How polpo became alive ?

Aude Gerlinger
5 min readJul 23, 2018

It’s the third week of the UX/UI design bootcamp, first individuel project at ironhack, yay it was super cool !

Brief :

INPES is a National public establishment, it groups french health public services. INPES would like to create a set of digital tools to promote wellness and update their image.

Who is sometimes working at home ?

Who feel alone though or distracted by something else ?

So the part of wellness I would like to focus on is enhancing the productivity or motivation by having nicer and maybe more break time during the day.

What is Polpo and who is he ?

It would be an interactive and personalized phone application which can clear user’s mind during break time by going outside and listening to music.

Polpo means octopus une Corse. He will be your new daily best friend. He is a hard worker but he also love take break to refresh his mind, he will push you outside to help you to clear your mind and go back to work motivate again !

First let’s speak about competitive analysis

Here you can see some competitors.

I could observed that the proposed solutions from competitors are more focused on managing tasks or block the user from bad distractions. I think those are more stressful than helpful. I’ll position my app on break time use and not work use.

Fishing informations !

  • Survey results

Everybody care about music most of them are listening to music on break time and more need to move, go outside on this rest time.

  • Interview

On the interview I asked more detailed questions to know the work routine of my users. They told me that music can influence their mood a lot. Most of them take break each two hours. For them 5 min is the minimum to be boosted, and then can go back to work !

This informations went confirm all my before researches, there is something to do to help people when they are stuck in a project. It helped me to create my persona.

Let’s meet Olivia

To put the context for the next step :

  • working home
  • listening to Spotify all day long
  • needs something else to enjoy a moment for her
  • wants to change her rhythm to feel concentrate again




What do I keep from the mind map,

3 big parts, important for my app to solve Olivia’s pain points:

  • Personalization : questions asked & informations on profile page. The app will know Olivia well to adapt the content.
  • Accompany the user: like a digital pet, communicate with Olivia and follow her along the way she is using the app
  • Intervention of the app: at the beginning and at the end.

Crazy 8

Tools to help me for the concept ideation.

Features prioritization !

Moscow method to structure the MVP

Paper prototyping


I wanted to create a really emotional experience, that the user let himself guided through the app. But paper doesn’t help! So I was a little bit disappointed. The user didn’t understand the flow. That’s why I made a second version. (picture below)

V2 great surprise !!

Finally it was positive changes ! I did Polpo interact more often in the app, more present. Thanks to that the user experience was more fluent and knew what would be the next step. Testers enjoyed a lot more the experience inside the app.

Last changes

I replaced questions by visual icons, it’s more impactful and the user doesn’t have to think, he just has to click. For example the second question in the app is « what do you need? » It’s too large! Because if the user answer « I need a drink » I can do nothing. The goal of the questions are to know how the user will do his break and so adapt the cadence of the music. Furthermore to know how many time he has on the app to adapt the time reading music including the concentration exercise.

Next steps

Obviously the next step is to create a digital prototype with sketch my new best friend!

But I am thinking further. Thanks to tester’s feedbacks I could add some features later such as a possibility to choose his character or animal. And why not share your music with your friends and save playlist you had like on a break time!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Next time I’ll show you the Polpo danse, I promise! ;)

Now you can see the visual part here. Polpo will be more and more alive!



Aude Gerlinger

Currently a Global designer based in Lille (FR) // UX/UI designer . Branding . Scenography // (under construction)