Digital Freedom — Your guide to the Underground Railroad

Beating BigTech
5 min readSep 27, 2021


Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

The BigTech overlords think they have enslaved you. Trapped you in their “ecosystems” where you have no choice but to accept whatever punishment they dish out. They think they can censor you, brainwash you, deceive you, lie to you, play with words and half truths, and feed you selective information 1984 style. The think they can steal your data and sell it to the highest bidder with no consequence. But they are wrong.

Join the Underground Railroad

Right now there is a group of over 40,000 people planning the escape path and lending their support to this Underground Railroad. Over 4,000 people are actively helping each other find their way to Digital Freedom. Answering questions, providing directions, warning of pitfalls, helping you know when to take the next step, sharing success stories, and building an infrastructure for you to escape from BigTech slavery to Digital Freedom.

You are not alone

80% of people are desperate to escape the clutches of BigTech. The 40,000 people referenced above are just a small part of this movement. It is not confined to one country. Look around the world, there are riots in the streets in so many countries around the world as people fight against vaccine passports, mandates, lock downs (all being enforced with the help of BigTech) — confused why the mainstream media is not exposing their plight and angry at Social Media companies like Facebook and Twitter for censoring them when they try and tell their story.

Believe we can win

If the success stories being shared by everyday people like you are not enough to convince you, look at the victories being achieved around the world through the legal system and legislation. There will not be a single knock out blow in this battle, this war will be won through one small victory after another. Victories by people like you and the people who you share this guide to the underground railroad to digital freedom.

Action, Action, Action

This battle will be won by actions. Talking a good game is not enough. Here are 5 actions you can take right now that will set you well on your way to Digital Freedom.

5 big steps to digital freedom

Step 1 — Protect your IP Address

Step 2 — Protect your email, documents, and family photos & videos

Step 3 — Start using Linux on your computers

Do not let Microsoft, Google, & Apple control your computers. Making the switch to Linux is easier today then it has been in the past. Plus there are a lot of people willing to help you make the switch and it is free.

Step 4— Don’t let BigTech use your phone to spy on you, track you, and steal your data

Step 5 — Establish a direct connection with your trusted sources of news and information

Bonus Step — Spend as little as $3 to provide extra protection

With Freedom comes choice

As you board this railroad, you are going to be amazed at all the choices available to you. You are going to go from feeling like you are trapped and locked in to one or two alternatives to seeing a whole range of possibilities. The purpose of this guide is to help you narrow that range of possibilities to a few good choices you can act on now and be successful.

Trust but verify.

A former President once said “Trust but verify”. That applies to every step you make along this underground railway to digital freedom.

Arrogance blinds our enemy

This might be an “underground” railroad, but we are travelling in plain site. You see, BigTech is so arrogant that they do not believe it is possible for you to escape their clutches. So we do not need to hide what we are doing — we just need to start doing.

Gather your friends

The more people who join this underground railroad, the faster we will defeat BigTech. So share this guide with your friends, share you successes, offer them help — bring them along with you.

Explain our plight to politicians

Most politicians do not understand technology. Most of their social media accounts are run by their staff. We need to explain the changes we need in simple terms everybody can understand — even politicians and regulators. Check out The Digital Freedom Agenda where we are compiling key issues and explaining them in everyday language. We also link to examples of law and regulation around the world that is helping citizens free themselves from the clutches of BigTech.

Travel safe my friend.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Writer and family members do not hold any financial interest in the businesses manufacturing, developing, and/or selling any of the products or services mentioned in this article. Nor are we compensated in any way e.g. commission or affiliate program if you decide to purchase these products or services.

Digital Freedom — Your guide to the Underground Railroad (text only, excluding videos and graphics) © 2021 by Beating Big Tech is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International



Beating BigTech

Creating an action plan to take back our data, our freedom, and our way of life.