
Austin Wilshire
1 min readJul 5, 2016


5 Ideas, 5 Problems and 5 Opportunities, every day.

Read the last 5 by 5 by 5.

At the beginning of May I started writing down 10 ideas a day before realizing halfway through the month that they were just ideas, not solutions. From there I started to write down 5 problems and 5 opportunities for the future.

Now I post 5 ideas, 5 problems and 5 opportunities daily because what’s the use in keeping them to myself?


  1. Automating and updating Google Analytics spam filters.
  2. Automating deployment to Digtial Ocean.
  3. Directory and file scaffolding for basic websites.
  4. Curated Twitter Lists.
  5. Automating Git Push.


  1. Google Analytics spam domains.
  2. Two types of programmers — the builders and the hardcore programmers. Not enough people understand this.
  3. UX for developers.
  4. Designing process for junior developers.
  5. Scaling startup teams.


  1. Training data market place.
  2. AI Market place — buying Machine Learning algorithms.
  3. Buying data, training it, selling it back to companies.
  4. Machine Learning Studio.
  5. Investing in Machine Learning Robotics companies.

If you found some of these interesting or accurate, share or recommend it❤

I’m building 8 products in 8 weeks over my University holidays.

On Twitter as @awoldes, check out my current project on makethatstartup.com



Austin Wilshire

Australian student, systems engineer interested in distributed computing, SRE and finance