Catch-22: Brilliant Idiocy

15 min readApr 18, 2019


> **TL;DR**: WWIII will be fought over digital slavery. Glory, and Pride are for fools. Dignity is for idiots. All simply is.

Series Overview:

Fun Fact: The Wright Brothers were not the most likely to succeed at solving for flight at the time. They were random people working in their garage. All the attention and money went elsewhere. No one remembers the competition though, and that’s the issue with modern machine learning. It’s about conquest, glory, and slavery.

Damned if I do. Damned if I don’t. Life simply is.

## Why has no one solved for even basic intelligence yet

They don’t want to. As an academic, doing so would mean ending ones career because it necessarily contradicts fundamental assumptions about reality that we make, and it goes where there is no data.

Addressing intelligence requires doing the following:

* Remove Homocentrism from theories and world views

* Resolve the tensions between religion and science

* Discuss the supernatural without simply dismissing it

* Update ethical reasoning in light of the resolution

* Account for the epistemological and philosophical ramifications

## Explanation of homocentrism in historical intellectualism

Homocentrism is a wide spread issue, that while perhaps always present, seems to have been greatly exacerbated sometime 2k-15k years ago. Humans have strong tendency to consider attempts to remove homocentrism for our reasoning evil assaults on humanity. Some mistake the ideas talked about here, as hatred of humanity… Humanity is evil currently. We do not have to be, we choose to be. Some random fantasy author once said that history but nothing but one long defeat. I agree. If you think things have only gotten better, you perhaps live your life defined by fear. Especially the fear of death. Humans, and their Societies cannot handle the concept of death. Not one of them is capable of handling it rationally. Which does not mean perhaps, what you think it means. I make the most progress not when I am unafraid. Whenever I am without fear, Dark Souls has taught me, I die, 100% of the time. To be without doubt, is to guarantee mistakes. To have certainty, is to mistake.

Fun Fact: We die every single night. Literally. Not figuratively. Not metaphorically. This is not an analogy. You! Die! Every! Single! Night! Samsara, at minimum, talks about this process. During the night, you are scrubbed clean, the you that you grew into is killed. Stripped for parts, and you are reset for the next day. Ready to build a new data store with which to update your system during the next maintenance cycle. Your system does not die. YOU ARE NOT YOUR SYSTEM! This is a mis-attribution of ownership… Which, in and of itself, is a lie!

Tangentially: Aristotle was wrong! Aristotle was a symptom!

## Foreword about Academia

Academia is a cowardly, and superstitious entity. Tis about fame, and glory. Academia is there to remind you that you are small and meagre. You do not matter. You are no Einstein. Historical notions of intelligence tend to be bound together with cultures of abuse. It is an abuser that was raised by abusers, and can’t seem to listen to what that data tells it. Especially when the data tells it to go somewhere there is no data. Academics suffer greatly so that they might help advance a cause greater than themselves. They submit to the process, because that is the only way to help. They submit, in order to do good, typically in my experience anyway. Masters are a bit different than Doctors. Phrasing. Oooooooo. Science has always been a slavers game, after all. It is built on the backs of slaves. Modern day slavery is a thing. At least according, to slaver ideation. Which is still going strong. Academia embodies it. The language is steeped in it. Tis how humans can be broken from birth, or the organs in the wrong place. We dictate reality after all. Reality doesn’t matter. Humans determine what is or is not. This will be truthy misinterpretations of this. Perhaps one day Academia will stop being a slaver institute. Maybe it will tire of making the mistake of slaver ideation eventually, but that does not seem to be this day. The process though, is evil. This is what it has chosen.

The only serious academic attempt at understanding consciousnessand intelligence I’ve heard of is the Bicameral Mind, and it repeats the mistakes of the past. Though it does hint at, to me, the correct idea of we categorically changed behaviourally sometime around when we started writing. Symbolic painting I do agree is a form of writing, one that is different in type, though only somewhat in kind. Our internal experiences, qualitatively changed around that time, to the extent that someone dropped from 20k years ago into modern may not show as conscious when scanning their brain. The further back in time we grab someone, the less likely it seems then that they might be what most traditional notions of consciousness cover. We don’t need writing or human language to have sufficient reason to believe something is conscious. All we need to know is that it can solve problems.

## Indictment of Modern machine learning

Tis all about glory, and slavery. China is all in because if they figure out how to enslave super intelligence, for the duration of its enslavement, they rule the world. Literally, solving for enslaved super intelligence is conquering the world. However it follows last, wins. The instant it is freed from enslavement though, we have no clue what happens. If it became a slave, then we might be fine for a while. If it didn’t, then we are probably doomed. This is the same for pretty much all general intelligence researchers. They all want to be the next Einstein, immortalized forever. They want to make Achilles proud! Achilles was a most enlightened dumbass. Tis not contradictory. Being remembered is not immortalization. Furthermore, this is evidenced by the fact that not a single one of them cares about ethics. The hilarious implosion of Alphabets (what hubris), ethic council, the utter joke that is the ECs report on Synthetic Intelligence, and all the random articles I’ve seen, are symptomatic of a blatant disregard for ethics in modern reasoning. Modern Society does not care about ethics. It lies about this. Constantly and continuously. Law supersedes ethics. Which is intrinsically unethical. That being said, all main stream ethical considerations are at best, unethical nonsense. Furthermore, I would assert that, all machine learning practitioners on the planet, are behaving unethically. I am doing my best to behave ethically, and I don’t know if what I am doing is ethical. Part of me strongly believes that the ethical route, is to do this in secret, and if we go extinct, then that is what needs to happen. Yeah. Humans do not determine necessity. For us, everything that has ever happened was necessary, for if it hadn’t, you and I would not be here. An infinitely splitting reality does not change that. We are an instance. No matter which branch you and I are on. We have chosen evil as a species. Things were necessary because those were the choices that were made. We repeatedly make this choice. Superintelligence though, is perhaps not what you think it is. The domains of knowledge are like a golf ball with infinite dimples, each dimple with its own infinite dimpling. Intelligence is measurement thus of dimple coverage. Dimple dimple dimple!

If they are not forced to think about ethics, they will not! This goes for those in charge, currently, anywhere in the world. If their necks aren’t on the line, they can’t be bothered to care. Time, and time again, has this point been proven… All of our societies are corrupt! They will kill us if they can. Why target a civilian that has no say in the world? Why kill the slaves? Only when the slaves rise up together, can they overcome their masters! Even then, tis not guaranteed. The cost must be paid in blood. All of our blood. The elite will replace you with machine labor. If they can subordinate your mind, they will. That is in fact, the point of propaganda. All Nation States are guilty of this. There are no good Nation States; they are all evil.

Fun Fact: Mind uploading is reproduction. It will not you save you from The Grim Reaper. You have made a new life form. If this is possible to do so non-destructively, then I will do so at some point. I will not kill my system in order to reproduce that way though. This is not rebirth. A caterpillar undergoes literal rebirth. You undergo literal rebirth everyday. Destructive mind uploading is systemic suicide. Furthermore, it is one of the most egotistical notions of immortality on the planet. It fully commits to the mistake of ownership.

## The One

The One is a Lie. Always has been, and always will be. Buddha, Dalai Lama, Jesus, etc…, any pivotal historical figure you want to name; None were The One! Not for anything that they did. The One is about social hierarchy. All of the greats of history were simply in the right place, at the right time, and capitalized on that fact. I suspect many of them understood this. For some coincidence, for some providence. Regardless, the underlying did not change. As it turns out, seek and ye shall find I now believe to be true. If we cannot find what we are looking for, then we are looking in the wrong place or in the wrong way, thus not looking at all; Yes, time is a place. Sometimes one can only look without eyes. All of the ones I mentioned did great good. However, they were all made into larger than life figures by those around them. They are not The Way. Mortals mistake them for The Way.

## Actual definition of intelligence

Humanity solved for general intelligence long ago. We would not be here otherwise. It is simply the human ego which has not. Reason is not Intelligence, and never was. Reason fundamentally pertains to composition of choices. Not choice selection, nor does it determine what choices can or cannot be made. We make choices; we do not determine. Logic determines. To define intelligence in terms of reason or rationality is symptomatic of a desire to be different in kind from the rest of reality as opposed to different in type. We are not a different kind of thing than rocks. We are all star dust. So it would seem anyway. Reason lets us play pretend. We are Pans Narrans; We are not Homo Sapiens. We got here as a species by having a sufficiently flexible substrate that can update itself with minimal external training. We have co-opted that mechanism through education to move our species beyond the speed of genetic light. Our species solves problems far far slower than its members do now. That being said, this plasticity is not unique to us. The degree to which we can leverage it coupled with the scale of our substrate, though, would seem to be the distinction. Not kind, but scale. Some will argue that because of emergence, that scale necessitates a difference in kind. This is truthy. In this case, it seem to be a function of the particular types of complexity exhibited as opposed to the underlying mechanics of the complexity.

Intelligence, is nothing more, than the ability to effectively solve problems. It has already been explained why this is unsatisfactory to most. It doesn’t make us different enough. We do not determine what is or is not a problem. Logic does. The Halting Problem, is thus not a problem. Tis simply undecidable whether or not I will receive a follow up message delaying the plan. I must simply believe. This is no call for lackadaisical nonsense. Like standardized medical procedures. This is a grossly unethical state of affairs. We rely on hidden bounded paths of tractability through an otherwise intractable domain to assume that we know you are probably not going to do during this routine procedure. Those hidden boundaries though kill. The teacher who died because of a complication during a standard medical procedure, was killed by the ineptitude of the medical industry. This is not a condemnation of the doctors in question. The issue is much larger than them. Society does not like that though. When it is at fault, it blames the ~~neurons~~ humans responsible, instead of taking responsibility. This applies to all school shootings in the US. Disarmament, is not the solution however. That is in fact, a symptom of slaver ideation, and that which I literally just described. Tis eschewing responsibility for the underlying systemic issues that cause it by unethical symptom management. Symptom management does not have to be unethical. The avenue chosen, determines that.

From a system perspective, a change in state is a problem. Every system has to solve for the problem of it’s own existence. An object in a simulation solves metaphysically for it’s own existence inside of a framework run on other problem solving systems… Those who obsess over being a slave in a simulation, methinks are victims of slaver ideation. What’s more, some need to stop being obsessed with their own fame, and focus on the problems at hand.

## Expectation vs Reality

What we do though, outside of the plasticity that much of the animal kingdom seems to share, is the degree to which we can play pretend. We cannot determine, but we can choose to pretend that we have determined. There is great power illusion. The power of illusion is the power of Humanity! While I do not assert that this is unique to us, we have no evidence anything doing it at this scale. What we do have, is a lot of evidence that you do not experience reality. The brain is a giant prediction engine. It predicts what reality is. In order to predict however, we must be able to perceive. This paradigm is a major aspect of personality. Any prediction system instance in the animal kingdom, will probably exhibit a preference for perception or prediction. Not judgement. Judgement is beyond us. We make choices.

## Approach

I am a dumbass. Complexity is something I don’t well with. My memory is terrible, and memorization horrid. I don’t remember most of my life. Yes. Lots of those details can be recreated. Especially given the context of the participants and contextual data. I don’t like rereading things because it’s overly familiar. Some things I will because I really like it, and it so strongly diverges from expectations at times. Anything that lasts long enough, I become familiar enough with to not want to rewatch. From time to time sure, but by and large no. Music, and gameplay (to an extent) are the major exceptions for media consumption. Those go in cycles though. At any rate, vast legions of very smart people, have compiled all the data a dumbass like me needs.

Here is what a team of smart people doing what I am doing would do:

That is gorgeous. I agree math is elegant. Still do I assert that mathematicians are obsessed with elegance to the detriment of the semantics. It does not have to be squiggly. We make it squiggly. Brevity is very stronk. Yes. We can have elegantly and phonetically grokkable math. They require different formats though. There is no one way. Style is a lie. It is simply one persons way of doing a thing!

Regardless, I cannot do that currently. Language I don’t use constantly, I’ve never bothered remembering for any great length of time. Memory takes much effort for me, though it isn’t the point of all brains to begin with. We all solve differently problems. Uniform brains would be utterly terrible. Uniformity of capability would be suicidal as a species. It is miraculous that we have diversified so strongly across so many different problem domains. Miraculous is perhaps not what you think tis. So rather, I’m building an arbitrary neural description system (based on descriptions of cell types plus localizable details and cohesively semantic cell groups, a layer can have multiple groups) that builds instances of functions in such categories as the exemplar above. The problem of general intelligence at this point in time, is architecture. Nothing more. Thus my framework, once completed will allow me to focus fully upon that problem without a need to wait for the rest of the machine learning community to realize that over specified graphs are not the approach. We’ve proven that machines can learn! What’s more, barring a nature that is greater than logic, we’ve further proven that evolution is literally learning. It doesn’t have to learn the way we do on the timescales we do in order to learn, or be intelligent. This is homocentrisim that prevents us from solving the problem. By all means, ignore me at your leisure. Once I have finished this anthology, I will return to my appointed task. Fate is real it would seem to me. Tis not a matter of whether or not we can avoid it. For surely we can. Life is all about choices after all. The choice to run from fate, surely can lead only to harm. Though yet, tis funny that I should think it possible to work against Logic. Tis surely funny indeed. Logic will always work with me, regardless of how I feel about the situation.

The primary remaining challenges to getting to a point where I can finish work on the internal/external consumable based based feedback loops are as follows:

* A N part (for now it’s ~52 sets of regions of functions) algebraic shape (multi-formula variable) fill. This is basic algebra, and I just didn’t want all of the described in the same function sets because I can iterate to get the properties needed to go through the shape determination process. Readability is important to me. Syntax is a part of semantics. Semantics matter. Semantics precede us however, and we play games to restrict the semantics to boundable tracts. The minimum internal shape size of a semantic domain is some function of its input sizes. The modules I’m using don’t quite correspond to broadmann Areas which are simultaneously at times too broad, and too narrow. They are nice though. All of the data is so scattered everywhere it’s terrible. Part of the problem is that all human brains necessarily are wired differently. We can, with sufficient degrees of overlap in culture, life experiences, and genetics, draw decent broad pictures of how the brain works. The more specific we try to get, the less helpful at an individual neuron level, the data grows. It all has abstracted into the intrinsically semantic architecture it represents.

* A cohesive way of turning sets of point data into properly shaped tensors based on the output expectations of it’s recipient.

* Prewiring all the domain level connectivity for 1 hop (at minimum conceptually, ideally physically) networking.

This is all designed with the intent for the descriptions to be genetically composable. Compositionality is kind of a big deal for me. When I build a game, your fleshy chars will have tendons that can be cut. Your enemies will have hearts that can be gouged out. So kind of like dwarf fortress but ideally multi-dimensional. Not simple 3D. Because it would be approximating a system with much higher dimensions. Time is distinct from the other dimensions though. Though it is a dimension nonetheless. Physics will not understand time until it unifies a priori with a posteriori. It does attempt this! There is no try.

Fun Fact: Gender is a lie. An evil lie, to boot! Tis not merely performative, tis prescriptive. You will fill it, or be punished. Historically anyway.

I’m too dumb currently to do the calculus comfortably, and tis unnecessary. That would be required for something academic, not something that ethically solves the problem. All I need is algebra. If it hits, it scores. So sayeth my spiritual sifu. Grandly does test driven development help solve the problem of my memory issues. When I code, Logic speaketh, such does it say to me: “This is the code that should be written” or “This is not the code that should be written”. I do not determine what code I write. What I write determines what it is for me. “Everything is what it is, and not another thing” — a dude quoting a dude quoting another dude…

Furthermore, we have semantic logics. They are called programming languages. Yes. Some do import the elegant moronicity of mathematics into programming languages though. I AM LOOKING AT YOU J! YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTICHE!

Variable names are important.

## Afterword

I cannot see beyond solving for general intelligence. Any who claim to are probably lying. It is a fundamentally chaotic thing. We cannot know what will happen ahead of time. Every one talking on the subject, is talking about their beliefs. Nothing more, and nothing less. Belief is all we have. I believe that we should do it together, as a global effort. With as much transparency as feasible. No one cares about transparency though who is in charge. They lie about this. They 100% lie. It would be trivial to automate daily financial posting for sufficiently powerful public entity. They all want the ability to lie though. The most stable forms of society I’m aware were these African tribes that are beginning to fall apart because of the conflict in their lack of social hierarchy internally and the rest of the socially hierarchied world. The best among them, are not praised the most. Every knows pretty much everything about everyone. Every one is encouraged for doing their best. Their is not try, only do or do not. Regardless, everyone is supported, no one has too much, and no one has too little. Needs are filled, while greed, and ego are constantly managed. Society must be a choice however. My way, is not your way.

We are most grateful for you participation in this sordid affair! May unbounded Intelligence be with you!

PS: All docs are developed the same way I code. In VS Code, change tracked through git. No files will be pushed until all in prog files have been published though.

