The Joy of Life in its Obstacles — Part Two of Why Being Fit Will Make You Succeed in Life

Aziz Elawad
4 min readAug 15, 2018


Aim to The Top

So this is going to be a continuation of our previous topic. Therefore, if this your first time here, I would like to invite you to read my previous article titled “Why being fit will make you succeed in life -part one-” where I shared my opinion of what being fit means to me and the general importance of being so.

Furthermore, this article is going to partly answer the other half of the question of why you are going to succeed and what does the element of obstacles has to do with it.

Growing Up

There comes a time in your life where you go and pass through all of your necessity obstacles to survive life. So you’ve learned how to sit how to walk/run how to cook your food and eat it, and you pretty much have all the tools you need to live your life and survive your environment.

As we were growing up and exploring this magnificent world. Our mind was open to every possible option. It didn’t really matter whether it was right or wrong, and for many, they were even willing to jump from a high spot or insert a metal rod into an electric socket to personally experience what was going to happen to them.

Architecting Your Mind

You were warned about certain things, you were told about the do’s and don’ts and what’s okay and forbidden for you.

Maybe a certain belief or a religion was a factor in shaping your mind and vision of life as you were growing up, but all of that can be thrown out of the window come the time when you are able to stand on your own two feet, start thinking for yourself and take charge of your own decisions, what happens then?

Do we blindly unconsciously and simply think the way they taught us to think and walk the way they taught us to walk? Or do we further do our own investigations and explore how we want to think and walk our own talk?

Beauty of Diversity

Before you answer this question I want to remind you that the world we live in and know as today, was not going to be if we all followed the same path of growth and obstacles, (which makes us question the schooling system, but this is a topic for another day) and that as we were growing up, every time we surpassed an obstacle we felt this euphoria of we are living life.

Desire For More Challenges

Moving on, have you noticed that I kept on saying “as you/we were growing up” in the past form? Does this mean that we stop living when we stop growing up? Better yet, does progression through obstacles keeps us alive?

A classy silly example I like to use, although I’m not an alcoholic is, today someone taught you into having your first alcoholic beverage, do you think you’re always going to be satisfied by one?

Satisfaction is the death of desire is the title for my upcoming article, so stay tuned. But before I wrap up, let me summarize the fruits of this article:

  • We are naturally born seeking obstacles, we don’t go through them, we don’t become fit to enjoy life.
  • In this life, we will always have people telling us what to do and not until we reach a point where we get used to what we are doing, which leads me to my next point.
  • The joy of life is in creating your own obstacles and seek new challenges because the only way to enjoy the life is to further yourself and progress, and if you believe otherwise, then convince me about these;

How joyful is it to put a football on a field, run from one goal to the other and score a goal over and over again without having any cones or actual players to challenge you?

How joyful is it to continuously chest bench with 50 pounds, and never feel that your strength is progressing?

Better yet, let’s take daily activities, such as how joyful is it to keep on watching the same movie or read the same book over and over again, without exploring other movies or books?

Heck! What if I kept on posting articles about the same topic, would you be interested in reading any of my articles anymore?

The title is “Satisfaction is the death of desire” and you may ‘explore’ more on that in my upcoming article, so stay tuned.

Thanks for your precious time and reading. If you enjoyed this article, feel free to hit that clap button 👏 and share it on other social platforms to help others find it.

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Also, find my previous articles here and follow me on Instagram @lyrical_architect to stay updated.



Aziz Elawad

Sharing a little sliver of his heart with every post | Good health | Self improvement | Cornerstones of prosperity | Happy living | Good vibrations | Unity