More Favorite Obscure AWS Service Names

Adam Arrowood
2 min readOct 28, 2022


After mocking my favorite obscure AWS service names, I’ve come across even more AWS services that I missed the first time and think deserve commentary:

Amazon Connect Wisdom
“The fool doth think he is directly connected, but the wise man knows himself to be on a VPN.” — William Shakespeare, As You Network It

AWS Wickr
When you spend enough for the company but can’t splurge extra for a vowel, I guess?

AWS Copilot
Ah, this explains the “AWS is my Copilot” bumper sticker I saw the other day.

Amazon Corretto
Italian AWS users know this is the correct service to use no matter what.

Amazon X-Ray
The one AWS service you have to have approval from your health insurance to use. Also makes me assume we will eventually see debug tools named Amazon CT Scan and Amazon MRI.

Amazon Gamesparks
If you encounter Amazon Gamesparks, immediately unplug your cloud and return it to your local retailer.

Amazon Codewhisperer
The final word whispered by Bezos is ‘Code’ — as he says it, it’s not clear what it means. But the camera shows the viewer, panning across the vast amount of data centers he had amassed and hoarded over his life, being burnt and discarded after his death. One shot focuses in on a server as being thrown into a furnace, with the name ‘AWS’ on it. So, at the end, Bezos longed for his software, despite his massive fame and wealth.

AWS Inferentia
I’m going to assume you can figure out what this service does.

Amazon Braket
No, the ‘c’ is not missing — it is simply in a state where it is simultaneously in the word and out of it.

Amazon CloudWatch RUM
The first in a new line of AWS drinks, including AWS Whisky Hub and Amazon Lambda Margarita.



Adam Arrowood

I don't think I can be summed up in less than at least 190 chars.