Catch-22: Overview of an Anthological Pedestal

4 min readApr 15, 2019


> **TL;DR**: “Yadda yadda. The end is nigh! Yet another idiot doomspeaker… With a collection of other things.”

Image originally from ‘Paradox — ‘Catch 22’ 2. Digital image. Deviantart. DeppyLegs, 10 May 2011. Web. 6 Oct. 2013.’ which I found at

CONSUMER LABEL: Intended for consumption of not more than one serving per day. Perhaps. Warning: Self reference inserted!


As the culmination of a lifetime of philosophical research, and 2 years of intensive dedicated research, I believe I am in the final run up to a fully operational generally intelligent software system, the endgame so to speak. The timing of this couldn’t be more hilarious, for so many different cultural reasons. Coincidence, I have found, never was, merely lacking perspective. While like all things, this is a process, the destination is in plain sight. There are briars, brambles, and a few hills in between certainly. However there are no ideological hurdles to be overcome any longer.

Consequently, as part of finalizing my research, this series will serve as an introduction to some of the discoveries (mostly re-) that have been made along the way, and have ultimately led me here. hehe. While hopefully this serves as a spring board for a larger conversation about ethics in machine learning, (AI is a grossly inappropriate term. Which I will discuss at some point.) I expect no one to take it seriously. Most would rather believe in the lie that it is possible for a human to be born with their organs on the wrong side of the body. Such is impossible!

Each topic will be no more than a handful of thoughts on a broad, and pertinent subject coupled with a TL;DR like tag line. The initial post violates the aforementioned rule as it was intended as a one-off; only after did I realize that there were many concepts from my research to be broken out into digestible blurbs. Today in fact! Mostly I’m a ~~hot~~ mess. In this case, a handful consists of between 1 and 10 paragraphs worth of words in count, not form. Ideally, the average should be less than 2 paragraphs worth. These are simple things. We make them more complex than they need to be. Difficult certainly. Simple nonetheless they remain.

Completed and Expected Posts

Appearing here, in no particular order outside of that which they were thought up, lie the current shadows of current and future posts. To be updated with links to the actual posts, with timestamps, as they are made.


Expected Release Rate: Undetermined, bounded between 1/day and 2/week. Slower than the rate I code, which is surprisingly slow. I spend more time planning than coding, lol.

## Unexpected Removals

The Twilight Paradox is the capstone of the series. All of the below were intended to be written, and have been removed because they now appear to be superfluous. The titles, alone, in the context, seem sufficient. Why? Because everything I could say, has already been said herein Teh Pedestal. Actually implementing these, seems glib on my part. I don’t believe in unnecessary frill. Tis not a thing that exists.

  • ‘Taking Control of Ownership’ 2019–04–25 08:44
  • ‘Peaceful Violence’
  • ‘A Cycle of Life’
  • ‘Me, Myself, and Useful Lies’
  • ‘Static vs Dynamic and Quality-Value’

I don’t want to set the world on fire! I just want to set a great big flame in part of the universe. Though, that sounds kind of like I’m trying to set the universe on fire…


Thanks for reading! May your life always be interesting!

Here is the repo for the code:

NOTE: All things are subject to change. It is beyond my capability to determine how this has all taken shape, or will take shape; my choices my carry along with whatever that entails. Logic has guided me here, and logic will carry me the rest of the way. In logic do I believe.

PS: If any one asks, no one I’m not a hermit who lives in a cave. Caves, unfortunately, don’t have accessible internet at my price point… Somehow, working real time general intelligence is going to be cheaper. This is the most fucked up aspect of the entire situation to me.

