Is Help the most truthful KPI of Marketing?

Arka Das
3 min readFeb 16, 2018


Thanks to them and tons of other books for unveiling the truth and “RUINING” my life!

I am feeling so low about myself now. Not because I know little.

Because, I don’t have a strong core to usher in thoughts to help people genuinely, to care for them and elevate myself, educate myself to help them- this is where I am suffering, this is where I am bruised.

Why are you so sublime and how are you so?

Before a better writer, a damn good marketer, I have to be a good and genuine human being.

There is a deep fear that if I choose this path to tread on, I don’t know where I will head up myself. But, there is a conviction too that I may hit on something amazing. They call it Nirvana, I may term it something else but that will definitely be worth talking.

Why are these bunch of people running insanely, flexing muscle without any foundation and still building the business?

Or this perspective of having more business, earning more is a well-created bubble itself!

A veil that’s concealing to see through the greater objective or true, meaningful KPI. Summing it up-


Now if I pursue this KPI, every assignment will have a greater goal- for example- “I don’t want to sell XYZ product or service. I truly believe this product will help others to resolve their biggest problems in life or guide them to stumble upon something great.

Here my goal is to unleash everything to reach out to them and explain why my “XYZ Product/Service” is so important and how they can be benefited.

I truly want to believe these are not all so-nice-to-utter words but the real fuel to do what matters.

All hacks, tactics, strategies come here to reach out to them. NOTHING ELSE.

But people go gaga over smart marketing, i.e moonshot them as soon as possible. Do they sustain? Yet to find answers.

If I walk with this belief of “HELP THEM TO HELP MYSELF”, I will never be a smart marketer.

Or even the word “smart marketing” is a term to discard and march ahead.

The hunt is on.

Have a say on this? I would love to hear from you. Ignore clapping if you want (though it will help Medium to recognize my words) but please share your thoughts, if you are on the same page with me or have a different standpoint.

