RSS Feed

Ashish Sinha
1 min readJan 6, 2023


I miss the openness and many possibilities of RSS feed, the technology which was literally killed by Google.

It was the most important decentralized tech for the web and was killed before it went mainstream (remember, Yahoo Pipes? man, am that old!)

But anyways, I asked chatGPT to write a poem and here it is.

I miss you, RSS feed
My constant digital companion
With you, I am never alone

Your updates, my lifeline
To the world beyond my screen
I refresh, refresh, refresh
Hoping to see you again

But alas, you are gone
Leaving me to wander
Through a vast and endless sea
Of unorganized information

I yearn for your simplicity
Your reliability, your structure
I miss you, dear RSS feed
Please come back to me

What’s beautiful about this AI generated poem is that it truly reflects the benefits of RSS technology and the fact that nothing till today has replaced it.

Will it come back soon? Not sure, but we are definitely using RSS feed in one of our products and must say that I am still impressed with the structure and reliability of the tech.

