Behind That Mask We Wear

Trying to hide the real me

Barbara Carter
8 min readNov 23, 2022


DISGUISE 18 x 18 fabric art by Barbara Carter 1988. Photo by Barbara Carter

While working towards my first show as an artist, I was in the grey area of my life. Not knowing what to expect. Learning from people with more experience. Trying to figure out what face to show the world.

I needed to feel safe, and what better way than to hide behind a mask.

I started working on my next piece. A sad, crying face. It seemed too simplistic. So, I put a big smile on the face, the opposite of the ceramic tragedy comedy mask hanging on my living room wall.

Perfect! No one would know what I was feeling. Whether I’m laughing or crying. Happy or sad. It was the perfect disguise.

I chose the title Disguise for this artwork. Only it took months before I noticed I’d misspelled the word. Used a “q” instead of a “g”.

Was I crying tears of joy? Tears of sadness? Fake tears? Or tears held in for so long they had to find a way out.

Life seemed to be about hiding how we feel. Hiding true feelings. Presenting ourselves as others expect us to be. If they want a smile, we give them a smile.

I was still feeling so exposed from the previous Coming Out artwork. Feared what my images might reveal about me.



Barbara Carter

Memoir. Life Lessons. Creativity. Art. Healing. Relationships. Books.