Hi, this is Balbino!

3 min readJun 30, 2016


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I’m a turtle living in Vigo, Spain. I love tweeting about the sun, tides, weather, and playing around with a Raspberry Pi. My daddy is: http://es.linkedin.com/in/pablovf

Are you talking… to me?

Hey everybody!

As you can see, I’m a turtle, a Trachemys Scripta Troostii for being exact, but people use to call us ‘Cumberland sliders’.
I’m a brave rude male, about 12 years old, and weighting about 1'2 Kg.

Some time ago, I had to move to Vigo (Spain) so, trying to give me the most possible comfortable home despite the space limitations, my daddy built me a nice duplex as home.

At now, I have a big pool, a terrace, and a RaspberryPi to communicate trough my Twitter profile: @balbino_live. I like tweeting there about the weather, sun and tides events, traffic incidences in my city, etc. You can also interact with me, by sending a mention including some predefined hashtag, and I will try to reply you in a few minutes.

Home, sweet home

My home has suffered some very big improvements from its previous versions.
This was my first ‘emergency home’ at Vigo, that fortunately it only lasted for a couple of days while daddy was building me a better place:

The first improvement included a bigger and open solarium, but the pool was still a bit tigh to me to do some comfortable swimming:

But at now I’m enjoying a luxury-duplex built from two big storage plastic boxes, being one of them situated higher, and connected by a ramp. Each box is about 80cm long, 55cm wide, and 35cm high; both transparent and top opened. I like to call them “the solarium”, and “the pool”.

Now, my solarium is covered with artificial grass, to give me a more comfortable natural feel, and also gives me a better grip to walk. I have a hill too make some climbing, too. From this hill, I’m almost able to go out -I like exploring-, so daddy had to add a screen to make the walls higher around this area.

A great thing I learned myself, is to flip side. I mean, from time to time, while practising free-climbing I fall upside down. But now I can flip side to get back my feets on the ground again!

In summer time, I use to spend the most of the time here, just sunbathing. Sometimes, even from 08h to 18h! You know, I’m a coold-blooded guy.

The pool is my favourite place to stay. It contains about 40l of water, enough to let the water level to be twice higher as me, so I can swim and dive around. Daddy have to chang the water one or two times per week depending if winter or summer. It’s so nice to be in the pool, that on dark days often I don’t even get out of the water if I don’t see some good sunrays.

To go out of the water I need to climb a ramp daddy built me from a canary jail scrap. It’s metal made, about 40cm long and 30º inclinated, and gives me the grip I need to reach the solarium. It also helps me to keep in shape.

But, when I arrived here daddy wasn’t sure about me being able to climb out of the pool, so he set up a webcam just to check. Then, upgraded it to a Raspberry Pi to get notifications about my activity, set up a Twitter profile for me, and this… this was the beginning of my online life.

Nice to meet you!

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A #turtle from #Vigo, Spain. I use a #RaspberryPi to interactuate and tweet about #sun, #weather, #tide, #traffic … My daddy is: https://t.co/ozkGT9uMMX