NFT Halloween Competition Winners + Beam NFT Marketplace

Beam Privacy
4 min readNov 2, 2021


Beamers! We’re exhilarated to see your wild, comical and spooky imaginations run free! The Beam Halloween NFT Competition comes to a close! Alas, there can only be 3 winners despite many honorable mentions! The winners are:

Ball by Karen 🥇 (2,000 Beam)

Beam Girl in halloween by Stone Ocean🥈 (1000 Beam)

Beamr Whale #1🥉 (500 Beam)

Congratulations! Check your emails soon for your hard-earned $BEAM bounty.

An unfortunate nuance was brought to our attention and became clear during the duration of the competition, that the onchain voting could be gamed, with users being able to spin up new wallets to cast multiple votes on their own NFT submissions.

In hindsight, this was overlooked especially given the Beam bounties at stake. The main intention and goal of the competition was; to have some fun and bring attention to the newly launched Beam NFT’s. Despite this, and as this was indeed a testing phase, it has been decided that we must honour the voting system as it stands with the winners decided solely by the onchain vote. Also, given our loose wording in the rules advisory, those who didn’t incorporate Beam girl or BeamX logos into their image, are also eligible for the prize fund and we have not restricted any entries to be valid competition submissions. We have learned a lot from the experience, apologise to our community for the oversight and we will strive onwards to a better experience all round!

Whats next for the Beam NFT Market place

Now that the competition is over and voting is disabled, we will not upload anymore NFTs until we introduce the next NFT Marketplace update (NFT Marketplace BETA), so what are the main changes:

  • By the next Marketplace release the 6.2 version will be released to Desktop, Mobile and WebWallet with an improved user experience
  • Integration with IPFS or other storage solutions to keep NFTs off-chain in a decentralized manner
  • Minting capabilities from within the wallet
  • Curation
  • Improved design supporting full screen display, and allowing the marketplace to be viewed without connecting Beam Web Wallet
  • GIF support
  • Better sorting and pagination

We do not have an ETA for the beta release given the number of unknown factors, but rumour is there are some play to earn games coming in the near future to keep us busy in the meantime!

With all this in mind, there is a Beam forum post up in which we are looking to solicit feedback and ideas on the Beam NFTs and the Marketplace. A great chance to sign up if you haven’t already, and play your part in shaping the future of confidential NFTs!

Honorable Mentions:

There are many amazing pieces that got many votes and even changed hands during this short time frame, here are a handful we think deserve a shout out:

First NFT created, and first NFT sold on Beam:

Was 2nd place by vote, but was minted by a Beam Team member who decided to pass on the rewards to the next in line:

Many votes but just missing out on the winning podium was the Zeam Dog:

A great NFT collection already bootstrapping awareness and support
The BEAMVerse Inhabitant are selling within blocks of being listed!

SDKC coming in with an amazing Halloween collection, featuring a squid game dog

Beam Punks in all their glory

An absolutely gorgeous horse collection:

Thanks to all those involved and we are looking forward to what is to come. Full steam ahead!

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