12 Best AI Writers of 2024 (I Used Them All)

Artturi Jalli
45 min readSep 9, 2023


Did you know you can use AI to write original content in seconds?

This is a comprehensive review of the best AI writing tools for all the most common use cases.

I’ve extensively tested and reviewed all the AI writing tools so you don’t have to.

The Top Picks

1. Scalenut: Best for Long-Form Content

2. Contentshake: Best for blogs and SEOs

3. Content at Scale AI: Best for Blog Posts

Also, if you’re a blogger, make sure to watch this:

Disclaimer: This post is supported by my dear readers. If you purchase through one of the links below, I might earn a small commission at no cost to you.

1. Scalenut

Free trial with this link. Use code FOREVER20 for 10% off.

Scalenut writes entire 4,000+ word blog posts in less than 5 minutes.

Although I’m not a huge believer in SEO or AI SEO, if you are, this is a tool you don’t want to miss. You can give it a free try using the above link.

This tool writes long text from scratch. It also analyzes the SEO scores, plagiarism scores, and so on.

Just one thing to keep in mind is that it’s not perfect. Not even close. To rank on Google, you need to do more than just generate text with AI.

Key Features

  • Latest advancements in AI and Natural Language Processing. Scalenut writes text from scratch using AI. All you need to do is tell it what to write about.
  • A ton of writing templates to choose from. Scalenut offers templates, making it easy for you to start a writing project.
  • Cruise Mode for writing blog posts in 5 minutes. Quickly draft blog posts by inputting ideas and letting the AI generate the content.
  • Tutorials and documentation. There are lots of blog posts and tutorials that can help you write.
  • Built-in blog post editor. Write and edit content in the Scalenut editor if you like.
  • One-click WordPress export: Scalenut simplifies the publishing process for WordPress users by allowing you to directly export a post to your WP site and publish it there.

My Experience

Scalenut is easy to use. I used it to generate a blog post from start to finish in 4 minutes or so.

Scalenut’s main feature, Cruise Mode, is designed to generate complete articles in just 5 minutes or less. This powerful long-form blog post editor demonstrates the full potential of the tool.

By simply inputting your target search terms, such as “How to make money online,” Scalenut’s AI takes about a minute to build the foundation of your blog post.

From there, you can fill in any necessary details to guide the AI in crafting the content you want for your target audience.

The AI even generates multiple title options for you, which you can rephrase or edit as needed.

Once you’ve selected a title, Scalenut’s AI creates an outline for your post, establishing the main structure. You can easily customize the outline by adding or removing talking points as you see fit.

With the outline in place, the AI then generates the content for you.

For me, Scalenut produced a nearly 4,000-word blog post in mere seconds. You can also use AI to rephrase individual sections and remove any unnecessary content.

While Scalenut enables you to create a comprehensive long-form post quickly, it’s essential to recognize that additional time is needed for editing.

You need to polish and fact-check the content before publishing. Also, you need to add a lot of visuals and cite useful resources.

What I Like about Scalenut

  • Easy to use: Scalenut is incredibly user-friendly, making it simple to create content without any hassle.
  • Templates: The platform offers templates for various content types, catering to different needs.
  • Customizable: Scalenut allows for easy customization throughout the entire content creation process, giving users full control over their work.
  • Lots of metrics: The tool provides numerous metrics, helping data-driven bloggers optimize their content for better performance.
  • Free trial: Scalenut offers a substantial free trial, allowing users to test the platform before committing to a subscription.

What I Dislike about Scalenut

  • Needs human intervention: Despite its powerful AI, Scalenut still requires human input to ensure high-quality, polished content.
  • Blog posts are walls of text without images: Generated content lacks images and proper formatting, requiring additional work before publishing.
  • Fact-checking required: Users must thoroughly fact-check the AI-generated content to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • Requires a lot of time before publishing: Although Scalenut speeds up the initial content creation process, users must still invest time in polishing and optimizing the content before it’s ready for publication.


Get 20% off by signing up with this link and using promo code FOREVER20.

After the free trial, you have three paid plans:

  • Essential: $23/mo
  • Growth: $47/mo
  • Pro: $89/mo

Final Verdict

ScaleNut offers rapid content generation and is one of the most powerful AI writers on the market.

It writes decent blog posts from start to finish. Also, it’s got all the SEO bells and whistles for SEO freaks.

Just remember that it’s not a replacement for a real writer. You need to add images, illustrations, visualizations, links, experiences, expertise, and everything that it takes to rank on Google (and provide value.)

Try Scalenut for FREE

2. Contentshake AI

Try free with this link

Contentshake AI turns your ideas into blog posts, articles, and social media posts.

This tool uses AI to generate original text (and images) from scratch.

This type of tool is great for bloggers and SEO people. But is it just hype?

Let me show some key highlights.

Also, if you want to read an honest and more comprehensive review of this product, check this post.

Try Contentshake for Free

Key Features

Here are the main features of Contentshake:

  • AI writer. The tool uses the latest AI technology to generate content, images, and content ideas. You just need to tell what you want it to do.
  • Social media post writer. You can also use this product to write social media posts.
  • Blog editor. A full-on blog post editor to enhance and improve your posts.
  • WordPress integration. Publish AI content directly on your site.

Let’s see how it performs.

My Experience

First, I tested the social post writer. I wanted to create a LinkedIn post.

Here are the posts it wrote:

These look great. I’d say a bit generic and also a bit spammy with the emojis. But other than that, I could easily roll with these.

Testing the AI Writer

Next, I tried the article writer feature. I asked the AI to generate a blog post on best productivity tips.

I customized the settings to 4,000 words in a semi-casual tone of voice.

Then after about 8–10 minutes, the AI writer was ready.

As a result, I had a brand new original blog post of 2,700 words in front of me. You can check the complete AI post here.

The post looks cool. It has a lot of content and a lot of images. However, one thing I don’t like is that the content is generic (as well as the images.)

But that’s not a problem. You just need to do editing and make it look yours.

You can start from the Contentshake editor. You can use the AI chatbot to fix your writing. You can generate images. But remember to also add your own touch to it.

For example, here I’m rephrasing one of my sentences with AI:

Once you’ve edited your post, it’s time to hit publish.

For example, you can connect your WordPress blog with Contentshake to publish there without doing the import-export hassle.

Try Contentshake for Free

What I Like about Contentshake

  • Free trial. You can try the tool as much as you want for free for one week. That’s epic if you asked me.
  • Super helpful and kind team. They always answer my questions quickly.
  • Blog post editor. I think it’s awesome that this tool has a standalone editor for creating content. It’s not just spitting out text but it allows you to work with that text too.
  • Fast and accurate AI. It generates good, structured, and nicely formatted content out of thin air.
  • Image library integration. Contentshake integrates with Unsplash so that you can break up the text nicely. The AI adds these in automatically.

What I Dislike about Contentshake

  • Generic content. Although it writes a long blog post, the content ends up generic. Without heavy edits, I don’t see it ranking on Google.
  • Lack of citations. Although it gives credit to the Unsplash images, the tool seems to forget citations to sources, such as statistics.
  • Tech blindness. The tool has all the coolest AI features that can make you blind to the fact that you still need to do the manual work. You can publish an AI post without editing, but it will never get any readers. You need to edit it — heavily!


Contentshake has a simple pricing model:

  • $60/month

Try Contentshake for Free


Contentshake is awesome. It can write text, generate images, and create social media posts — from scratch.

If you want to try AI for blogging or SEO, this is a tool you should try.

Just remember that AI won’t replace bloggers and SEOs. You need to add your experiences, images, expertise, and such to make it stand out!

Try Contentshake for Free

3. Content at Scale AI

Content at Scale is a new type of AI writing service that writes blog posts from start to finish.

Most AI writing tools only use OpenAI’s GPT technology to power their tool, which is great. But Content at Scale uses three separate AI models to generate the content.

Content at Scale is better at writing blog content than any other software I’ve tried. It performs like an ok freelance writer.

However, it’s not something you can fully automate content creation with. You still need to heavily edit the content to make it stand out.

Key Features

  • Plagiarism checker for making sure your AI-written content is original.
  • AI detector to ensure your writing looks human-written.
  • Powerful AI algorithms that turn your simple description into a full-blown blog post.
  • Usage dashboard that shows you how much you’ve written with AI and how much you’ve saved in freelance costs.

My Experience

I’ve extensively used Content at Scale to see how well it performs.

To keep it short, I’ll place the entire blog post that I wrote here. You can find the full article here. (Here’s a screenshot of the beginning of the post:)

The tool generated a solid outline. Also, it completed all the talking points into short yet concise and informative chapters.

But there’s still a problem — a lack of experience and a unique angle that a human writer could bring in.

  • When compared to other AI writers, I must give it a 5/5.
  • But if I compare the article to a human-written piece, I will only give it a 2/5.

Similar to any other AI writing tool, Content at Scale AI cannot think. It can only write about what’s already been said everywhere.

This is the biggest problem that the AI writers cannot solve.

The blogging article is a great example of a topic that AI can’t write about. It has no blogging experience that a human writer might have.

The AI cannot bring in its own unique experiences about blogging such as what makes stories rank and so on. It can only rely on information it has read on the internet.

You still need to do most of the work to write articles that stand out.

What I Like about Content at Scale

  • Content at Scale is super easy to use. All you need to do is write the topic of your article and wait for a couple of minutes for the AI to complete the story.
  • The tool gives as great results as it gets. The output articles are comparable to an okay to decent freelance writer’s writing.
  • The plagiarism checker ensures the content is original. There’s always a chance that the AI arranges words in a way that has been done before.
  • The tool saves time. It uses AI to write complete blog posts in a matter of minutes from a simple description you give it.

Speaking of AI detectors, read my review of AI writing detectors to know if they really work.

What I Dislike about Content at Scale

  • The tool is pricey as opposed to other AI writing tools.
  • The UI is sometimes a bit laggy and unintuitive. For example, I wasn’t sure when and where my first piece was generated.
  • The AI detector feature is there but it’s not too accurate.
  • Overall, Content at Scale needs human intervention. You need to check facts, add images, and bring some uniqueness to the posts before going live.


  • $15 for a 7-day experience

Final Verdict

Content at Scale is an impressive AI writer tool that turns your short input into a full-on blog post.

This tool is for content creators who need to quickly push out tons of content. It’s a huge time saver and does an okay to a decent job that’s comparable to a real human freelancer.

Similar to any other AI writing tool, Content at Scale makes mistakes. You have to read the articles carefully and check the facts. Also, to make the stories less boring, you need to add some images and make edits.

You can get a 20% credit boost by using this link.

Try Content at Scale

4. Rytr

Rytr is an AI writer with the powers of the latest advancements in AI as well as an affordable pricing model.

It’s one of the cheapest solutions on this list.

Rytr is especially good for generating short-form content, such as emails, ideas, outlines, and more. All you need to do is give it some input and it will take care of the rest in a matter of seconds.

Key Features

  • AI-based content creation. Rytr uses AI to generate unique and original content out of thin air. This can take your writing speed to another level.
  • Templates. Rytr comes with built-in templates you can use to streamline your workflow. These templates are like AI presets that guide the AI to generate specific types of content, such as professional emails.
  • Languages. Rytr is not only an English-speaking AI. It can do more than a dozen different languages as well.
  • History. Rytr saves your writing history so you can easily return to an earlier piece of text to make modifications or continue generating.

My Experience

Thanks to the rich features, it’s easy to use Rytr in many different use cases, such as emails, blog posts, and more.

In this section, I’ll give you a quick overview of my experience and thoughts on Rytr as an AI writing assistant.

First of all, I think Rytr is best for creating short content like emails.

For example, here I asked Rytr to come up with a professional email I could send to a job recruiter:

With so little information, Rytr was able to generate an email that is almost ready to be sent as-is.

As another interesting example, I tried to generate blog post outlines with Rytr.

More specifically, I told Rytr to write two highly creative example outlines for “Why Is the Sky Blue”:

Once again, Rytr did a good job with the outlines. The only thing that wasn’t that great is that Rytr generated so few subheadings. I’d rather have 5–10 of those instead of only 2–3.

Last, but not least, I also tried generating a social media profile bio with Rytr. Everyone knows how difficult it is to come up with a compelling and professional bio in a hurry.

Here’s an example:

To be short, I’d say these bios look decent, but nothing too impressive. Anyway, you can generate new ones or edit the existing outputs to turn them into gems.

I’m going to keep it short here so I won’t dig deeper into the details of the research I did on Rytr.

To find out more tests and thoughts about Rytr, make sure to read my complete Rytr review.

What I Like

  • Easiness to use. The tool is simple. It’s easy for anyone to get started with. Besides, there’s a free trial that requires no credit card details. This lowers the barrier to trying Rytr.
  • Best pricing on the market. Based on my extensive research, Rytr seems to have the cheapest pricing on the market (or at least it’s right there). Besides, there’s a plan with an unlimited number of characters.
  • Creativity. In Rytr, you can change the language, tone of voice, and creativity level. This makes it a versatile tool that can produce written content in many different contexts and styles of writing. It can come up with names, ideas, blog outlines, emails, and more.
  • The saved time. With Rytr, you can automate some of your content creation workflows. Just remember that it always needs human intervention!

What I Dislike

  • Convincing mistakes. Rytr uses the latest developments in AI to power its outputs. But these are sometimes factually incorrect, yet the tone of voice remains convincing. This makes it hard for you to detect whether the content is right or wrong.
  • Limited features. In Rytr, there aren’t so many features as opposed to Jasper or CopyAI.
  • Repetition. Rytr sometimes repeats itself excessively. This makes the written content quality suffer and it also wastes your word credits (if you’re on a word-limited plan)


Rytr has an affordable pricing model. The free trial gives you access to the most notable features and certainly gives you an idea about the software.

On the other hand, the unlimited plan comes with no word limits which is great for power users.

Here’s the pricing of the software:

  • Free: $0/month (has word limits)
  • Saver: $9/month (has word limits)
  • Unlimited: $29/month (no word limits)

Final Verdict

Rytr is a great AI writing software with an excellent pricing model and an extensive free trial.

It’s best for someone who wants to create short content, like emails, blog outlines, and such. It can save some time and help you fight the blank page syndrome.

Thanks to the core features, you can find Rytr useful in many scenarios you may not have thought of before.

I want to emphasize that with every AI tool, you need to remember to do fact-checking and research. The AI can be 100% wrong yet convincing.

So like any other AI writing software on this list, use Rytr as an AI writing assistant, not an autopilot.

Try Rytr for Free

5. WordTune

WordTune is the best Grammarly alternative I’ve tested.

It’s a really neat replacement for the AI writing veteran.

The idea of WordTune is very similar to Grammarly. It constantly analyzes your writing to improve your quality of writing as well as fix grammatical issues.

WordTune is just like the name suggests. It fine-tunes your writing by suggesting better sentence structures and grammatical assistance.

You can use WordTune’s suggestions by highlighting a piece of text you’ve written and asking WT to generate better text. Then, by clicking the AI-produced alternatives, you can replace your text with them. Plain and simple!

There’s a free plan to WordTune with which you can experiment quite nicely. Besides, the paid plan is affordable and simple — you can generate as much text as you want!

Key Features

  • Online editor. WordTune comes with a simple and powerful online editor. In the online app, you can generate text as well as do some formatting to make it stand out.
  • Chrome extension. The key feature WordTune is best known for is the Chrome extension that works where you work. If you’re writing an online Word document, form, or even an email, you can use WordTune’s AI to your advantage.
  • AI-based text improvement suggestions. WordTune uses AI to scan your content. It detects typos and clunky sentences and lets you fix them with a click of a button.
  • Tone changer. You can use WordTune’s tone of voice options to guide the AI to generate better responses. For example, in a friendly email, you can choose a casual tone of voice instead of a professional one.
  • Free trial and affordable pro plans. WordTune is a paid software but it has a free trial with 10 creations per day. The paid plan is affordable yet it offers an unlimited number of generations.

My Experience

In my experience, WordTune is a simple and easy-to-use tool. It only took 15 seconds for me to understand how the tool works.

There are very few features, as the tool merely focuses on rewriting your sentences in a variety of different tones of voice. That being said, you can’t just generate full-on blog posts or news articles with WordTune. You still have to produce the content and use WordTune as an AI layer to make your writing more compelling and grammatically correct.

I think the best way to use WordTune is by using the Chrome extension.

For example, take a look at WordTune in action. Here I’m writing an email and asking WordTune for some assistance:

In this example, WordTune came up with a bunch of better alternatives to the phrases I had written out. It simply made the email a lot better.

Also, in case you don’t use Chrome, you can use WordTune’s web app to edit your content.

Whether you use WordTune as a web editor or as a Chrome extension, the workflow is simple:

  1. Write some text.
  2. Highlight the text.
  3. Ask WordTune for improvements.
  4. Click a button to accept the suggestions.

I think the small number of features, easy workflow, and overall simplicity make WordTune one of the best applications of AI I’ve used. It certainly helps your writing and makes it of high quality. WordTune doesn’t go for generating a 1,000-word blog post in one go. Instead, it requires your input which in my opinion is the way to go with today’s AI capabilities.

Make sure to read my complete review of WordTune.

What I Like about WordTune

  • Easy to use. WordTune is a simple Chrome extension that takes seconds to activate. It works everywhere by scanning your writing and fixing sentences with AI.
  • Free trial. There’s a nice free trial of the software you can use without a credit card to test whether the tool is a great match for you or not.
  • Perfect AI use case example. I think WordTune cleverly uses AI. It rewrites the information you’ve provided and makes very few mistakes as opposed to those AI writers that generate entire blog posts in one go.
  • Affordable. The paid plan is unlimited, yet very affordable.

What I Dislike about WordTune

  • Little features. Although simplicity is beautiful, WordTune is not the most feature-packed software. It merely fixes your writing mistakes and offers better sentences, but it doesn’t use AI to generate content out of thin air. If you’re looking for an all-in-one AI writer, then stay away from WordTune.
  • Limited free trial and no free version. The free trial is great but quite limited. You can fix a couple of sentences until the software starts nagging about subscribing to a paid plan. And unlike Grammarly, WordTune doesn’t have a free unlimited version.


There’s a free trial with 10 credits every day. Besides, you can upgrade to a paid plan for $9.99/month with an unlimited amount of generations.

Final Verdict

WordTune is one of the best AI writing assistants out there. It can rewrite, expand, or shorten your content by using AI cleverly and accurately.

WordTune is great for someone who wants to enrich their writing and needs some grammatical assistance.

But if you’re looking for an all-in-one solution, then WordTune might not be your best bet — better tools like Jasper or CopyAI exist.

Make sure to read my complete review of WordTune.

6. QuillBot

QuillBot is the best paraphrasing AI writing assistant. Instead of generating content from scratch, this tool focuses on rewriting parts of your writing.

In my opinion, QuillBot is a great Grammarly alternative. Based on my experience, it even outperforms Grammarly in some areas of writing.

Key Features

  • Chrome extension. One of the main features of QuillBot is the Chrome extension that works on any online text editor, such as a blog post editor, email form, or online Word document.
  • Powerful AI. QuillBot is powered by AI. This means the rewording process is intelligent and not just replacing words with a traditional if-then-else logic. QuillBot understands what you’re writing about.
  • Many paraphrasing modes. Besides the free standard paraphrasing mode, QuillBot has other paraphrasing modes, such as the expand, shorten, or creative modes. By tweaking these you get to choose the tone of voice of the paraphrased output.
  • Online content editor. In addition to the Chrome extension, there’s a QuillBot web app you can use to edit your content. The web app has many features, such as the blog post editor where you can write entire blog posts and use QuillBot paraphrase to make your sentences look better.

My Experience

I ran a whole bunch of tests on QuillBot so you don’t have to.

For instance, in the following image, the left-hand side is an email I jotted down. On the right-hand side, there’s a paraphrased version that QuillBot produced in a matter of seconds.

As a matter of fact, in the above image, I haven’t clicked the “Rephrase” button yet, so you can see the words and sentences that are about to be changed.

I think the tool did a great job here. It replaced some words and phrases with more fluid ones to make the email more engaging and professional.

If I had to grade the input email, I would give myself a 7/10. On the other hand, I’d give a 9/10 for QuillBot.

Now, let’s move on to the Chrome extension. Once you’ve added the browser extension to Chrome, QuillBot does its magic wherever you go.

For example, here I’ve written an email in my Gmail email editor.

Here QuillBot highlights sentences and words that I can rephrase. If I understand it correctly:

  • The blue underlines are sentences that are right but better alternatives exist.
  • The red underlines are errors in my writing.

To fix the writing, all you need to do is click on these underlined strings of text. QuillBot shows the replacements as a dropdown and you can click one suggestion to activate it.

This is pretty handy, in my opinion. It works very similarly to Grammarly.

Alternatively, if QuillBot shows no fixes, you can always just highlight a piece of text and click the QuillBot icon to rewrite that part.

But sometimes QuillBot Chrome extension messes up the lines. For example, here it highlights the wrong parts of the text I’m trying to replace.

This results in a messed up section like this:

Read my QuillBot review to find a more complete review of the tool, such as complete examples of the different writing modes.

What I Like

  • QuillBot works. QuillBot is not just hype and empty promises. In my tests, the tool performed well, and successfully rephrased my sentences to improve my writing.
  • Free trial. You can use the standard paraphrase for free. This is a great way to test the capabilities of QuillBot.
  • Easy to use. Needless to mention, QuillBot is easy to use. All you need to do is write some text and click a button to rephrase it. Also, you can highlight and click individual sentences to rephrase those.
  • Great Chrome extension. QuillBot’s standout feature is the Chrome plugin that works everywhere. With this, you don’t need to come to the QuillBot web app to make changes to your text.

What I Dislike

  • Pricey. The monthly QuillBot plan is expensive. There are writing tools like Rytr, that cover the entire AI writing suite, such as paraphrasing, blog post generation, and more yet the pricing is more or less the same.
  • Chrome extension messes up lines. Sometimes the QuillBot Chrome plugin highlights parts of your writing incorrectly. It cuts the sentence short and leaves some parts of the original sentence to the end which messes up the writing. This happened quite a bit in my testing.
  • No other features. QuillBot is an AI writing assistant that focuses on rewriting sentences. Besides that, there are no other AI utilities you could use, such as AI writing or image generation.


In QuillBot, there’s one paid plan but the price varies based on the billing period:

  • Annual: $8.33/month
  • Semi-Annual: $13.33/month
  • Monthly: $19.95/month

Besides, there’s a free version that allows you to use the standard paraphrasing mode without signing up.

Final Verdict

Unlike some other AI writing software, QuillBot doesn’t generate text. Instead, it’s a writing assistant that focuses on rewording your writing and running spell-checks and other analyses to make your text stand out.

Even though the tool is pricey, I think it’s a great Grammarly alternative that truly works. In my rigorous testing, the tool was able to rewrite my sentences to make my writing better.

I mentioned that other AI writers cost as much as QuillBot yet they offer 10x more features. Notice that this isn’t as bad as it may sound.

Many AI writer tools offer a lot of templates. But these are usually just the same AI algorithm with different instructions. Also, many times those more well-rounded AI tools offer features that don’t work.

That being said, I think QuillBot uses AI in a way that makes the least mistakes. The main focus is on paraphrasing content, not generating it. It has a limited feature set, but it excels in the features it offers.

Worth a try!

Read my complete QuillBot review.

7. Peppertype

Peppertype is a top-notch AI writing software that uses the latest advancements in AI to generate content faster. It promises to write 5–10 times faster than you’d regularly do.

Peppertype comes up with unique, well-thought-out, and plagiarism-free content with simple text input from you.

Key Features

  • Powered by state-of-the-art AI algorithms. Peppertype uses artificial intelligence to turn small text inputs into full-blown content, such as emails. or even blog post chapters.
  • Loads of templates to choose from. With Peppertype, you don’t need to start from a blank page. Instead, many templates exist for different use cases, such as emails, blog post ideas, rephrasing, and more.
  • Long-form content creation capabilities. One of the standout features of Peppertype is its blogging capabilities. There’s an entire section for blogging features varying from ideas to paragraph generation.
  • Plagiarsim-free. Needless to mention, the content generated by Peppertype is free of plagiarism.

My Experience

I ran some extensive tests on Peppertype to see whether it’s truly capable of generating as good content as it promises.

One of the popular Peppertype features is the Quora answers template. With this template, you can generate a Quora answer on the popular Quora forum.

If you can generate many of these answers, you gain exposure and build a name for yourself.

But can you do it with AI?

Let’s give Peppertype a try. I asked Peppertype to generate a Quora answer for “Why is the sky blue”. Here are the results:

I like the fact that there are three variations. That being said, the answers are bad. The first one is completely wrong, and the rest makes only a little sense. I’d never post one of these on Quora (without heavy editing).

To put it short, don’t post Peppertype Quora responses to Quora!

As another test, I tried using Peppertype to rewrite a piece of content I generated.

Here’s my input:

And here’s the output:

This one looks really good. I could use this paragraph instead of the one I wrote. So here Peppertype did a great job.

I went ahead and gave the blogging features a try but there are so many of those that I don’t want to add them here. You can read my full Peppertype review (or just experiment yourself) to learn more.

To put it short, the Peppertype blogging features work decently. Peppertype can help with blank page syndrome and even write some generic jargon to your posts!


Peppertype has two paid plans besides the free trial version:

  • Personal plan with 1 user seat is $35/mo
  • A team plan with 5 user seats is $199/mo

Notice that the word limit is 50,000 words per month!

What I Like

  • Free trial. I think the Peppertype free trial gives enough credits so that you can freely explore the tool to get an idea of how it works.
  • Rich feature set. There are tons of great features in Peppertype, such as the email generator, blog idea generator, and more. These make the tool easier to use. Besides, you might find features you never thought would be possible.
  • Peppertype works. Although the Quora example failed miserably, in some areas Peppertype shines. For example, I successfully used Peppertype to generate blog post ideas, social media captions, or emails.
  • Nice UI. Peppertype looks great and is pleasant to use. Right from the landing page to all the features, the UI is nice and calm, which makes content creation fun.

What I Dislike

  • Word limit. There’s a 50,000 monthly word limit in Peppertype. For power users like bloggers, 50,000 words per month are nothing. Especially as you have to discard some of the generated content and re-generate.
  • Pricey. You get to use Peppertype for $35/month with a 50,000-word limit. A tool like Rytr is much cheaper and has no word limits!
  • Too many features. Instead of having 5–10 solid and fully working features, there are like 50 semi-good features. Although it’s also a good thing, it can be a bit overwhelming and confusing.
  • Mistakes. Sometimes the AI is simply wrong and you’re responsible for detecting that!

Final Verdict

Peppertype is a solid AI writing assistant. Some of the features work great and others don’t, though.

For example, the Quora answer generator was rubbish, but the blog post idea generator was awesome.

You need to experiment with the tool to learn what are some of its strengths in your use cases. This is great because there’s a free trial with which you can experiment quite a bit.

Similar to other AI writers, don’t use Peppertype generations blindly! Always do fact-checking and make sure the content looks good. AI makes mistakes.

Make sure to read my complete Peppertype review.

8. Jenni.ai

Jenni.ai is a powerful AI writing assistant that focuses on quality over quantity. It has a smaller feature set compared to many other AI writing tools on the list.

As per Jenni, they say it’s the most advanced AI solution on the market. I ran some extensive tests to figure out whether this is true or not in my opinion.

The main feature of Jenni.ai is the AI-powered blog post editor in which you can generate blog posts in minutes instead of spending hours doing research and work.

Key Features

  • AI-powered text generation. Jenni uses a powerful AI language model to generate content. It can both complete sentences as well as write entire sections for your blog posts. You can use this to write essays, blogs, emails, stories, and more.
  • Plagiarism-checker. There’s a built-in plagiarism buster tool that ensures the content you produce is original. You need to manually run it, though.
  • Text rephrasing. Jenni.ai can take input and rewrite it by using its own original words.
  • Citations. Jenni can find citations to back up facts from resources.
  • Free trial. You can test Jenni.ai for free quite extensively.

My Experience

Jenni has a unique workflow as opposed to other similar writing tools.

To start creating with Jenni, you just need to start typing something. Once you have some text in the view, you can hit enter to let Jenni generate content about that topic.

Here I’m writing a blog post about why the sky is blue:

Here’s what Jenni generated as I pressed enter:

That’s a big wall of text right there. I didn’t have to do anything else except accept/reject the sentences Jenni generated one by one.

This makes the tool easy to use and gives some control.

So Jenni doesn’t just generate the whole blog post in one go, which would make it quite limited.

The content generated looks good and convincing.

However, it mentions some numbers and percentages that might be inaccurate or wrong. You need to always double-check the AI-generated content.

So even though generating the above text took 60 seconds, the research will still take 15–30 minutes at least.

Also, you need to make sure the content is plagiarism-free. But this is a paid feature and not even the free trial gives you access to this.

Jenni’s main feature is the AI-backed text editor you just saw, so in this sense, there’s nothing else to try.


Jenni has a free trial, which you can activate without a credit card. Besides, you can choose to subscribe to a paid plan with the following pricing:

  • 3,000 words/mo for $6.00
  • 6,000 words/mo for $12.00
  • 12,000 words/mo for $21.00
  • 24,000 words/mo for $39.00
  • 48,000 words/mo for $71.00
  • 96,000 words/mo for $128.00

What I Like

  • Simple. Jenni.ai is the simplest AI tool I tried. It’s just a text editor in which you can write content. When you feel lazy or can’t come up with more content, you can hit enter to let Jenni do the job for you.
  • Easy to use. Once you try Jenni for 5–10 minutes, you’ll quickly learn how it works and how to accept/discard the suggestions it makes.
  • Free trial. Jenni.ai has a generous free trial that lets you try the tool enough to decide whether you want to pay for it or not.
  • Saves time. Using Jenni.ai the right way can save time. It can generate parts of your blog post, essay, email, or similar.

What I Dislike

  • Pricey. Jenni.ai is expensive especially because it has way fewer features than any other AI writer on this list. It costs 5 times more than Rytr and still has a word limit + far fewer features.
  • Limitations. Because of the lack of features, there’s only a text editor in Jenni.ai. There are no templates or creative features that could further assist you in different content creation contexts.
  • Trial limitations. The free trial is limited. You can’t try tools like a duplicate checker. Also, you can’t copy-paste the freely generated content!
  • Factual incorrectness. Like other AI writers, Jenni.ai also has its shortcomings The AI isn’t perfect and it makes mistakes. You need to check the facts before using the generated text!

Final Verdict

If you are after a super simple, yet powerful AI content writer for writing blog posts, essays, or other types of long-form content, Jenni.ai might be your best bet.

Notice that this tool is a bare-bones version compared to the other writers on the list. It merely has a single feature, which is the AI-text editor. Also, the pricing of the tool is towards the high end of the tools on this list.

I would give it a try as the simple UI and workflow might get you hooked instantly! But in my opinion, tools like Jasper or Rytr are simply better.

Make sure to read my complete Jenni.ai review.

9. ChatGPT

ChatGPT represents the newest main advancement in AI and natural language processing. It’s a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI.

The main goal of ChatGPT is to make natural conversation with AI easy and seamless. You can ask ChatGPT anything. It works similarly to a WhatsApp chat where you send a message to the AI and it responds with an answer.

Better yet, at the time of writing, ChatGPT is entirely free as a beta testing version of the software.

ChatGPT is not necessarily an AI writing tool but an algorithm instead. That’s why you don’t find this “software” higher on the list today.

ChatGPT was released in Dec 2022 and caused a massive buzz around it. Not only is ChatGPT better than the predecessor GPT-3 when it comes to writing text, but it can also write and read code.

Because ChatGPT is not an AI writing tool but a publicly available model, many AI writing companies have implemented their own ChatGPT model with a slight twist.

For example, Jasper Chat, ChatSonic, or HyperChat are some examples of AI writing tools that use ChatGPT.

Key Features

  • Powered by the latest advancements in AI. ChatGPT uses a powerful AI to generate responses to practically any question. It can write code, essays, emails, blog posts, song lyrics, and anything that involves text.
  • Free beta testing version. OpenAI initially released ChatGPT for free. You can interact with the ChatGPT model through OpenAI’s simple web UI. Notice that this is bound to change shortly similar to other OpenAI language models like GPT-3.
  • Memory. ChatGPT is a chatbot that remembers conversations. You can for example ask ChatGPT to re-format an earlier message or refer to earlier messages in coming up with new responses.
  • Feedback system to improve the answers. OpenAI ChatGPT message view has a simple feedback system they hope you use to improve their algorithm.
  • Saved chats. You can also visit the chat history with ChatGPT to view or continue earlier conversations.

My Experience

The same night ChatGPT came out I jumped on its hype train. But as I started experimenting with the algorithm more and more, I realized it had flaws and imperfections.

ChatGPT does extremely well in generating non-factual content, such as lyrics, names, or poems just to name a few.

For instance, here I asked ChatGPT to generate some names for a song:

Also, it nails the most well-known and well-researched facts.

But you can’t rely on ChatGPT as a blogger too much.

This is because the AI isn’t capable of thinking. It has been trained with data found on the internet.

Thus, everything you write with ChatGPT is just a rephrased version of what someone else has already said.

When it comes to creating content, you need to be original and unique. You need to bring something new to the table — not just repeat what others have said.

And no, I’m not saying ChatGPT plagiarises content. It’s very unlikely that ChatGPT gives an output in the exactly same form as someone else has (although you should always double-down on this yourself).

But because ChatGPT isn’t capable of doing original research, producing charts, infographics, or anything truly valuable, you won’t find it that useful in blogging or content creation.

For bloggers or content creators, ChatGPT can give inspiration, write generic parts of the stories, or generate topics/outlines. But it’s not that big a timesaver when it comes to writing long-form blog posts.

Look at this great blog post outline that ChatGPT gave me:

What I Like

1. Usability

ChatGPT is easy to use. Better yet, it is free at the moment.

To use ChatGPT, you need to sign up to OpenAI and start chatting. This makes it easy for the masses to start using the new technology. It also offers lots of data for OpenAI so that they can further develop their algorithm.

2. Potential

There’s a massive potential for AI in writing.

Back in 2020, AI writing wasn’t a real thing. Now AI writers are everywhere. They can already speed up writing pipelines and workflows depending on the niche/topic. Imagine what the AI writing landscape will look like in 5 years or so…

3. Hype

There’s a lot of hype around ChatGPT. This means there are lots of reviews, tutorials, and overall opinions circulating the internet. This is useful for newcomers.

Also, you will find a ton of valuable information as to what you can or cannot do with ChatGPT.

4. Multitude of use cases

There are so many ways you can use (or at least try to use) ChatGPT. These include code generation, debugging, blog post generation, song lyric generation, and much more.

5. New opportunities

Speaking of use cases, ChatGPT offers lots of new opportunities for writers. You can generate applications, emails, and other short-form content much easier with ChatGPT than without it. This can streamline workflows and let you focus on more important aspects of your business or work.

What I Dislike

1. Misdirection

ChatGPT isn’t perfect. It is a mathematical AI language model that takes text as an input and spits out a textual prediction as an output.

ChatGPT isn’t capable of thinking the way we humans do. Depending on the topic and use case, ChatGPT might come up with factually incorrect content. Worse yet, it does this quite often and in a very convincing manner. So be careful!

2. Hype

The downside of the hype is that people might start using ChatGPT blindly to generate content.

For example, a popular coding forum StackOverflow had to ban ChatGPT-generated answers due to the false and harmful content it produces.

Even though ChatGPT is impressive, we need to be careful with it.

3. Human intervention required

ChatGPT cannot produce content without intervention.

It always impresses me how great the written content looks. But if you don’t pay close attention, mistakes will slip through the cracks now and then.

Make sure to always double-check what ChatGPT says. And if the content needs to be factually right, always do the research yourself!


ChatGPT3.5 is free.

ChatGPT4.0 costs $20/mo.

Notice that this might change at any time in the future.

Final Verdict

ChatGPT is for sure the most impressive use case of AI I’ve seen. It offers countless new opportunities and workflows, and more importantly, it can save time.

Although ChatGPT isn’t that great for blogging or producing long-form valuable content, there’s a huge potential.

Also, because ChatGPT is a free language model, many companies can start using it through an API. Thus, there will be a ton of AI writers that are powered by ChatGPT. Examples like Jasper Chat or ChatSonic already exist.

Just remember to be careful with AI. ChatGPT is impressive, but not there yet! It makes a ton of mistakes convincingly. Make sure to check facts, do research, and provide value with your writing.

Make sure to read my complete ChatGPT review.

10. AI Writer

AI Writer is a long-form content generator that uses AI and simple user inputs to generate entire blog posts.

With AI Writer, you can generate a blog post in a matter of minutes from scratch. This is a big deal if you’re in a hurry or are running out of ideas.

AI Writer has a nice free trial that you can activate to experiment with the tool to learn its potential in your use cases.

Key Features

  • Latest AI algorithms. AI Writer is powered by the latest advancements in AI and natural language processing. It generates content with simple and short inputs, such as “A blog post about cats”.
  • Plagiarism checker. There’s always a concern that AI generates plagiarised content. No worries because the AI Writer checks that all the written content is 100% original.
  • Rephraser tool. You can use AI writer to reword or rephrase the text. This is useful if you have written something down but don’t find the content pleasing enough.
  • Subtopic finder. AI Writer also knows how to find subtopics given one main topic. You can use this to generate blog post ideas or talking points for blog posts.
  • Free trial. AI Writer doesn’t want you to pay for something you don’t find value in. This is why they offer a generous free trial you can use to experiment with the tool.

My Experience

The standout feature of AI Writer is the one-and-done long-form content generator. With a simple input like “A blog post about cats”, you can generate a full-on blog post.

But does it work?

Here’s my experience. I gave the AI writer an input: “Why is the sky blue”.

It took quite some time for the AI writer to generate the blog post for me. I’d say it was between 5 and 10 minutes if my memory serves me correctly. Nonetheless, it was much slower than other AI writers on this list. After a while, here’s the result it gave me:

As you can see, this is a complete blog post with 1,000+ words. Impressive!

The problem with this piece of content is that it’s just a wall of text that regurgitates things that are said a million times on the internet. So this piece would not rank as is.

By the way, I ran a duplicate check to verify that the content was indeed 100% plagiarism-free.

Let’s inspect the first sentence of the text:

“You may be wondering why the sky does not appear purple, as the purple light is scattered more intensely than blue. Short wavelengths (violet and blue) are scattered more heavily, so there is more blue light scattered toward our eyes than the other colors.” Show Source Texts

This piece makes no sense. It pretty much claims that purple color is the most dominant color in the sky. But then it also says blue light is the most dominant color in the sky…

So this very first chapter makes absolutely no sense. And we’re not talking about rocket science but very basic phenomena instead.

There’s a ton of fact-checking, error correction, and formatting to be done with this piece. It would probably take less time to re-write the piece from scratch without AI.

In my eyes, AI Writer’s long-form content generator isn’t great. Although it can give you some direction and still does a decent job in some parts of the text.

But when it comes to the rephrasing tool and the subtopic finder, I found AI Writer a great tool to work with. It generated pieces of text that made sense and saved me time.

What I Like

  • Free trial. First of all, I always like it when the software provider gives a free trial. This means they trust in their software and let you explore it before possibly paying for it.
  • Easy to use. AI writer is easy to use. All you need to do is provide it with some simple inputs and it takes care of the rest. No tech skills are required!
  • Some good features. The features like rephrasing and subtopic finder are great in my opinion. You can save some time and get creative by using these features in different contexts and use cases. Make sure to experiment with AI Writer to find the optimal way to use it.

What I Dislike

  • Slow. AI Writer took a long time to finish my first piece of content. It took like 5–10 minutes. Compare this to ChatSonic or Jasper who produces text in seconds and you’ll find it a bit frustrating to work with (although AI Writer generates the blog post in one go, unlike Jasper or ChatSonic).
  • Mistakes. I think using state of art AI algorithms in generating entire blog posts from a single input doesn’t just work yet. The AI isn’t clever enough to produce factually correct, valuable, and well-researched content. It’s much better to generate the content in smaller chunks and make sure each part is good and correct.
  • No control. Because the AI generates the entire blog post all at once, you can’t give it any guidance as it goes. Instead, the AI might end up spending a ton of credits (and time) in vain.


There are three paid plans besides the free plan:

  • Basic: $29/month
  • Standard: $59/month
  • Power: $375/month

Final Verdict

I liked the AI Writer’s rephrase tool as well as the subtopic finder feature. You can use these features to be more creative and save some time.

Besides, AI Writer is easy to use and offers a nice free trial with which you get a nice idea of how the tool works.

But I don’t believe the long-form content creator is that great. It takes your input, spends 10 minutes of your time, and spits out content with a lot of mistakes.

That being said, make sure to experiment with AI Writer to see whether it matches your content requirements or not.

But be careful and take care of fact-checking and conducting original research!

Make sure to read my complete AI Writer review.

11. NovelAI

NovelAI is an AI writer that focuses on writing stories and novels. This tool is for those who aren’t looking for copywriting or blog post-writing assistance.

Similar to how the other AI writers on this list work, NovelAI accepts simple user input and generates a story around it. Besides, you can play the text adventure game as well as generate unique fantasy-style art.

Key Features

  • Storyteller. The storyteller mode uses AI to generate stories around your simple inputs. You can both edit and re-generate stories as well!
  • Text Adventure. The text adventure is a gamified AI-writing mode where you choose the scene and characters and give instructions to those. Then the AI powers the game and creatively reacts to your commands.
  • Image Generation. Not only is NovelAI a text-generating tool but it can also generate images, such as fantasy-style pictures for your stories.
  • Free trial. The story-generating features are free to try.
  • Custom editor. The story generator view is fully customizable to meet your eye in case you spend long days in front of it.
  • Story encryption. All your stories are securely stored in NovelAI’s servers. Nobody can steal your content!
  • Knows many writing styles. NovelAI knows many different writing styles, such as Shakespeare.
  • User-friendly. The tool is easy to use. All you need to do is give it some input and let the AI take care of the rest.

My Experience

I extensively tested the three main features of NovelAI, that is, the Storyteller, Text Adventure, and Image Generation.

1. Storyteller

Here’s a short story I generated using NovelAI.

The input I gave is highlighted with purple color in the beginning. If you can’t see it, it says “A boy was walking in the middle of a field and…”. The rest of the story is generated entirely by AI and I made no changes to it.

I’m not a professional story writer, but to me, this looks impressive. I think it’s a creative story and the AI was instantly able to “read my thoughts” as to what kind of story it should be.

2. Text Adventure

Another funny feature of NovelAI is the AI-powered text adventure game. This feature requires some imagination from you to get the game started. In this game, you decide the scene and the character you want to give actions to.

You then start giving actions to the character and the AI takes actions.

For example, here’s a little text adventure I did with NovelAI. My main character was a rabbit that ran across a field in the nighttime.

Once again, I was impressed by the quality of responses the AI was able to generate. It feels like I’m playing a real text adventure game — not something that the AI just makes up at the moment.

3. Image Generation

Last but not least, let’s give the NovelAI image generator a try. To test this feature, you need to be a paying customer — this feature isn’t part of the free trial.

Nonetheless, this feature works similarly to the text generation features. You give a short input for the AI, such as “Sunset in a distant galaxy”.

For example, here’s an image I created with NovelAI:

Now, this is impressive! It looks like something a highly skilled artist would create. But this is a product of the powerful AI that powers NovelAI. It’s an original piece of art that you can use any way you want.

Read my complete NovelAI review to find more examples, and to learn my thoughts on the tool.

What I Like

  • It works. I did some extensive testing on NovelAI and I can tell the tool truly works. It’s not just hype! The tool can generate unique and creative stories with different tones of voice. Besides, the image generation features are an awesome addition to the software.
  • Free trial. You can easily test the tool by using the free trial. The best part is you don’t even need to create an account to try the software.
  • Different modes. NovelAI is not just about generating stories and novels. It can generate images and offers a text adventure mode too!
  • Easy to use. Last but not least, NovelAI is easy to use. It works based on your simple text inputs.

What I Dislike

  • Limited trial. The trial is good but it doesn’t let you try the image generation features! This makes it a bit limited because you have to pay even if you want to generate a single image.
  • UI problems. I found the UI somewhat clunky. Although it looks great, the UI sometimes froze. For example, when I tried to sign up to generate images, it wouldn’t let me. But these issues went away as I refreshed the view.
  • Doesn’t create entire stories. You can create stories sentence by sentence but there’s no full story mode that would let you generate a story from start to finish in one go.


NovelAI has a free trial. Besides, there are three paid plans you can subscribe to based on how much you want to use the tool:

  • Tablet: $10/month
  • Scroll: $15/month
  • Opus: $25/month

Final Verdict

NovelAI offers fantastic novel and story-creating capabilities. The best part is that the tool focuses entirely on story generation instead of being an all-in-one writing tool.

You can generate stories, edit them, generate images, and even play an AI-based text adventure on NovelAI.

The extensive free trial gives you a nice idea of the capabilities of the tool. Sadly, the image generation mode is behind a paywall.

Read my complete NovelAI review.

12. Caktus AI

Caktus AI is a student’s best friend.

This AI-powered tool can help you solve your homework in less time. All you need to do is provide the tool with some input, such as “Write an essay about cows”. Then after waiting for a minute or two, you have a ready-made essay in your hands.

There are lots of key use cases for Caktus. The most notable ones are solving math problems, writing essays, and writing some code.

Key Features

  • AI-powered homework solver for writing essays, solving math problems, writing summaries, and more
  • A ton of features and templates to choose from
  • An easy-to-use interface that takes no time to learn how to use
  • Affordable plan for students
  • Free trial of 5,000 characters

My Experience

I’ve used Caktus extensively to help you better understand how the tool works and what it’s truly capable of. To keep it short, I’m not going to show all the results here. You can read my complete review of Caktus to find out more.

I think Caktus is funny and easy to use. You can turn simple instructions into full-blown essays and code. This tool helps you with solving homework and even solving some math equations. Although the UI sometimes lags and freezes, it works solidly most of the time.

Take a look at this essay I generated with Caktus. I asked the tool to generate an essay about “Why is the sky blue and not white like the sun” and here’s the result:

However, the big problem with this essay is that there’s a factual mistake.

Also, the second chapter is completely meaningless in this context. If I were to return this as homework, I’d probably get 6/10 or 7/10.

So even though the AI was capable of generating a piece like this in 30 seconds, it still needs polishing, fact-checking, citation-checks, and more.

To be honest, it would take equally as long to write it from scratch than to spot factual incorrectness and check the sources.

As another example, take a look at this piece of code I generated with Caktus. Here I asked the tool to generate a code that retrieves the HTML content of a list of URLs:

Right off the bat, I could tell the tool knows how to write code. But you never know so I decided to give it a try.

To my surprise, Caktus nailed it. The code worked as is.

Although this kind of task might sound tricky, it’s very basic. If someone claims to know how to code, I’d assume they can pull this task off quite easily. Caktus can write basic Python code. If you’re trying to make it write any more complex code, it might fail. Nonetheless, impressive stuff!

What I Like about Caktus

  • The tool is easy to use. No tech skills or guides are needed.
  • The tool produces decent essays in a matter of seconds.
  • Caktus understands how to write code, especially Python.
  • There’s a math equation solver that’s built on top of Wolfram Alpha — it thus works perfectly.
  • There are lots of features and use cases for Caktus.

What I Dislike about Caktus

  • The free trial is very limited. You can barely generate one long essay before running out of free credits.
  • Caktus hides information. You can’t find a contact page, support page, or even an about page in the app.
  • Caktus is by no means perfect AI. It requires fact-checking, resource-checking, and polishing to write quality essays and other homework answers.


There’s a 5,000-character free trial in Caktus.

Besides, you can subscribe to a paid plan of $9.99/month. You can save money by subscribing to an annual plan at $99/year.

Final Verdict

Caktus AI is an impressive application of AI to speed up solving your homework. It has a free trial and an affordable plan for students.

The tool can write essays, code, and solve math problems. All you need to do is give it the task at hand.

When it comes to producing text, Caktus does a decent job but is by no means perfect. Sometimes it writes non-original content as well as factually incorrect text. This is hard to spot if you’re not familiar with the topic and not using a plagiarism detector.

Sometimes the essays are just wrong and out of context. It can take more time to fix AI-generated essays than just writing one from scratch.

Nonetheless, I’m impressed by the versatility and the quality of Caktus and would give it a try as a student.

Make sure to read my complete Caktus AI review.

To Take Home

That’s it for the tools. Remember to experiment with AI! You’ll never know what it can do for you if you don’t try.

Thanks to the free trials of AI writers, it’s easy to judge whether the tool can do the job or not.

Also, don’t expect too much just yet.

Even though the AI demos are impressive and the capabilities are expanding all the time, AI can’t do your job entirely. AI writers can give you direction and ideas, but you as a writer are responsible for doing the job, such as doing research and checking facts.

Of course, this might change shortly, but at the moment, AI is still very limited.

Thanks for reading. Happy writing!



Artturi Jalli

Check @jalliartturi on YouTube to become a successful blogger. (For collabs, reach me out at: artturi@bloggersgoto.com)