Atika Yousuf
6 min readJul 8, 2024


Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash
Photo by Nature Zen on Unsplash

How intermittent fasting led to regaining my Confidence, health and mental well-being

My teenage years have been some of the most difficult years of my life. Due to surplus weight gain, not only did I experience numerous health issues, I was also subjected to bullying and constant stares wherever I went. I could never find a dress I liked in my size, I was a constant target of "fat" jokes.

I had a very poor diet, which largely consisted of refined carbohydrates, saturated and trans fats, processed and fried foods, high calorie snacks, etc.
The constant consumption of such an unhealthy diet led to numerous health scares such as obesity, nutrient deficiencies, irregular menstrual cycle, digestive problems, poor skin, and above all, declining mental health.

I was strongly advised by doctors to adjust my diet and to take up a healthy hobby such as sports or dancing.
However, my sheer laziness fuelled my lack of motivation to bring about a healthy change in my life. I use to spend hours watching television and stuffing my face with junk food, meanwhile my mental health was declining rapidly. I constantly had thoughts of hurting myself whenever I looked in the mirror. I use to cry for hours every time I stepped on the weighing machine. No matter what dermatologist I went to, I couldn't get rid of my acne prone skin.

I clearly recall the day I was reading the Sunday newspaper when I discovered an article on intermittent fasting. It read in bold letters, "Eat Whatever You Want, Just Not Whenever You Want." Instantly, I was hooked. It was like an answer to my prayers.
It changed me and my outlook on life forever. I weighed about 80 kilograms (176.4 lbs) when I started on my weight loss journey. 5 years later, I weigh about 43 kilograms (94.8 lbs).
The intermittent fasting schedule I followed and still follows is 16:8 method, which allowed me to have an 8 hour eating window, and the rest 16 were fasting hours.
My eating hours consist of 12 pm to 8 pm, and I fast from 8 pm to 12 pm the next day.

For 5 years, I have been eating whatever I like without compromising on my health and mental well-being.
When I first started out on this particular diet, within 2 weeks, I could see drastic results by just adjusting my eating hours. This new change in my life also greatly motivated me to work out, and I haven’t looked back since.
I went on to not only participate in sports but also represented my school’s dodge ball team at numerous tournaments and won many games for my team.

Every time I look in the mirror, I see a pleasant change not only in my appearance but also in my health and mental well-being. It made me a stronger individual whose confident to speak up her mind and also has a positive outlook in life.
Representing my schools team has not only gave me a purpose in life, but it also made me appreciate my life and surroundings more. I realised the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how it is important for our mental health.
If I say that intermittent fasting has been nothing short of a miracle, it won't be wrong. To this day, I still thank my lucky stars for that life changing article that made me love myself again.

Now, for the all-important question, what even is intermittent fasting? and is it safe?

What even is intermittent fasting?

Where every other diet talks about what to eat, intermittent focuses on when to eat.

Intermittent fasting is basically about eating within a specific time window and fasting for a specific period. Research shows that this form of eating and fasting has numerous health benefits.
Studies shows that this particular fasting can help reverse adverse health issues such as type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, obesity and various other illnesses.

How does intermittent fasting work?

Intermittent fasting can be done in numerous different ways. It has various variations and can be adapted in your daily routine specific to your needs. However, they are all based on choosing regular time periods to eat and fast.
You can opt for only eating 1 meal a day two days a week, or you can go for an eight hour eating window while you fast for the rest of the day.

Intermittent fasting works by prolonging the period during which your body has burned through the calories you consumed during your last meal and begins burning fat.

What to consume during intermittent fasting?

During the fasting hours, water and zero calorie beverages such as black coffee,tea, etc are allowed.

During your eating hours, it's best advised to refrain from indulging in high calorie fried foods or unhealthy junk food and sweet treats.
However, that does not mean that you can't indulge in different types of foods, you can enjoy a wide variety of good and nutritionally balanced delectable food.
This manner of eating will lead to healthy weight loss without losing the privilege to enjoy your favourite food with your love ones.

Many nutritionist advise to eat a Mediterranean diet as its fuelled with healthy fats, lean protein, good carbohydrates and leafy greens without actually compromising on taste.

Health benefits of intermittent fasting

Studies show that intermittent fasting not only burns fat but also has a pleasant impact on the brain and body.
Benefits include a sharper mind, leaner body, and longer life, and can also protect against deadly diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, various heart issues, and age related diseases.

Some other health benefits include:
-Verbal Memory: Research shows that it improves verbal memory in adults.

-Improved Heart Health: It has proved to improve blood pressure, heart rate, and many other heart related diseases.

- Improved Physical Health: Studies show that fat is burned without losing muscle mass.

- Obesity: Research has shown that intermittent fasting helped loss weight and fat, preventing obesity in adults.

- Heals Tissues: In animals, it has proven to heal damaged tissues.

Is intermittent fasting even safe?

Although intermittent fasting is used for different purposes, some people use this for weight management while others see it as an option to cure diseases. However, it isn’t for everyone.
It is best advised to consult with your doctor before starting out on intermittent fasting.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are advised against it. Children under 18 shall also steer clear of this particular diet.
Patients of type 1 diabetes and those with a history of eating disorders should also not consider this diet.

Everyone has a unique body. It’s in best interest to keep in mind that intermittent fasting may have different effects on different people. It is advised to consult with your doctor if you start experiencing unusual anxiety, headaches, nausea, or other symptoms after you start intermittent fasting.

Photo by Jan Sedivy on Unsplash
Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash



Atika Yousuf

Just a young writer following her dream :) I've picked up the pen from a tender age of 5 and haven't looked back since. Sports is my first love.