My Villaneville Outcome

Published in
1 min readJul 17, 2017

a double meta villanelle

You know the truth, when I admit
trouble when the ego says I shouldn’t.
I’ve started thinking I should quit

and get rid of rhymes that ain’t much lit,
writing lines of fecal on evils. But wouldn’t
you know the truth, when I admit

metas about forms are pretty neat.
But when I do it, like this turned wooden
I’ve started thinking I should quit

while head is above water, that kind of shit.
Sorry for stinky lines, it’s all about Outcomes, woman!
You know the truth, when I admit

This form is too long to comfortably sit
with, like pushing chili peppers out — imprudent.
I’ve started thinking I should quit,

leave you recursive thoughts of flaming seeds
of ideas for a villanelle that I couldn’t.
But you know the truth, when I admit
I’ve started thinking I should quit.

This poem is part of the Villanelle Vestiges project on Chalkboard. I borrowed the refrains from this villanelle:

