My latest “Speculation” about Ryoshi (or Ryoshis?)

8 min readJul 3, 2022



This next “speculation” of mine will sound like a bit of a stretch, but hear me out. I was so focus on trying to find out who Ryoshi and Fren is after TehGoldenOne’s video release in Act 3. This speculation of mine will be looking on a different angle on all of the clues and hints that were provided to us by “A Golden Bull” and “GandalfWhite.eth ✨⚪️_⚪️✨” .

Around early June, after “A Golden Bull” dropped this message over at the official TehGoldenOne’s Telegram group, there was a big question in my head that lingered until Act 3 happened.

I have made a thread over at twitter about what I thought this message meant at that time. And back then, I was focused and excited as to what Act 3 will reveal to me.

“A Tearful Sliver And A Small Shadow Is Left. Time To Rest And Purge. Banish Relationships, Names, Projects That Are Not Serving. Devs That Bark But Have Lost Their Bite. Accepting Shi, And Preparing For The Next Cycle. You’ll Approve Of His Rebirth. Born To Deliver.”

This part of the message got stuck in my head for a couple of days. The past 2 weeks, after Act 4 happened, that same question came back to my head.

What if, Ryoshi is not a single person? What if, Ryoshi is composed of a group of people with the same idea for True Decentralization?

With this possibility in my head, I decided to dig on it. I went back to the vimeo video that was released in Act 3. Re-watched it two to three times, and it hit me.

“A Golden Bull is not telling us who is behind Gold 1, instead, he is telling us how the Shiba Inu experiment started and who are involved in the idea. But why? After we saw Ryoshi stepped down from Shib, Shytoshi addressing it, and Ryoshi telling him to “Please don’t say worthless nonsense. Focus on SHIB, LEASH, BONE, SHIBOSHIS, SHIBA Metaverse. Post an update asap. Don’t make people wait and guess puzzles.”, why the need to drop a hint on who might be involved? If his conflict is just with Shytoshi, why not drop hints on who Shytoshi is? Sure, the video tells how the idea of Shiba Inu experiment started, but why put hints on who the actors in the video are portraying? And the hints and clues are so obvious that people were quickly able to tie it to some big, and prominent personalities in the crypto space. Why do that? Why go to such lengths like hiring actors that looks similar to who they are portraying?”.

If you have not noticed, I got a lot of “why” in my head. And with those questions, another one popped in. “Why the use of Dragons? The video showed a fire spewing dragon. He calls greedy swing traders (at least is what I think he means) “Spineless Dragons”. Ryoshi used a dog on his experiment… Ryoshi… Ryoshi…” And it hit me. How could I forget? Everything has a meaning behind it. Growing up in an Asian country, where my teenage years were flooded with Anime, the name “Ryoshi” actually rung a bell.

-Ryo (or Ryuu) means DRAGON in Japanese
-Shi means Four or “Death” in Japanese

If my speculation is right, the name Ryo-shi means “Four Dragons”, and if that is what it really means, well, looks like I tripped on something again. “Ryoshi” is not “a person” but a group of FOUR people. With this in my head, the whole “story” became different, for me at least. This is probably why my gut keeps on “nagging” at me whenever I see the word “Dragon” over at the official Telegram group and the dragon on the Act 3 video. Of course, again, I could be wrong.

Before we move any further, please remember, the names that I will be mentioning below ARE NOT 100% CONFIRMED TO BE INVOLVED WITH SHIBA INU. THIS IS ONLY MY SPECULATION.

Here’s another thing, since Dragon came up, I remembered reading something online about “Business Jargons”. I am not a business person so I won’t be able to explain what Unicorns and Dragons are in the business/finance/entrepreneur world, but here’s a link for Lisa Wang’s medium article about it.

Moving forward, keeping in mind the possibility that I had in mind mentioned above, with the video from Act 3, now at least I have two possible people that might be part of FOUR. If you are unaware of who those two people I am referring about and I ended up with them, I would suggest you check the vimeo video from Act 3 and this article that I wrote about the video. So now, I have Karl Floersch and Hayden Adams possibly being the first two, who are the last two then? If we have Karl and Hayden on the list, I am pretty sure the last two will be people who are very close to them with the same idea that they have. From my previous medium article talking about the Act 3 video, I have linked some online articles on how Hayden Adams started Uniswap and how he ended up with the name. And this is where I might possible have the third person. Vitalik Buterin!

Image as per ‘s website:

So if I am going to involve Vitalik in the list of FOUR, why? Well, the three of them have the same idea. DECENTRALIZATION.

Here’s Vitalik Buterin’s Medium Article from 2017 about decentralization.

Here’s Karl Floersch’s 2017 article about “Why Build Decentralized Applications”.

Well, we all know what Hayden Adams’s Uniswap is for.

Now, my brain can justify (a little bit) as to why include Vitalik Buterin on the list of FOUR. Who’s next then? Well, this is where I kind of got on a “dead end”. At least for the time being.

Again, this sparked a question in my head:

Is Ryo-shi composed of Four people who are considered as “Dragons” in the Crypto Space?

Well, if I am going to ask you the question, under which category would Karl Floersch, Hayden Adams and Vitalik Buterin fall? Unicorns? Or Dragons?

Act 4 happened. And we were given the official whitepaper for Gold 1 and a Medium Article from “GandalfWhite.eth ✨⚪️_⚪️✨”. I went through the medium article, and on the first part, I noticed something. Something that justified my speculation about Ryoshi not being one person.

It was lost, after the meta of the meme, which was initially meant to be a technical experiment, took from us the true vision, which was ultimately hijacked by greed and at the tail-end of innovation. I arise, after a moment of peace and zen, to push back against the dragon, and back social cause. I bring to you, the Genesis Of Leadership and Democracy as 1.

GandalfWhite.eth ✨⚪️_⚪️✨ used the word “US”, which raised another question in my head. “Is he part of the of the “FOUR”? Who is A Golden Bull then?” With this first part of the message, something came up in my head. Reading back on all the pinned messages by A Golden Bull, most of his messages were on the “aggressive” side towards someone. This sparked another question in my head:

How sure am I that A Golden Bull is being aggressive to just one person? If the Four is behind Shib, is it possible that he is being aggressive to all of them?

And then I remembered that pinned message again from A Golden Bull:

“A Tearful Sliver And A Small Shadow Is Left. Time To Rest And Purge. Banish Relationships, Names, Projects That Are Not Serving. Devs That Bark But Have Lost Their Bite. Accepting Shi, And Preparing For The Next Cycle. You’ll Approve Of His Rebirth. Born To Deliver.”

Again, the use of “DEVS”, which implies more than one person. Initially of course, I was pointing this back to Shytoshi and maybe his team? But with the angle of Ryoshi being multiple persons, the “DEVS” is starting to have a different direction. For me that is.

A couple of days after this last question in my head, I was lurking around the Telegram group, when I saw a couple of people talking about the wallet that initially funded the Shiba Inu.

Now, for this next part, I will suggest that you take this with a big grain of salt. The reason why people were talking about that transaction that funded Shib was, apparently, someone from the Telegram group knows an “Insider” who was able to trace and confirm the owner of the wallet that initially funded Shiba Inu. I won’t drop any names or who is the wallet owner, but if this is true, he really fits the profile of “FREN”. He definitely has money (and “Castle”) and he’s been in the crypto space for a while now.

If he is behind Gold 1 or part of the team, what is his reason behind trying to “Blow Up Camp Shib”? Where did I get that “Blow Up Camp Shib” part? Well, thanks to a Telegram user (who chose not to be mentioned) that reminded me about this. This was an anagram from one of A Golden Bull’s pinned message:

Right now, I only have two people in my list that is part of the Four that I am certain, I am still 50/50 about Vitalik Buterin, and for the fourth person, I have a clue of who he may be, but the possibility of that is very low. 20/80. And no, there are no “hidden messages” on this one. My previous hidden message, by the looks of it, the intended recipient had received it. So I took the link out of who I think he is. But I still need to do more digging.

At this point, I am more interested on who the original people are behind the Shiba Inu experiment, what was the “true motive” behind it, and what constituted this “conflict” that made “Ryoshi” step down and away from Shiba Inu experiment.



