SOLID Design Principles: The Single Responsibility

Avinash Dhumal
4 min readSep 7, 2022



In today’s article, I am going to talk about SOLID design principles and elaborate more on Single Responsibility principle with real time example. SOLID principles is an acronyms which stands for 5 key principles in software development -

S — Single Responsibility Principle

O — Open Closed Principle

L — Liskov Substitution Principle

I — Interface Segregation Principle

D — Dependency Inversion Principle

It has become one of the key principles in modern software development to ensure the code is using these SOLID principles. Following are the advantages that offer while using SOLID principles in your software development.

  1. Helps developers to break down complex problems into smaller manageable pieces.
  2. Helps developers to reduce the dependencies on code so that in future if any one area of the code changes, it won’t impact the other area of the code.
  3. Helps developers to move tightly coupled code or components into loosely coupled, flexible and maintainable manner.

Today, we are going to understand how the “Single Responsibility Principle” works in software development.

Single Responsibility Principle

As the name suggests, the Single Responsibility principle states 2 key principles.

  1. Your class or method should have only one reason to change.
  2. Your class or method should have only one responsibility to take care of.

So, what does that mean actually? While you design your logic in either class or method, you should not be writing all kinds of responsibilities in one place. This will make your code quite complex and unmanageable. It will also be difficult to adjust new changes later as there are high chances it will affect the other functionality and you will end up testing all the functionalities even though it is a smaller change.

Let’s take the example below.

public class Invoice
public void AddInvoice()
//your logic
public void DeleteInvoice()
//your logic
public void GenerateReport()
//your logic
public void EmailReport()
//your logic

The class Invoice consists of 4 different methods — AddInvoice(), DeleteInvoice(), GenerateReport(), EmailReport(). As the single responsibility principle says, your class or method should have only one responsibility and only one reason to change, now let’s find out whether the above example satisfies the conditions.

If we look at the methods, each has a single responsibility. For e.g. The AddInvoice() method is only responsible for adding an invoice in the system, DeleteInvoice() method is only responsible for deleting invoice and likewise for GenerateReport() and EmailReport() methods to generate reports and sending out email respectively. We can say that methods do satisfy the single responsibility principle.

But if you look at Invoice class, it is now taking care of multiple responsibilities which is not satisfying the single responsibility principle. So in order to satisfy the single responsibility principle, we will divide the methods in different classes where one class will take care of only one responsibility.

We are going to club methods AddInvoice() and DeleteInvoice() into single class Invoice as they do the similar kind of functionality. Whereas we will be creating separate classes Report and Email for methods GenerateReport() and EmailReport() respectively as they are completely independent and have different functionality.

public class Invoice
public void AddInvoice()
//your logic
public void DeleteInvoice()
//your logic
public class Report
public void GenerateReport()
//your logic
public class Email
public void EmailReport()
//your logic

That’s it! Now each class is responsible to take care of only one responsibility and only one reason to change. The code is now ever smaller and manageable for each functionality and you won’t be required to test the complete functionality of each class if the change is happening for any one of the classes.


With the above example, we have now understood how to refactor the code and achieve the single responsibility principle. With the help of the single responsibility principle, it helps us to reduce the complexity of the program and easier to maintain the code.

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Avinash Dhumal

13+ years of software architect, design, development, management, and support experience in Microsoft technologies using Azure & AWS Cloud services.