Beam Notifications Unpacked!

Beam Privacy
3 min readMay 7, 2020


The latest Beam wallet comes with push notifications and price indicators, without any privacy leaks.

The beauty of the Beam wallets speak for themselves, and a lot of this boils down to the great community we have, and the keen eyes they bring with them.

But is it just the outer beauty you care for, or is it what’s on the inside that counts?

Beam brings both! So let’s get up close and personal, with the wallets we’ve come to love.

First things first:


If you don’t have one, what are you waiting for?

Download it now and make it yours!


Right on! Now that we have that sorted, let’s take a peak under the hood and see what’s making them churn. The latest release comes with some fresh new features to keep us all happy. First thing we can notice - a new tab on the desktop client.

🔔 Notifications 🔔

If you jump in and and take a look, you will see an overview of what’s been happening inside your wallets. Of course it depends on your usage, but this is where you will see transactions sent, transactions received, and expired addresses.

What types of notifications are there?
  • BTC or USD prices - Beam wallet can now show your balance in BTC or USD. These prices are pushed out to conveniently see how much your Beam is worth, or how much you’re sending.
  • Transaction and address status - Get notified when transactions have completed, and addresses have expired
  • Wallet Releases - Always have the latest and greatest of what Beam has to offer.

The possibilities:
The notification system can also be used for such things as ‘Beam News’ to keep the community up to date with import events, e.g., the upcoming Beam Hard Fork at block 777777! The fork requires users to update their wallets to be able to send and receive Beam, due to the consensus breaking upgrades that come with it. Such important events may in the future have notifications sent out to the wallets, so users can keep up to date with the latest important news from Beam.

Make the wallet yours!

The notifications are all configurable, to give users the best wallet experience possible.

How do they work? 

Some of the Beam Notifications are internal to the wallet, for example the address expiration, and transaction statuses. Others harness the same SSBS that is used for addressing and the Atomic Swap board. It pushes out the necessary information to the wallet, in a decentralised manner.

With the messages being pushed out via SBBS it avoids privacy leaks that are often found when wallets pull the price and other data from a source like an exchange. They were designed in this way to protect against such leaks, as privacy is of the utmost importance to Beam, as you all know.

To our knowledge, there are no wallets, privacy focused or otherwise, that have such a system to give users important information in their wallets, without compromising their privacy.
Beam notifications are all push, no pull!

This is one of the many new features that makes the wallets ever so smooth, while maintaining privacy. A lot more where this came from, so stay tuned and see you soon.

Beam on!


Any feedback, questions, concerns or problems?

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