The pursuit of Polpo - UI design part

Aude Gerlinger
4 min readAug 12, 2018

In this article I will speak about my visual design elements choices, the User Interface design for Polpo. You can check the first part (UX design) of the process of this project here.

First let me remind you that Polpo is an app used on break time for people who work at home.

PAINPOINTS for Olivia my main user.


Reminder functionalities of the app (for more infos):


  • Think about look up the sky at night or immerse your eyes in the deep ocean, does it soothe you ?
  • Do you think about movement or vibes or punch light colors when you are listening to music ?

Style tile

Pick some elements from the moodboards, let me begin to establish design elements for the identity of Polpo. Dark background, luminous elements to focus on, thin and sans serif font for discretion. Two different colored universe, one dark for the main flow of the app and one other more punchy for the music and moments where the user interact with the app.

Mid-fidelity prototype

— low-fidelity prototype here

On the mid-fidelity prototype you can see that Polpo accompagny you all along the way you use the app. The interfaces are really simple to help the user to be carried. Easy use first!

Atomic design or UI kit

More and more elements. Here you can imagine the dominance of dark color inside the app with punctual light elements for the button and a colorful side for the music and breathe exercise parts. I wanted to play with a big contrast, the user has to notice when he changes features.

High-fidelity prototype

I tried Marvel this time to link all my screens and create the all happy path of my app. Let’s try it (click on the screen to navigate in the app)!

Like what I said previously, when you finished all your high-fidelity prototype you go in a coffee shop and make a desirability testing. After testing your product users have to choose 5 words which characterize the most your design for them. It has to fit to the words you chose before testing, otherwise you have to do an other version and testing again until it fits.
I had really good feedbacks, some of those asked me when the app will be launch ! :D I’m so happy.

Animation on Anima App

Breathing exercise on the left & Polpo floating in the music outmode on the right

What’s next?

The next steps are to make the app in complete, make all the different user flows. To permit me to develop it for IOS and Android after. Maybe I’ll have to find music brand partner to feed my database.

I would really like to continue the project and make it concrete. I thank a lot everybody who contribue of the evolution of Polpo, their enthousiasm and their good feedbacks.



Aude Gerlinger

Currently a Global designer based in Lille (FR) // UX/UI designer . Branding . Scenography // (under construction)