20 Ways to Dominate 2020 in Business & Life

Bedros Keuilian
5 min readMar 4, 2020


You want to dominate your market and your life, and the time to start is now.

It’s a new year. A new decade. A new chance to make right what all those wrongs in the past. But this year, those tired New Year’s resolutions won’t cut it. And you won’t see growth by hoping for a better outcome this time around.

If you want to grab 2020 by the horns and make it the year that everything changes, you’ve got to focus. You’ve got to commit to the work that’s necessary to get and stay on top. You’ve got to make a contract with yourself to give everything you’ve got every single day, even when you feel like shit.

If you make this commitment, you’ll dominate every day of 2020. And it starts with twenty very specific tasks.

How to dominate in business (and life)

1. Do the things you said you’d do, but didn’t do in 2019. Hungry people dream big dreams. They set ridiculous goals. And they reach them. If you had big plans for 2019 and missed the mark, you’re at a crossroads. You can get bummed out and give up or you can get energized and go at it like never before. If you want to own 2020, you can’t afford to sit around crying about last year. Get to work.

2. Audit your circle of influence. You’ve GOT to surround yourself with the right people. Cut out negative losers who don’t match up with your values. Make new friends if you have to, and make sure they bring positive, kick-ass energy to the table.

3. Check your self talk. Outside influences aren’t the only thing to protect against. Your inner monologue can ruin things just as easily. Because the conversation you have with yourself today has the biggest impact on who you become tomorrow. Be positive, and kick your inner bitch in the teeth every time it tries bringing you down.

4. Stop procrastinating and start doing. Researching and thinking are important. But too many people do this for way too long, and there’s no getting that time back. If you have an idea, put it into action. If it’s a flop, learn from the failure. Make adjustments and try it again. Then keep tweaking it for maximum ROI.

5. Put your focus on others. You’ll only succeed if you improve the lives of others. Want more money, fame, and significance? Start delivering more value and results. Everything else will come.

6. Stop being needy! Looking for validation and approval from other people is like drinking salt water. It leaves you thirsty and wanting more. Learn to self-validate. It’s the ONLY way to find long-term significance and satisfaction.

7. Stop being lazy. The world’s full of dumbasses who spend their lives talking shit and doing nothing about it. Don’t be one of them.

8. Put yourself in pain’s path. To achieve serious growth, the kind that expands your mental and physical strength, get off the couch. Find ways to suffer. Challenge yourself, get uncomfortable, and lean into adversity. It’s the fastest way to self-actualization.

9. Forget the online fakery. Likes and follows don’t buy groceries. So take all that time and money you spend to look like a phony baller on Instagram and invest it in your personal growth and business. That’s where you’ll find the highest ROI.

10. Wake up when your friends and peers are still asleep. Go to bed at a decent time, wake up early, and get to work. You’ll think clearly and be hours ahead of your competition.

11. Build a morning routine that positions you to win each day. Drink a glass of water, read something, work out — whatever powers you up to dominate the market and your day. Then do that same routine all 366 days of 2020.

12. Stack little wins all day long. Owning 2020 starts by owning today. Focus on picking up a win first thing in the morning, then keep the wins coming. By the time you hit the hay, your day will be full of little wins that pile up day after day until you win the whole year.

13. Eat clean, train hard, and stay lean and aggressive. There’s an intense connection between your mind and body. To dominate in business and life, get your body in fighting shape. It’ll give you the stamina and clarity to take on whatever obstacles come your way.

14. Be polite, serve others, open doors, shake hands, and make eye contact. There was a time when everyone did this. Guess what? Successful people still do.

15. Write down your goals. Be specific, read your goals daily, and act on them with violent urgency. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, so MAKE TODAY COUNT!

16. Trim the fat out of your life. It’s not what you ADD to your life but what you REMOVE that counts. Learn to say NO so you can focus on things that move the needle and help you do the most good for the most people.

17. Thank the people who help you. I practice gratitude every morning by shooting a thank-you text or note to someone. It only takes a few minutes, but it keeps me humble and grateful. No matter who you are, you wouldn’t be where you are without help. Thank the people who made it possible and be the kind of person who others will one day thank.

18. Level up your leadership. No matter what your situation is, leadership is always the problem, and it’s always the solution. Up your leadership game and you’ll manhandle those HR, parenting, and relational issues.

19. Turn off your notifications. A bunch of “gurus” want you to turn notifications on so they can interrupt you with their messages. Don’t be a dumbass. Take control of your life and stop screen sucking like a crack addict.

20. Remember you’re the CEO of your life. Act like it and don’t be a little bitch. Take command of every day, don’t accept mediocrity from yourself or others, and never stop pushing yourself to improve.

Do these twenty things and I guarantee you’ll see results. You’ll build your business empire, live your dream life, and find something so many never do: contentment.



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.