First steps on Full Stack Journey

How I am going to start to be a Full Stack Web Developer

Ayrton Lima
3 min readMay 24, 2020
Photo by Fabian Grohs on Unsplash

In this post I will explain why I am going to start in the Full Stack Developer career and how I am gonna do this.

Firstly, My path

Since I used HTML to write a simple and static web page (10 years ago), I discovered a great passion about computers and how just a few lines of code can bring many ideas to life. Using these feelings, I choose to graduate on Electronics Engineering, where I learned some C, C++, Matlab and Python. I also took a course about Web Development using Django Framework, and because of that, in my last year of graduation, I started as back-end developer intern using Python and the framework I have learned in a brazilian startup (Kartado) created by friends of mine . I am still working as back-end developer in this company (not as intern anymore) and learning tons about Web Development.

So, Why Full Stack?

A full stack developer is a person who can handle all the work of databases, servers, systems engineering, and clients. In fact, it refers to the person that uses a series of technologies needed to complete a project. Being a full stack developer means you are comfortable working with both, back-end and front-end technologies.

Since I’ve been working as a back-end developer and always enjoyed playing a little with page styles and designs, I chose Full Stack Developer career because I think I will enjoy learning new technologies and will also be able to start entrepreneurial projects without having tons of capital. Also, this career is in increasing demand, salaries are great and I can choose to work remotely.

My Goal

My motivation to start this career was this great article where the author won a six-figure software engineering job offer in nine months while working full time and being self-taught. In the article, the author emphasize that it is necessary to have a simple goal which can motivate you to keep going. So, my goal is the following:

Within 9 months, create a portfolio with at least 6 full stack projects with the objective to help me get a better job position and also get some remote jobs for extra money.

My Plan

After set my goal, it is time to create my plan. I will start just planning the first month and see how things are going. Based on these two articles: here and here, I decide that in this first month, I will start with HTML and CSS, the basics of any website. I also decided to watch CS50 lectures. So, my first month ended up looking something like this:

From May 13 to June 13:

  • Write 5 articles in my Medium account.
  • Do the Responsive Web Design path on freeCodeCamp.
  • Build 2 projects using just HTML and CSS. And publish them.
  • Be more active online. For now, just create a Stack Overflow account using my full name and using more my LinkedIn and GitHub.
  • Intro to Computer Science. Watch 5 lectures of Harvard’s CS50 course.


That’s it, let’s start the first month and I will posting every week (as I explained here) about how things are going and what things interested me most in the process.



Ayrton Lima

Back-end Developer on the journey to Full Stack Web Developer. Write weekly about this journey and Python. Sometimes write about other things too.