Episode #12 — BALLS-IN : Game Development (part 3)

2 min readOct 14, 2022


After a few weeks, we are back to show you the evolution of the game!

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:

Evolution of versions

In Episode 8 we explained:

  • Movement + speed + camera
  • Reflection + construction of the MAP
  • Development of AI to play against bots

At this stage, the core of our Alpha Version (Demo) is developed.

But some important elements are missing: beautiful scenery with a good UX (user experience) to have a funny gameplay!

So we started modeling 3D assets:

3D scenery elements

Then we integrated the assets in Unity:

Assets integration test

Finally we created the shaders & VFX:

Creation of water

Like Ethereum, we have done our Merge!

During this phase art + dev come together:

Integration 1st Gameplay elements + Water

This version is not the final version.

However, some people tried this version at NFT Biarritz! They enjoyed playing on this version where essential elements were missing.

We hope you enjoy this type of article that allows you to see the development of a blockchain game from the inside :)

Because sometimes we don’t realize the hard work that goes into a P2E project.

The Alpha Version (final demo) will be released soon…

In the next episode, you will discover that our team is going to participate to a round table about NFTs, Metaverse & Play-to-Earn.

We look forward to answering all your questions!

Website: https://www.balls-in.xyz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ballsingame
FR Version: https://medium.com/@balls-in-fr

See you Racers! 🔴💨

