’ topped the list. Head First series has always been my favorite so I was inclined to use it.

But the old flame didn’t work out anymore. The problem with the books is that they treat you like a dumb programmer dreamed of being next Zuckerberg last night and got up and bought the book as first thing after getting up in the morning. These books start with very basic stuff that you have known since ages.

And once again I headed for my not-so-favorite Tutorialspoint. It’s not that bad but not that good either. I finished all the lessons somehow after taking a few brief naps. But the real breakthrough came when I had finished these tutorials and wanted to read some great concepts like Concurrency, Goroutines and select in detail. Golang Bot stole the show for being the best tutorial for Go I came across over internet. I ended up re-reading all important stuff again on Golang bot. In fact, I liked the quality of tutorials so much that I am considering donating to the guy who wrote those.

Now that I’ve finished Go lang officially. It’s time to practice and contribute to open source and good thing is I have almost a week left to do so. I plan to overshoot my goal. Also, while I was taking break from my incessant Go time (I spent the whole sunday in my room studying Go), I re-installed WhatsApp and someone told me Kubernetes is written in Go and of course is a good candidate for code contribution. Does that mean I’ll be studying Kubernetes too this month? Who knows! Maybe.

But it was worth it and I love my pace. Setting goals and embarking this challenge has really made me efficient well beyond my expectations.

Read the next post . Read the previous post.

This post is part of accelerated learning project, Outpacing the fast-paced world.

If you want to follow along with my daily posts, make sure to follow this Medium account.

