Three interesting colleagues I have met this Bootcamp

Nsikakabasi Awak
3 min readSep 27, 2017


Last time, on my My expectations of the Andela Bootcamp 27, I had promised to be back here to share some boot camp gist. That’s why I’m back here once again; you know integrity really matters to us future Andelans.

Before I proceed, please have it in the back of your mind that everyone here in the boot camp are all interesting and special people. We all went through a very competitive process before we got invited here by Andela’s admission committee.

Most of the times, I just sit down and wonder what makes some of my colleagues so special. When this happens, I take the initiative to go and interact briefly with them in order to know more about them. So permit me to tell you about few of the numerous interesting colleagues I’ve met so far.

With Daddy Chuks

Let me start with Chukwukadibia Durugo. From a distance, he had the Andelan look all over him. Not until I got close to him that I learned that he’s someone who believes in trying again; it’s actually his second time here at the boot camp. He’s fondly called Daddy Chuks.

He actually studied Computer Engineering and you could tell that he is very passionate about it from the way he loves talking about technical programming topics. And he loves solving problems in an object-oriented way too. I also had the opportunity of learning cool stuff from him.

It is Chuks’ passion that makes me find him very interesting.

Hamdalah with some her team-mates (Ucheya and Samuel)

Hamdalah Adetunji was the very first aspiring Woman Tech Maker that I noticed in the house when I arrived here on Monday. She’s has a very nice and appealing persona. Initially, I thought that she was a Hausa or Fulani lady because of the veil she wore. But as it turns out, she’s a Yoruba and a Muslim.

She told me about how she loves Python and how intriguing she finds Machine Learning. By the way, she’s someone who had very little knowledge about programming but right now, the Andela effect has rubbed off on her so well that she always looking happy while working on her tasks.

Her name sounds like Andela and she also has a special magnetism that attracts people to her and those two things makes her really interesting.

Cross-Section of my team-mates (Habib is the oyibo at the rear)

Talking about team-mates, meet Habib Audu. He is from Kogi State but actually looks like a South-African. Turns out he has been to my State where he served as a youth corp member in Ini (a Local Government in Akwa Ibom that shares a boundary with mine — Ikono).

He has been programming for about a year now, though his love for programming can be traced back to his University days when he used to try out programming on his own. He actually studied Biochemistry but his passion for programming was always there from day one. He is supportive and always ready to help whenever you need such from him.

His curiosity coupled with his ability to learn something new everyday are what makes me to find him very interesting.

Other noteworthy interesting people that I’ve met so far that I would love to talk more about if I had the time would have been my other team-mates — Hafeez Adepoju, Tobiloba Adesanya and Ifedayo Ajibola. They are all awesome and interesting in their own special way.



Nsikakabasi Awak

I’m a #Datalorian. I’m busy making a difference in the world, 1 side-project at a time. #TechMensch #OpenSourceDev #GoogleDeveloper #AspiringDesigner