Want a Better Life? Go to Bed Exhausted

Bedros Keuilian
4 min readMay 21, 2020


COVID-19 is making life hell for a lot of people. But let’s be honest. Life has always been difficult, and there will always be shit to deal with. If your day-today is a cakewalk, you’re not digging in deep. You either don’t care enough about your work, your family, or your neighbors.

Soon as you start caring, you realize how much work it takes to find real success in any area of life. And I’m talking about the kind of work that makes everything else look like play. I’m talking about EXHAUSTING work.

Feeling scared? It’s because you’ve bought into the lie that ease and comfort are king. That we were put here to find and follow the path of least resistance.

I’m here to tell you the exact opposite, that you were designed to work hard. When you dig into hard work, you fulfill your purpose. Then you’re able to provide for your family, serve others, and keep a clear head in the process.

So if you want to make more money, have more confidence, avoid depression, and serve others, prepare to go to bed exhausted. Every. Single Day.

What working hard looks like

Anyone who wants to succeed in life and business works like no one else. Fighter jets run the world, and none of them screw around with the time they’ve got. Because they know time is a limited commodity. Once it runs out, there’s no more of it.

That’s why they work like every day matters. And I’m not talking about pulling 12-hour shifts or getting a really good workout in.

I’m talking about real work, done to the point of exhaustion, where you KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that you paid your dues today. These are the days when you give everything you’ve got, and they’re the ones that count. Because these are the days that move the needle!

Expectations and standards are far too low for most people. Spending three hours working on a selfie to post on Instagram isn’t work. Running from meeting to meeting, checking email and sending texts isn’t either. It might be necessary, but that’s actually the stuff you do between work.

I used to mistake being tired or putting in hours at the office for real work. As a result, I’d look down on clowns that didn’t look as busy as me. Attitude is bullshit!

Hard work starts with high standards

Maybe your standards were set low by your parents. Maybe you picked them up from teachers who said you couldn’t be anything. Maybe your peers celebrate mediocrity and laziness. Or maybe you fear hard work, so you set your own low standards. I don’t know.

But I do know that if you’re a grown adult and you don’t go to bed physically and mentally exhausted each day because you really put out, then YOU DIDN’T DO ENOUGH! You may have given a great presentation or talked your way into a raise, but if you don’t collapse in your bed, YOU DIDN’T DO ENOUGH!

When you don’t do enough, your subconscious knows it. Eventually, that knowledge works its way into your consciousness. When this happens, you start feeling worthless, like a fraud.

Unfortunately, that negative self-talk trickles down to every area of life.

When you feel worthless and like a fraud, you begin to feel depressed and anxious.

When you feel depressed and anxious, you can’t produce your best work.

When you don’t produce your best work, you leave money on the table, erode your self-confidence and self-worth, and put relationships on the chopping block.

Exhaustion is not a secret path

Everyone’s looking for the secret to confidence, more money, and a sense of significance. You can read millions of books on these topics, but you can save yourself time by realizing there is no secret!

You either go HARD in every category of life and go to bed EXHAUSTED with a sense of REAL accomplishment or you go to bed tired and feeling like a worthless POS. Realizing you could have done more to push yourself, your business, your relationships.

If no one in your life will call you out on this, I will! And I’m not doing it to beat you down. I don’t want you to curl up and die. I want you to get up and kick this day in the teeth! I want you to work your ass off like you never have before. That’s what winners do, and I want you to be a winner!

I wish someone had called me out 15 years ago. When I wasn’t going to bed exhausted, when I felt like a fraudulent POS every day, I needed someone to give me a wake-up call. I needed someone to tell me I was the lazy dumb ass I felt like.

I needed someone to tell me that while I felt worthless, that could change.

If I would get up, put in the REAL work, do the things that will really help me grow as a person and move the needle on my business ventures and strengthen my marriage and other relationships, I wouldn’t feel like a fraud. Because I wouldn’t be.

Now that I’ve started going to be exhausted, I’ll NEVER AGAIN let laziness creep in. I’ll NEVER AGAIN take the easy way when a better way is available. I’ll NEVER AGAIN let a small problem fester and put my relationships at risk. I’ll NEVER AGAIN be cautious when growing my business empire. And you shouldn’t be either.

Find the work that improves your life and business, and do THAT work! It may be work you’d rather ignore, but once you put you get into the grind, you’ll start kicking ass. You’ll take giant steps toward giant success. And you’ll go to bed exhausted, knowing you did the things that will change your world forever.



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.