Why Being Fit Will Make You Succeed in Life — Part One —

Aziz Elawad
4 min readAug 11, 2018


be fit & live free

“The healthy mind in the healthy body”

Is what an Arabian quote I learned or let’s say I caught up in elementary school translates to and the short answer for the title/question above. I also understood that it can never be the other way around, that means your body has to be in a healthy condition first before a healthy mind can fit into it.

If you are hungry, you can’t think straight, if you are sick, again you can’t think straight. If you are hungry, you are only thinking about feeding your body. While if you are sick, your mind is only concerned about healing that weak/sick part of your body.

Yes, there are moments or situations where you can fight through the pain, be it weaknesses or illnesses, and that’s why they are called moments or situations, but obviously which state of clear mind wants to be stuck at those kinds of moments or situations all the time.

So before we dive in deep with our topic, I want to make it clear that I’m not here to argue about the definition of what being fit is.We are born different and based on many environmental factors, the definition of being fit will vary.
Therefore, and within the context of this discussion, I’ll stick by my rights on defining what being fit means to me and why it is crucial for your success in life.

So what does being fit actually means to me?

If you haven’t noticed, the introduction was a detailed explanation of what being fit means to me, but I’ll simplify it in another short answer:
“Being fit means to be able to think straight.”
If I’m able to think straight, I have the power to make moves, which leads me to my next point.

If you don’t move, you are not moving.

And if you are not moving, you are not progressing. Success is defined by your consistency of having continuous progression, and with that being said, let’s connect the dots now. You move, you progress, and you take another step into your success. Maybe I made it sound like a simple equation, but there are unknown constant variables between each stage of steps towards success, and they are called ‘OBSTACLES.’ And right there, is where the magical intersection of why being fit will make you succeed in life takes place. So let’s get down to the moment you’ve all been waiting for, and answer the golden question of why you really need to be fit, and its implications on your life.

So why do you really need to be fit?

So far this is the overall picture and stages of success that we have; if you are fit you can think if you are thinking you can move if you are moving you can progress and finally if you are progressing you can succeed and let’s not forget to throw in the element of obstacles. Yet, why do you really need to be fit?
The answer is because it’s in our DNA. It’s our nature!

We’re not born ready to live life, so from the moment we are born, we start learning how to fit in by fighting and going through natural obstacles first.
Let’s take an example of when you are a toddler and you are yet to learn how to talk, what is the first thing running across your mind?

You want to train your lips, jaw muscles and that tongue of yours before you can even attempt speaking. So you begin expressing yourself by moving your lips first then you move on to making random vocals in an attempt to train your jaw muscles and as you progress you start involving your tongue in the process. Finally, and as you start picking up words, combined with the ability to move your tongue and jaw muscles, you acquire a new power, the power of speaking, as you successfully progress, into being able to assemble your own sentences.

And the same process of learning other aspects of life in your early days goes for actions such as standing up, walking, using your hand to grab things like eating with a spoon, etc.

We can summarize why it is important to be fit as the following:
- In your early days of life, your mental growth depends on your physical growth.
- As you start to mature, you generally grow by going/fighting through life’s obstacles.
The last and most important part of this discussion is going to be revolved around the constant variable element of obstacles, and how is it linked to succeed in life. So stay tuned for my next article which is going to be titled: The Joy of Life in its Obstacle

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Aziz Elawad

Sharing a little sliver of his heart with every post | Good health | Self improvement | Cornerstones of prosperity | Happy living | Good vibrations | Unity