STAKD Bounty

Axel Rodley
Published in
6 min readAug 3, 2019

STAKD Bounty starts on the 3rd of August and will go on until the 24th of August. Bounty will be split into 3 weeks. 300 points are up for grabs. 300 points equals $20 worth of tokens in bounty rewards.

Please follow the instructions carefully. Failure to follow instructions will result in disqualification.

There are 2 types of tasks to do:

  • weekly tasks,
  • one time tasks.

Weekly tasks (70 points per week)

If you complete all of the weekly tasks in a given week you can earn 70 points for that week. In total 210 points can be earned (out of 300) by completing the weekly tasks.

1. Medium (8 points per week)

  • Upvote (50 claps) — 3 points

Click the clap button 50 times on the designated article.

  • Comment — 5points

Post a comment on the designated medium article. Spammy comments will be removed and will not count, put in a little effort. 100 characters minimum.

2. Twitter (33 points per week)

  • Like — 3 points

Like the designated tweet.

  • Retweet — 5 points

Retweet the designated tweet.

  • Retweet with your message — 8 points

Retweet the designated tweet and add a message of your own. Spammy messages will be removed and will not count, put in a little effort. 100 characters minimum.

  • Banner — 7 points

Set this banner as your twitter banner and have it on your twitter 24/7 for the whole week.

Twitter banner
  • Avatar — 10 points

Set this picture as your twitter avatar and have it on your twitter 24/7 for the whole week.

3. Telegram (17 points per week)

  • Avatar — 10 points

Set this picture as your telegram avatar and have it on your telegram 24/7 for the whole week.

  • Description — 7 points

Set the following text as your telegram bio and have it on your telegram 24/7 for the whole week.

Community-powered staking token — $20 BOUNTY

4. Instagram (2 points per week)

  • Like — 2 points

Like the designated Instagram post.

5. Bitcointalk (10 points per week)

  • AVATAR — 10 points

Set this picture as your bitcointalk avatar and have it on your bitcointalk profile 24/7 for the whole week.

Bitcointalk profile picture

One time tasks (90 points)

1. Medium

  • Follow — 8 points

Follow on medium.

2. Twitter

  • Follow — 15 points

Follow @StakdToken on twitter.

3. Telegram

  • Join our announcement channel and discussion group — 12 points

Join and on telegram. You have to join both in order to count.

  • Invite 1–5 people — 15 points

Invite 1–5 of your friends to

  • Invite 6–25 people — 10 points

Invite 6–25 of your friends to Points add up.

Example: Axel invited 10 people. He will receive 15 points for inviting 1–5 people and an additional 10 points for inviting 6–25 people. Axel will receive 25 points for inviting 10 people. The same goes for further referral levels.

  • Invite 26–50 people — 10 points

Invite 26–50 of your friends to

  • Invite 51–100 people — 15 points

Invite 51–100 of your friends to

Example: Newman invited 80 people. He will receive 15 points for inviting 1–5 people, 10 points for inviting 6–25 people, 10 points for inviting 26–50 people and 15 points for inviting 51–100 people. Newman will receive 50 points for inviting 80 people.

4. Instagram

  • Follow — 5 points

Follow @stakdtech on instagram.

Special bounties

  • Chat leveling

We are introducing a chat leveling system! Users who frequently chat and help others in our telegram group will receive experience points. The more experience points that you get, the higher your level in chat will be. Its like leveling up in video games. At the end of the distribution event we will take top 50 people and reward them with EXTRA SKD tokens. The total amount of extra tokens will depend on the user’s level and overall helpfulness during this period. Messages like »Hello« or »Welcome« will NOT be subject to the leveling system, also spamming messages or any other form of inflating the levels will NOT be tolerated.

  • Chat reputation

To use this system, you must reply to a user’s message with either a: + or -
If you reply to a message with +, the user receives reputation.
If you reply to a message with — the user loses reputation.
There is a cooldown of 900 seconds between each reputation giving or taking.

At the end of the distribution event, we will take the top 10 people with the biggest reputation and reward them with an extra $SKD tokens!

The highest possible reputation is 100 (the lowest possible is -100; you start at 0) and is changed using the following formula: 1+((X/100)-(Y/100)) (0.01 if the result is <= 0) where X is the reputation of the user who is changing reputation and Y is the target user’s reputation. This system makes it harder to accumulate reputation points. Users with a high reputation have more impact.
Use the command !toprep to display the leaderboard.

  • Telegram sticker pack

Write a private message to @STAKDNewman or @axelrodley on telegram if you are interested in creating some STAKD Stickers and getting $SKD tokens in exchange.

  • Discord bot

If you have an interesting idea for a discord bot (even better if you can code one), write a private message to @STAKDNewman or @axelrodley on telegram and you will be reward with $SKD tokens if your idea gets accepted.

How can you apply for bounty?

For Airdrop we have an airdrop form set up at, but a new stage of distribution event brings new improvements to the project.

Let me introduce you to the Stakd bounty bot.

Find @StakdBounty_bot in telegram, click on it and press start. You will be greeted with a message. Read the message carefully, follow the instructions and fill out the required data. The bot will create a custom referral link for each person to invite their friends. People that click on the link and join the channel will count towards their referral.

Happy hunting!

